sábado, 28 de novembro de 2009

Polanski's temptation II

Director Roman Polanski Arrested in Switzerland

September 27, 2009 -- 9:16 AM PDT by Jefferson Reid

Accepting a lifetime achievement award may have just become the blunder of a lifetime for director Roman Polanski. Or at least one of the blunders of his lifetime.

Upon arriving in Switzerland on his way to receive a film award at the Zurich Film Festival, the 76-year-old director was taken into custody by Swiss authorities on a U.S. warrant related to his statutory rape conviction more 30 years ago. According to People online and other reports, Swiss police are holding Polanski for extradition to the U.S.

Swiss authorities say they will not release Polanski, a French citizen, until the extradition process is complete, including a possible appeal by Polanski in Swiss courts. The director of films such as Chinatown and Rosemary's Baby (and a 2003 Oscar winner for The Pianist), Polanski fled the U.S. in 1978 before his sentencing was complete for the crime of having sex with a 13-year-old girl in California.

Polanski pled guilty to one of six counts and had served the 42-day sentence that prosecutors had agreed to for the crime, but the director, apparently believing the judge was about to renege on the plea bargain agreement and throw him back in jail, fled the country.

In recent years Polanksi had requested that the old case be dismissed, but the U.S. judge hearing the appeal insisted Polanksi appear in person to make his case. The director declined, reportedly fearing arrest.


19 September, 2005

Graydon Carter

How I spent my summer vacation in London being sued by Roman Polanski — and what I learned about "solicitors," pub food, and the British chattering class

Why should Dominick have all the fun? On a London morning in mid-July, a week and a half after the transit bombings, I found myself in Courtroom No. 13 of the Royal Courts of Justice as Vanity Fair defended itself in a libel action brought by the film director Roman Polanski, a fugitive from American justice who has been living in France for the past 27 years. That an American magazine could be brought to trial in an English court by a man who resides in France is one of the many vagaries of the British legal system. But more of that later.

Sadly, there are lots of things I can't say in this column without upsetting the courts. I will say this about the British courts: in rig and finery, they do not disappoint. Court No. 13 was a beautiful Victorian paneled room, decorated to the hilt with wigs, flowing robes, barristers, solicitors, and lots of "If it pleases m'Lord" this and "Yes, m'Lord" that. Very Witness for the Prosecution, except, blessedly, with air-conditioning.

In the British court system, you have two kinds of lawyers for each side: the solicitor, who gathers the facts of the case, and the barrister, who delivers the argument. During the actual trial, the solicitors sit in the front row, and the barristers sit behind them, standing when addressing the judge or the jury. Unlike American courts, where many statements are interrupted with an "Objection," followed by an "Objection sustained" or an "Objection overruled" from the judge, English courts, or at least the one I attended, are much more mannered. Barristers for both sides delivered their cases and completed their cross-examinations calmly and virtually without interruption from the other camp. It probably does not play out as well on television, but up close it's more relaxed. Unless you are the plaintiff. Or the defendant.

Where British libel law differs from American law is in the area of burden of proof. In the U.S. it lies with the plaintiff; in the U.K., with the defendant. American law requires that the plaintiff prove not only that written statements are incorrect but also, in the case of a public figure, that the publication knew this when it printed them and thus did so with malice. British law requires the defendant to prove that what was printed was correct.

Our case hinged on a few sentences buried within a 17-page story on Elaine's, the famed New York literary restaurant which celebrated its 40th anniversary two years ago. The story, which appeared in our July 2002 issue, was written by A. E. Hotchner, the distinguished journalist and author who had been Ernest Hemingway's pal and had written a memoir of their friendship.
Deep into the V.F. article was an anecdote told by Lewis Lapham, the editor of Harper's magazine and an Elaine's regular. He said that the only time he remembered the place being hushed was when Roman Polanski had walked in not long after the brutal murder of his wife, the actress Sharon Tate, in August 1969. According to Lapham, the director had stopped in New York while on his way from London to Los Angeles, where his wife's funeral was to be held. Lapham went on to relate how Polanski joined his table and seated himself between Lapham and a Scandinavian model who was there with Lapham's friend Edward Perlberg. Lapham claimed that he saw Polanski make a pass at the model, invoking the name of his wife as he did so. Polanski denied that the incident ever took place, and sued the magazine in England for libel for the edition published there.

I first met Polanski a dozen or so years ago in Paris and have certainly admired his work as a director. We have friends in common, such as Robert Evans, who produced Polanski's film Chinatown and was head of production at Paramount when Polanski made Rosemary's Baby for the studio. At dinner one night in Los Angeles, a year or so after the suit was filed, Warren Beatty, another of Polanski's chums, urged me to consider settling the case, arguing forcefully that Polanski truly believed the magazine had wronged him. And a year and a half ago, at a dinner for Diane von Furstenberg in Paris, I talked with Polanski at length about the suit. We were still in the process of gathering our information, and I thought there might be a way of resolving it outside of court. There are some cases that are important to fight, but I didn't really think this was one of them. Except for the fact that, once our evidence had been collected, I believed that the gist of our story was true, and I wasn't going to say otherwise.

I was buoyed by the fact that our chief witness would be Lapham himself, a patrician throwback to old-school editing values of intellect, curiosity, smoking, and drinking. He is a man of the utmost integrity.

Which brought us all to Courtroom No. 13, presided over that week by the Honorable Mr. Justice Eady, resplendent in his wig and silk robe with a sash and magnificent mauve cuffs. Our team comprised our solicitor, David Hooper, whom I have worked with for more than a decade, and our barrister, Tom Shields, Q.C.—or Queen's Counsel. Shields is the son of the former managing director of Associated Newspapers, owners of the Daily Mail. He has a posh accent, and I was told that he owns his own cricket pitch—in American terms, his own baseball diamond.
Polanski was represented by John Kelsey-Fry, also a Q.C. He is a barrister with a background in criminal law who once prosecuted one of the Kray brothers. I liked that. I also liked the fact that he smoked. He looked a bit like Anthony Newley. And he looked like a man who wanted to win.

The jury selection produced what would be one of many disappointments for us. British courts don't feature the sort of jury-interview process we have in America. Rather, the names of potential jurors are put on pieces of paper. They are then crudely shuffled by the court clerk, and the first 12 names are called out. Hoping for a female majority, we got instead three women and nine men. Most of the men were young.

Prior to the trial, Polanski had gotten around a major obstacle. If he sued in the U.S. and showed up in person, he would likely be arrested for a crime committed more than a quarter of a century before. If he sued in the U.K. and showed up in person, he would run the risk of extradition back to the United States. Polanski's lawyers argued that for him to get a fair hearing he should be allowed to fight his case in the U.K. from the safety of France. The House of Lords, in a landmark decision, by a majority of three to two, overruled the Court of Appeal, which had unanimously ruled against Polanski's being allowed to give his evidence from France.
A video link between Paris and London, by which Polanski could both be interviewed and watch the proceedings, was set up. For my part, I felt this put us at a disadvantage, in that the jury could not see him except when he was testifying. They could not watch his face, or his mannerisms, as the case unfolded.

Polanski, still handsome and animated at 71, was a superb witness. During his first day of testimony, he stood for a while and then politely asked the court's permission to sit down. Ever the director, by the second day he was already seated when the testimony began, and the camera had seemingly been moved in closer, so that he appeared larger on the screen. On the witness stand, Polanski denied that he had tried to seduce the Scandinavian model, calling the anecdote "an abominable lie" which showed "callous indifference" to his wife's murder. He admitted under cross-examination, however, that a month after his wife's murder he had begun having sex again, on a casual basis. He also admitted that he had been in Elaine's "around that period," in August 1969, but said that the only time he had gone there he had been with Mia Farrow.

Farrow came to give testimony on his behalf, and her arrival caused a commotion both outside the courthouse and within Court No. 13. She is still child-like at 60 and came across as slightly dazed and waifish. Farrow, who in 1968 had starred in Rosemary's Baby, recalled meeting Polanski at Elaine's after Tate's death. She testified that he was a wreck when she saw him.
Asked if she had remained with him the whole night, Farrow said that she wasn't sure, but that she thought her then boyfriend, the conductor André Previn, had picked them up. According to her original statement, she thought they might have dropped Polanski off at his hotel, the Essex House, on Central Park South, before driving to the airport for a flight to Martha's Vineyard. As most New Yorkers know, going from Elaine's, on Second Avenue and 88th Street, to Central Park South and then out to La Guardia in time for a dusk flight to the Vineyard would have meant that her dinner with Polanski would probably have had to end in the early evening. (Note to midwestern readers: This would seem unlikely, as Elaine's doesn't start hopping until 9 or 10.)

I felt that both Lapham and Perlberg proved to be solid, thoughtful witnesses. Lapham recounted the evening at Elaine's in terms similar to those which had appeared in the article. Confronted with the fact that Polanski had flown directly from London to Los Angeles after hearing of his wife's murder, Lapham admitted that it was impossible for the incident to have occurred before the burial of Sharon Tate, that it must have happened on Polanski's way back to London. Perlberg, a friend of Lapham's, is now a retired Wall Street executive. The London tabloids referred to him as a "financier." He recalled the evening as well. He testified that he did not see or hear Polanski's reported advances on his date. But Perlberg said that he did recall Polanski's sitting beside her and that she stood up suddenly and asked to leave.

Polanski said that he could barely recall a thing about his time in New York during that period. (Indeed, in his earlier letters of complaint, he said he had no memory of having been in New York at the time.) He was dependent on Farrow's recollections. Our two witnesses spoke with confidence about what they saw and heard that night, but they were rigorously cross-examined on the details of the evening.
Now is as good a time as any to review why the man whose good name we were accused of besmirching and on whose reputation the jury had to place a value could not be in the courtroom that week. In early 1977, Polanski, then 43, had been hired to photograph some girls for a French fashion magazine. He was directed to one young girl, whom he met with her mother at their home in Woodland Hills, in Los Angeles. The girl was 13. She had a dog and a pet bird. "I was rather disappointed," Polanski wrote in his autobiography. "[She] was about my own height, slim and quite graceful, with an unexpectedly husky voice for her age—a good-looking girl, but nothing sensational."

A week after that first encounter, Polanski drove back to the girl's house in his rented Mercedes, and the pair went for a walk in the hills so that he could take some photographs. According to the girl's subsequent grand-jury testimony, he told her to take off her top, and he shot her breasts.
A few weeks later Polanski turned up at the house in Woodland Hills again and said that he was going to take her to see a friend and that he wanted to shoot some more pictures, but that they had to hurry because the afternoon light was fading. The girl wanted to bring along a friend as a chaperone, she recalled in a recent interview, but Polanski talked her out of it. Her mother was unaware that she was alone with Polanski.

He drove her to his friend's house and began photographing her. Polanski poured her a glass of Cristal champagne from a bottle he had found in the fridge and refilled her glass from time to time. Polanski then led her outside to take pictures of her in a Jacuzzi. He produced a yellow vial, and they each took a part of a Quaalude. She said he urged her to remove more and more of her clothes until she was completely naked. According to the girl, Polanski began taking nude photos of her in the hot tub. And then he took his clothes off and joined her. When he attempted to grope her, she said, she rushed out and went inside to dry off. Polanski followed her into a bedroom, kissed her, and began to perform oral sex on her. She said she asked him to stop several times, whereupon he began to have intercourse with her. When he discovered that she was not on the pill, Polanski, ever the gentleman, withdrew, and then proceeded to sodomize the 13-year-old. Afterward, as he drove her home, the girl recalled, Polanski said: "Don't tell your mother about this, and don't tell your boyfriend, either. This is our secret."
The case absolutely floored the American public, even in the sexually libertine days of the late 1970s. Polanski was indicted on six counts—including sodomy and rape by use of drugs. After negotiations, he was allowed to plead guilty to one count of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor, and the other charges were dropped. He spent a total of 42 days in jail undergoing psychiatric tests before fleeing the country in fear of a stiff prison sentence.

Under English law, the jury in London was permitted to hear only the outline of the formal conviction and not the background to the offense as testified to by the girl in front of the grand jury. The details I've mentioned could not be published in the U.K. during Polanski's suit against Vanity Fair; after the verdict, the reporting restrictions were lifted.

Thursday was the day for the barristers to wrap up their arguments. Polanski's case essentially boiled down to his insistence that he could not have been so unfeeling as to use his late wife's name in the manner described by Lapham. And that the director had been at Elaine's, but that he had gone to the restaurant after Sharon Tate's funeral and not before it, as our story had said.
His lawyers further stated that the incident had not occurred at all and that the defense witnesses should not be believed. Our side agreed that we had gotten the timing on the story wrong, but maintained that the incident happened substantially as stated. Furthermore, Shields argued, Polanski did not have the sort of personal reputation that is capable of being sullied. He elaborated on this by pointing out that, since Polanski was suing in a British court, any damage to his reputation was limited to those readers living in England and Wales, countries Polanski had not visited for 27 years.

When the jury retired to deliberate, both sides repaired to the hallway outside the court, where they gathered in two groups. That morning, a mystery woman had appeared in court. Polanski had been represented by Debra Tate, Sharon's sister, who sat in court for most of the trial, and later by his third wife, the actress Emmanuelle Seigner. But this woman was new. She had hair to her shoulders and bangs. She looked to be in her 40s or 50s and had an ample chest. But she was dressed like a little girl, in a shirt with a Peter Pan collar, buttoned up to the top, and a long skirt. We were interested in finding out who she was.

By that point, I was not feeling particularly encouraged. But as we headed to lunch, I had a moment's uplift. A nice-looking older fellow who was part of the city's maintenance crew was walking toward us, moving at a brisk pace and talking on a cell phone. Barely looking at me, he said "Love your magazine" as he passed. I turned around and said "Thanks!" He didn't stop or even slow down.

The jury deliberations went into Friday. By lunchtime, we still didn't have a verdict, and so my wife and I slipped out a back entrance and ducked into a pub across the street for a quick bite. The place was called the Seven Stars, named not for its food but for the seven provinces of Denmark. It had been named four centuries ago, long before the courts were built, when a river ran through the area. We walked in and were confronted by the publican, a sturdy, cheerful woman with claret-colored hair.

"Well, if it isn't Mr. Graydon Carter himself," she said, clearly a businesswoman who keeps abreast of the goings-on across the street. "Welcome to the Elaine's of London!"

Her name was Roxy Beaujolais, and she cast her arm out in a gesture meant for me to take in the room. "And over here," she said, "is our literary table." She motioned in the direction of a small, circular table where two female office workers were polishing off lunch.

"Now, a gentleman such as yourself will, I expect, be wanting a table."
I indicated that this was indeed the case.

"Fine, then, let me show you to one of our terrace tables." We walked out onto the street, where on the narrowest of sidewalks was the narrowest of tables. We sat down. The table wobbled. As Roxy was running through the specials, a cab pulled up, and through the window I could see the passenger. It was the mystery woman from the day before. She got out and Roxy rushed over to give her a hug and a kiss. She introduced us.

"Mr. and Mrs. Graydon Carter, I'd like you to meet Marilyn Lownes." We all said hello, and the mystery lady, now dressed much more provocatively than the day before, went into the pub. "You know who she is, don't you?" Roxy asked. "No," I replied. She said Marilyn was the wife of Victor Lownes, part owner and manager way back when of the London Playboy Club, and a friend and consort of Polanski's. Victor Lownes was ill and could not attend the trial in support of his old chum, and so his wife came in his stead.

Roxy indicated that Mrs. Lownes was a public figure in her own right. "You know why, don't you?" I said I didn't. "Why, she's the first Playboy Playmate to go full-frontal. You know, the tits, the bush, the whole thing!" Roxy is a woman of rare candor and social observation.

The verdict was less entertaining than lunch. The jury found for Polanski and asked for damages of around $100,000—a quarter of the maximum the judge said was possible to award for very serious cases. The trial over, Lapham, Perlberg, and I left the Royal Courts of Justice. Ahead of us was the wall of reporters and photographers who had been there all week. Other days I had tried to walk straight ahead and not look too dopey. This time, I had to stop and give a comment. I said this: "I find it amazing that a man who lives in France can sue a magazine that is published in America in a British courtroom. As a father of four children—one of whom is a 12-year-old daughter—I find it equally outrageous that this story is considered defamatory, given the fact that Mr. Polanski can't be here because he slept with a 13-year-old girl a quarter of a century ago. Nevertheless, it is interesting to see how the wheels of British justice move. I wish Mr. Polanski well. Now, if you'll excuse me, we have a magazine to put out."

The final word on the case belonged to Samantha Geimer, the woman who said Polanski had raped and sodomized her those many years ago. Now a married mother of three and living in Hawaii, she had her own opinion of the verdict. "The libel case makes no sense," she told The Mirror. "Surely a man like this hasn't got a reputation to tarnish?"

I was stirred but not shaken by the verdict. Richard Ingram, founder of Private Eye, eventually relinquished the reins to Ian Hislop, a younger man, not because he was tired of editing the magazine, he told me once, but because he was tired of the libel suits. The landmark decision to allow plaintiffs to sue in England from the comfort of their homes elsewhere will turn the country's court system into a souk for those shopping their libel cases. I pray I never wind up in a British libel trial again. If I do, look out, Dominick!

Graydon Carter is the editor of Vanity Fair. His books include What We've Lost (Farrar, Straus and Giroux), a critique of the Bush administration, and Oscar Night: 75 Years of Hollywood Parties (Knopf).

quarta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2009

Roman Polanski's temptation I

Samantha Jane Gailey (married Geimer)
Thursday, March 24, 1977

December 2002, the grand jury testimony of Samantha Jane Gailey (married Geimer), the American victim of Polanski, was unsealed by Los Angeles Superior Court Judge David Wesley. Four months later, on the 23th of March 2003, the 2002 Academy Awards were presented at the Kodak Theatre. That’s the transcription of the testimony:

MR. GUNSON Samantha Gailey.

THE SERGEANT-AT-ARMS: Come in and face the foreman, please.


called as a witness before the Los Angeles County Grand Jury, was duly sworn as follows:
THE FOREMAN: Miss Galley, would you raise your right hand, please.
You do solemnly swear that the evidence you shall give in this matter now pending before the grand jury of the County of Los Angeles shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
THE FOREMAN: Thank you. Please be seated.
State your full name and speak directly into the microphone so everyone can hear you, please.
THE WITNESS: Now? Samantha Jane Gailey.


Q. Samantha Gailey, how old are you?
A. 13.
Q. You reside with your mother and your sister at a residence in Woodland Hills?
A. Yeah.
Q. Would you please answer yes or no.
A. Yes.
Q. On February 13, 1977, did you meet Mr. Roman Polanski at your residence?
A. Yes.
Q. Looking at this exhibit n.º 1 do you recognize the person depicted in that photograph?
A. Yeah, that’s Roman Polanski.
Q. Did Mr. Polanski at any time indicate to you that he wished to photograph you?
A. Yes.
Q. And when was that?
A. On the 13th of February.
Q. What did he say to you that indicated to you he had an interest in photographing you?
A. He showed me a Vogue Magazine that he had done and he said, “Would you like me to take your pictures?”
And I went, “Yes.”
Q. You answered “Yes”?
A. Uh-huh.
Q. Would you please answer yes or no.
A. Yes.
Q. On February 20th did you go with Mr. Polanski to have him take pictures of you?
A. Yes.
Q. Did you meet him in your residence on that day before leaving?
A. Yes.
Q. And what happened?
A. He came in, picked out same clothes and we just went up the hill.
Q. What clothes did he pick out?
A. I was wearing a pair of blue jeans and he took a white shirt and a patchwork blouse.
Q. Did you drive somewhere with Mr. Polanski?
A. Just about a block up to the end of our street.
Q. At any time did Mr. Polanski indicate to you the type of photographs that he wished to take of you?
A. No.
Q. After getting out of the car, what did you do?
A. We climbed up to the top of the hill.
Q. What happened then?
A. We weren’t exactly at the top but he took some pictures about halfway up. And then we just —we took more, another two rolls.
Q. What do you mean by “We took more”?
A. He took more. I posed for them.
Q. Did Mr. Polanski had a camera in his hand?
A. Yeah.
Q. Did you pose for him?
A. Yes.
Q. Did you pose at his direction?
A. Yes.
Q. What were the directions he gave you in posing?
A. Things like, you know, “Put on this shirt and don’t smile», you know.
Q. Did you change shirts?
A. Yes.
Q. Where did you change?
A. On the hill.
Q. Was that in view of Mr. Polanski?
A. Yes.
Q. What happened after you changed shirts?
A. We climbed up farther on the hill.
Q. What happened then?
A. We took some pictures by this tree.
Q. Approximately how many pictures did you take then?
A. I think he changed his camera film before we went up farther, before we got to that tree.
Q. So you think that he shot part of two rolls?
A. He shot two whole rolls.
Q. At any time did you pose without a top?
A. Yes.
Q. At that time were you wearing a bra?
A. No.
Q. So you were bare from the waist up?
A. Yes.
Q. Was that at his request or did you volunteer to do that?
A. That was at his request.
Q. What did Mr. Polanski say with respect to posing without anything on your top?
A. He said. “Here take off your top now”.
And I thought they were for, you know, the shots that you got so you don’t have anything on your shoulders.
Q. So what did you do?
A. I took off my shirt. I was standing close to a tree, the same tree.
Q. When you returned home, did you tell your mother that he had taken photographs of you without a top?
A. No.
Q. What was the reason that you did not tell your mother?
A. I wasn’t sure if I was going to or not. I was just going to say I don’t want to get any more pictures taken again.
Q. Whom were you going to tell that to?
A. My mom.
Q. Did Mr. Polanski return other day?
A. Yeah.
Q. Was that March 10th?
A. Yes.
Q. Was that to have some more photographs taken of you?
A. Yes.
Q. And that was by Mr. Polanski?
A. Yes.
Q. Looking at exhibit n.º 10, 18 slides, do these appear to be some of the slides that Mr. Polanski took of you on the 20th of February?
A. Yes. This is not all of them though. This was full before.
Q. Have you seen that box before?
A. Yes. It didn’t have this on it though. It was a different box.
Q. When you say “this”, are you referring to a label identifying it?
A. Yeah, uh-huh. But this was full before when I saw them.
Q. So it had approximately 36 slides it in?
A. I guess, yes.
Q. Did you look at all 36 of them at one time?
A. Yes.
Q. When was that?
A. That was in the car on the way to get my pictures taken again.
Q. Looking at exhibit n.º 1 containing two proof sheets, one with three exposures another with 35 exposures, do those appear to be poses that you made for Mr. Polanski on the 20th of February on the hill behind your residence?
A. Yeah, these are the pictures.
Q. Have you seen those before today?
A. Yes, I saw the slides of them.
Q. Have you ever seen the proof sheets before today?
A. No.
Q. When Mr. Polanski came on the 10th of 1977 to your residence, what if anything, did he say to you?
A. He was in a rush. He didn’t –
Q. What do you mean he was in a rush?
A. He went, “Let’s go. All the light is going down. Hurry up. Get your clothes.”
And I was going to say to him, “Can my friend come along”, but I didn’t because he was rushing me.
Q. And so did you leave with Mr. Polanski?
A. Yes.
Q. Did he indicate to you where he was going to go?
A. He said to his friend’s house.
Q. Did he say his friend’s name?
A. No.
Q. Did he indicate to you whereabouts that friend lived?
A. Not to me.
Q. Did you go to some house?
A. Yes.
Q. Do you know approximately where that house was?
A. I could find it. It is on the same road as Jack Nicholson’s house, just up farther.
Q. At any time did he indicate to you who lived at that residence?
A. I think he told me the person’s name when we got there. He introduced me to him. I don’t remember though.
Q. How many people were at that residence?
A. There was three guys and two girls.
Q. Did Mr. Polanski take pictures of you at that residence?
A. Yes.
Q. What were you wearing at the time that these photographs were taken of you at the first residence?
A. A white blouse and a pair of jeans.
Q. Is that white blouse and pair of jeans something that you had worn on February the 20th?
A. No.
Q. This was something different?
A. Yes.
Q. When you went on March 10th, what other clothes did you take other than the white top and the jeans?
A. I took a T-shirt and a Rugby shirt and I think another white – yeah, another white shirt.
Q. When you left on March 10th, what were you wearing?
A. I was wearing my jeans and I don’t remember what top I had on.
Q. Were you wearing a bra?
A. No.
Q. Were you wearing panties?
A. Yes.
Q. Do you remember what color those were?
A. Kind of rust or copper.
Q. Looking at People’s exhibit 4 for identification, does this appear to be the panties that you were wearing?
A. Yeah, yes.
Q. Looking at exhibit n.º 5, a dress, have you seen this dress before?
A. Yes, I was wearing it later on.
Q. Excuse me. Exhibit 3.
A. Yes, that’s the dress.
Q. Was this dress also taken from your residence on the 10th of March?
A. Yes.
Q. Did Mr. Polanski select the clothes that you took?
A. Yes.
Q. Was the dress one of the items that he selected to take?
A. Yes.
Q. How long were you at this residence talking photographs?
A. We were there about an hour, I think.
Q. Was there a conversation between you and Mr. Polanski about going to another residence?
A. When the light got too dim he said: “I’m going to call up Jack Nicholson and see if we can go down to his house.
Q. Did you see Mr. Polanski make a telephone call?
A. Yes.
Q. Did you overhear Mr. Polanski talking on the telephone?
A. Yes.
Q. Where were you when you overheard him speaking on the telephone?
A. I was standing about five feet away from him looking at some paintings.
Q. Was that in the same room?
A. Yes.
Q. What did you hear Mr. Polanski say?
A. I wasn’t really listening but he said something to the effect of “Can I come down and take same pictures?”
And then hung up and we left.
Q. Approximately how far did you drive?
A. We drove for about five minutes.
Q. Was this in Los Angeles County?
A. Yes, I think. I don’t know.
Q. Do you know approximately what area it was?
A. No.
Q. Do you know the name of the street?
A. No. Oh, wait. Mulholland.
Q. Did you know the address?
A. No.
Q. After being at the first residence, you drove to a second residence?
A. Yes.
Q. Did Mr. Polanski say anything about the residence when he drove up?
A. Say anything about it?
Q. Yes.
A. No, just that this is Roman Polanski’s – I mean, this is Jack Nicholson’s house.
And he pressed the button and someone goes: “Is this Roman?”
And he went, “Yeah.” And the gate opened.
Q. When you said someone said “Is this Roman”, did you see any persons around at that time?
A. No. It was through the intercom.
Q. When the gate opened up, what happened?
A. He drove in and we drove down to the house.
Q. Did you see any persons within the yard when you were driving to the house?
A. Yeah, a woman with black hair and she had two dogs.
Q. Do you know who that woman is?
A. No.
Q. Did you see that woman at later time?
A. She went in the house with us for about 15 minutes, but not after that.
Q. When Mr. Polanski parked the car, you got out of that car?
A. Yes.
Q. And you entered the residence with Mr. Polanski?
A. Yes.
Q. Where did you go inside the house?
A. We went to the sliding doors to go out to the patio. Like he was in the living room that he did his camera.
He put the lenses and stuff.
Q. Before doing that, did you have a conversation with Mr. Polanski and this woman that you met there?
A. No. They were talking. I was just sitting there looking around.
Q. Where did this conversation take place?
A.. In the living room right by the patio doors.
Q. What was the conversation at that time?
A. They were talking about the last time he had stayed at Jack Nicholson’s house, and that she was fixing up a room for the next time he came to stay for a while.
Q. At any time did Mr. Polanski offer you something to drink?
A. Yes. I think I said I was thirsty. And he went in the kitchen and this refrigerator~ it was full of juice and wine and soda and all this stuff. And he got out-- he got a bottle of champagne. And he said, ‘Should I open it?”
And I went, “I don’t care,” you know.
And so he asked the woman if it was all right. and she said it was.
Q. So did he open the bottle of champagne?
A. Yes.
Q. Do you know what kind of champagne it was?
A. It was 1971 something.
Q. What happened after he opened the bottle of champagne?
A. He poured three glasses, one for each of us.
Q. Did Mr. Polanski drink his glass of wine?
A. Yes.
Q. Excuse me, his champagne?
A. Yes.
Q. Did the lady who was also present drink any champagne?
A. She drank about half of her glass.
Q. Did you drink any champagne?
A. Yes.
Q. How much did you drink?
A. I don’t know. I had been finishing my glass and I was using it to pose in the pictures with. So I have no idea how much I drank.
Q. So after you had the drink of champagne, you went and took pictures?
A. Yes.
Q. Whereabouts did you go to take pictures?
A. To the corner of the patio by the pool.
Q. Was this inside or outside?
A. Outside.
Q. What were you wearing at the time that you arrived at the Nicholson residence?
A. The same blouse I wore for the pictures.
Q. Is that what you were wearing when you went out to the patio to take the pictures?
A. Yes.
Q. You had not changed at that time?
A. No.
Q. Did Mr. Polanski take pictures?
A. Yes.
Q. At that time did you have a glass in your hand?
A. No.
Q. Well, what type of poses did he request of you, if any?
A. He didn’t request any. I was just standing there.
Q. Did you see the lady that was there when you first arrived?
A. Yes.
Q. Was she out watching Mr. Polanski take the pictures?
A. No, she had left. She left just as he started taking pictures.
Q. Do you know where she went?
A. To work.
Q. How do you know that?
A. She said that she had to work, you know, and left.
Q. To your knowledge, were there any other person at the Nicholson residence after she left?
A. No.
Q. After taking pictures in the patio area, what happened?
A. We went inside and he started playing with his camera again. I think he changed lenses or something. And then we took some more pictures right inside the patio door.
Q. Was that wearing the same outfit that you had on when you arrived, the blue jeans and the blouse?
A. No.
Q. Pardon me?
A. No.
Q. Had you changed?
A. No. I didn’t have a shirt on. I was standing behind a lamp.
Q. Did you take your shirt off or did Mr. Polanski?
A. No, I did.
Q. Was that at his request or did you volunteer to do that?
A. That was at his request.
Q. Did you pose –
A. Yes.
Q. – at that time?
A. Yes.
Q. Did he direct you in any poses at that time?
A. Yes.
Q. What did he ask you to do, if anything?
A. He was saying things like, “Hold the champagne glass this way. Look this way.”
Q. After taking those photographs, what happened?
A. He went to show me this jacuzzi that Jack Nicholson has.
Q. Where is the jacuzzi located?
A. Outside the bathroom door.
Q. Looking at exhibit 12, does this appear to be the jacuzzi that Mr. Polanski showed you at the Nicholson residence?
A. Yes.
Q. What happened after he showed you the jacuzzi?
A. He said, “I want to take some pictures of you in this”.
Q. In what?
A. In the jacuzzi. He wanted to take some pictures in that.
Q. Did you have your top off at that time?
A. No, I had put it back on.
Q. Had you changed clothes?
A. Yes. I had hanged into the blue dress.
Q. At what point did you change into the blue dress?
A. Right after he was done taking my pictures by the lamp.
Q. Where did you change into the blue dress?
A. I think in the living room.
Q. Where was Mr. Polanski when you changed into the blue dress?
A. I’m not sure. I think he walked in the other room to do something.
Q. So you went out to the jacuzzi in your dress?
A. Yes.
Q. Did you have any pictures taken of you at that time?
A. Right before we went out to see the jacuzzi he had taken a few pictures in the kitchen.
Q. Was that with the dress on?
A. Yes.
Q. So when you went out to the jacuzzi you had on the blue dress?
A. Yes.
Q. What happened out there after he indicated he wished to take pictures of you in the jacuzzi?
A. We went inside and called my mother.
Q. When you say “we called”, did you call or did Mr. Polanski call?
A. He told me to and I talked and then he talked and then I talked again.
Q. What did you tell your mother?
A. She goes, “Are you all right?”
I went, “Uh-huh”.
And she says, “Do you want me to come pick you up?”
And I went, “No.’
And he said that we’d be home kind of late because it had already gotten dark out.
Q, When you said “he said,” did he tell you or did you hear him tell your mother on the phone?
A. He told my mother.
Q. Did he tell your mother any other things?
A. Not that I was listening to.
Q, After talking to your mother on the telephone, what happened?
A. We went out and I got in the jacuzzi.
Q. So you went outside--
A. No, wait. We went into the bathroom before and he took this little yellow thing. I don’t know what it was. It was some kind of container. And he had -- he walked in before me. When I walked in he had the container. And he had a pill broken in three parts.
And he said, “Is this a Quaalude?”
And I went, “Yes”.
And he says. “Oh, do you think I will be able to drive if I take it?”
And I went, “I don’t know,” you know.
He says, “Well, should I take it?”
I went, “I don’t know.”
He goes, “Well, I guess I will,” and. he took it. And he says: “Do you want part?” And I went, “No”.
And he says – oh, at that time I went, “Okay,” because – I don’t know.
Q. Why did you take it?
A. I don’t know. I think I must have been pretty drunk or else I wouldn’t have.
Q. Before you took the part of the tablet, had you had more champagne than you have testified to?
A. I told you I didn’t know how much because I was drinking some of his, too. I just kept – I just kept drinking it for pictures and, you know.
Q. The poses that you made were with the champagne your hand?
A. Yes.
Q. And was there champagne in the glass when your picture was taken?
A. Yes.
Q. While the pictures were being taken, were you drinking champagne?
A. Yes.
Q. Looking at exhibit n.º 7, does that appear to be the item that Mr. Polanski produced a pill from?
A. No.
Q. Would you please describe that again.
A. It was shaped like a rectangle. It was about one inch by maybe two inches. It was yellow and it was clear. And it looked like it was made especially for keeping something in, but I didn’t know what.
Q. What did you see Mr. Polanski do with that container?
A. I don’t know. He had it on the counter when I came in. And I think I turned around or something or walked away or something and I didn’t really notice what he did with it after that.
Q. Could you see whether it contained other tablets?
A. It was empty.
Q. When you saw it was empty, was that before or after he showed you the tablet?
A. It was empty. All it had in it was the quaalude and he poured it out so it didn’t have anything else in it.
Q. When he asked you if it was a quaalude you answered “Yes”?
A. Yes.
Q. Had you seen quaaludes before then’?
A. Yes.
Q. On what occasion?
A. I have seen pictures of them and they’re on the shirts, and once I found one.
Q. How old were you then?
A. I was, I think, 11 or 10, I’m not sure.
Q. What did you do with them?
A. I broke it and I took part of it.
Q. Looking at exhibit No. 6 marked for identification is that similar to the tablet that Mr. Polanski produced?
A. Yes.
Q. What did that say on it?
A. That one or the one Mr. Polanski had?
Q. The one Mr. Polanski –
A. It said Rorer 714.
Q. Pardon?
A. Rorer 714.
Q. You knew that to be a quaalude?
A. Yes.
Q. Was that one solid quaalude tablet or not?
A. It was already broken. It looked like it was a whole one. Thick three pieces put to make the whole one.
Q. Did Mr. Polanski take part of one?
A. Yes.
Q. What did he do with it?
A. He swallowed it with his champagne.
Q. Did you see what he did with the others?
A. No.
Q. Did you take a quaalude?
A. I took part of it.
Q. Where did you get this part?
A. He gave it to me.
Q. Where did he take this quaalude from?
A. The yellow container.
Q. How much of the tablet did he give you?
A. It was a little less than half.
Q. How did you take that tablet?
A. I took it with a swallow of champagne.
Q. What happened after you took the tablet?
A. I went into the kitchen, and I don’t know why, but I thought if I ate -- I realized I was drinking and then I took that. And I then really got upset at myself so I started eating.
Q. Where did you find that?
A. It was in the kitchen on a dish. He was changing film or something in another room.
Q. Looking at exhibit 9—B, the photographs, do those appear to be the poses that you made before Mr. Polanski aid his camera when you had on the blue dress?
A. Yeah, these are the ones.
Q. After eating in the kitchen, what did you do?
A. He called my name and I went out and got in the jacuzzi.
Q. When you got in the Jacuzzi, what were you wearing?
A. I was going to wear my underwear, but he said for me to take them off.
Q. When you came out of the house into the area of the pool, what were you wearing?
A. I had on my underwear.
Q. When you say your underwear, are you referring to panties marked exhibit No. 5?
A. Yes.
Q. Excuse me, exhibit No. 4. Are these panties that you previously identified?
A. Yes.
Q. What time did you take off your dress?
A. I took it off the bathroom right before I went out to get in the jacuzzi.
Q. Why did you take off your dress?
A. Because I didn’t want to get in the jacuzzi in it. I just figured I will take it off to get in.
Q. Did you take off your panties?
A. No.
Q. Did you get unto the jacuzzi with your panties?
A. No.
Q. Then you took them off at some time?
A. Yeah.
Q. When did you take them off?
A. I had gone outside. I was ready to get in and he said, “Take off your underwear”.
So I did and then I got in.
Q. What happened when you got in the jacuzzi?
A. He took some pictures.
Q. At that time did you have a glass in your hand?
A. Yes.
Q. Was there champagne in the glass?
A. Yes.
Q. Did you drink some of the champagne while you were in the jacuzzi?
A. I don’t think so.
Q. Do you know approximately how many pictures Mr. Polanski. took when you were in the jacuzzi?
A. Not very many.
Q. Did he indicate to you how you should pose when ‘he was taking these pictures?
A. No.
Q. What did you do when you were in the jacuzzi?
A. I was just standing there looking at him. He only took a few pictures. He said there was enough light.
Q. At some time did he stop taking photographs of you in the jacuzzi?
A. Yes.
Q. What did he do after that?
A. He said that he was going to get in.
Q. What did you see him do?
A. He went in the bathroom and he came out and got in.
Q. When he came out was he wearing anything?
A. No.
Q. Before he went in was he wearing anything?
A. Yes.
Q. What was he wearing?
A. His normal clothes.
Q. Do you remember what he was wearing?
A. A pair of tan pants and some kind of sweater.
Q. What did Mr. Polanski do when he got into the Jacuzzi?
A. He got in and he went down to the deepest part of it.
Q. What did you do?
A. I went up to the other end of it.
Q. What happened then?
A. He goes, “Come down here”.
And I said, “No. No, I got to get out”.
And he goes, “No, come down here”.
And then I said that I had asthma and that I had to get out because of the warm air and the cold air or something like that.
And he said, “Just come down here a second”.
So I finally went down. And then he went -- there was a lot of the jacuzzi jets. He goes. “Doesn’t it feel better down here?”
And he was like holding me up because it is almost over my head. And I went, “Yeah, but I better get out.”
So I got out.
Q. When you say that he was holding you, how was he holding you?
A. He had his hands on my sides like right around here and he was.
Q. Around your waist?
A. Yes. Then he started to move them around and I just got out.
Q. Did you have asthma?
A. No.
Q. Have you ever had asthma?
A. No.
Q. Why did you tell him you had asthma?
A. Because I wanted to get out.
Q. Did you get out of the jacuzzi?
A. Yes.
Q. What did you do when you got out of the jacuzzi?
A. I got out and I put on a towel.
Q. Where did you get the towel?
A. It was laying outside.
Q. What did you do when you got the towel?
A. What?
Q. What did you do when you got the towel?
A. I got the towel. I just picked it up and put it on. He went in the large pool then.
Q. Is there a pool in addition to the jacuzzi as shown in exhibit n.º 12?
A. Yes.
Q. What happened then?
A. He goes —- I walked over and he goes, ”Get in here”.
And I went, “No, it’s okay. It’s too cold.”
And he says. “No, it’s warm”.
And I put my foot in (the water) and I went, “No, I don’t want to go in.”
And he goes, “No, just get in”.
So I dove in one end and just swam the whole way down through and just got out
the other end.
Q. What did you do then?
A. I went into the bathroom and started drying off.
Q. Did you see Mr. Polanski then?
A. Yes, he came into the bathroom.
Q. What happened at that time?
A. He asked me if I was all right, if my asthma was bad.
Q. What did you say?
A. I said that I wanted to go home because I needed to take my medicine.
Q. What did Mr. Polanski say?
A. He said, “Yeah. I’ll take you home soon.”
Q. What did you do?
A. I told him -- I said that I wanted to get -- I wanted to go home.
I said “No, I have to go home now.”
Q. What did Mr. Polanski say?
A. He told me to go in the other room and lie down.
Q. When he said “in the other room,” was there an adjoining room to the bathroom?
A. No, it was at the end of the hall. He went outside the bathroom. It was right a few feet away.
Q. What kind of room is that?
A. I’m not sure. There’s no light on in it. And it looked like a master bedroom, It had a bed and a couch and a TV.
Q. What did you do when he said: “Let’s go in the other room”?
A. I was going, “No, I think I better go home”, because I was afraid. So I just went and I sat down on the couch.
Q. What were you afraid of?
A. Him.
Q. And so you went in the other room and sat down on the couch?
A. Yes.
Q. What were you wearing at that time?
A. My underwear and a towel.
Q. At some time had you put on your panties?
A. Yes, I did that right away when I got into the bathroom?.
Q. What happened when you sat down on the couch?
A. He sat down beside me and asked me if I was okay.
Q. What did you say, if anything?
A. I said, “No”.
Q. What did he say?
A. He goes, “”Well, you’ll be better”.
And I go, “No, I won’t. I have to go home”.
Q. What happened then?
A. He reached over and he kissed me. And I was telling him, “No”, you know, “keep away.”
But I was kind of afraid of him because there was no one else there.
Q. After he kissed you did he say anything?
A. No.
Q. Did you say anything?
A. No, besides I was just going, “No. Come on, let’s go home”.
Q. What was said after you indicated that you wanted to go home when you were sitting in the couch?
A. He said, “I’ll take you home soon”.
Q. Then what happened?
A. And then he went down and he started performing cuddliness.
Q. What does that mean?
A. It means he went down on me or he placed his mouth on my vagina?
Q. Where were you when he did that?
A. Was sitting in the couch.
Q. At any time did he say anything before he put his mouth on your vagina?
A. No.
Q. What did he do when he placed his mouth on your vagina?
A- He was just like licking and I don’t know. I was ready to cry. I was kind of – I was going, “no. Come on. Stop it.” But I was afraid.
Q. And what he said, if anything?
A. He wasn’t saying anything that I can remember.
He was – sometimes he was saying stuff, but I was just blocking him out, you know.
Q. At this time what was your state of sobriety, if you know?
A. What’s that mean?
Q. Have you been drunk before?
A. Yes.
Q. Was that from drinking alcohol?
A. Yes.
Q. Have you ever been under the influence of quaalude?
A. No.-’- oh, yeah, that once when I was real little.
Q. Have you ever been under the influence of quaalude and alcohol before March the 10th?
A. Before March 10th?
Q. Yes, of this year.
A. Yes.
Q. When was that?
A. Not both at the same time.
Q. Pardon?
A. Not both at the same time.
Q. At the same time before March 10th were you under the influence of quaalude and alcohol?
A. No.
Q. Did you feel that you were under the influence on this day, March 10th?
A. Yes.
Q. And that’s when you were sitting on the couch?
A. Yes.
Q. Why do you believe that you were under the influence at that time?
A. I can barely remember anything that happened.
Q. Is there any other reason?
A. No. I was kind of dizzy, you know like things were kind of blurry sometimes. I was having trouble with my coordination like walking and stuff.
Q. How long did Mr. Polanski have his mouth on your vagina?
A. A few minutes.
Q. What happened after that?
A. He started to have intercourse with me.
Q. What do you mean by intercourse?
A. He placed his penis in my vagina.
Q. What did you say, if anything, before be did that?
A. I was mostly just on and off saying, “No, stop.”
But I wasn’t fighting really because I, you know, there was no one else there and I had no place to go.
Q. What did he say if anything?
A. He didn’t answer me when I said “No”.
I think he was --he was saying something, but I wasn’t listening to him and I can’t remember.
Q. At this time were your panties off?
A. Yes.
Q. How were you panties taken off?
A. He had taken them off.
Q. When was that?
A. After he kissed me he got a hold of them and he pulled them off.
Q. At any time did he ask you when your period was?
A. Yes.
Q. When was that?
A. While he was having intercourse with me.
Q. Did he ask you about being on the pill?
A. Yes.
Q. When did he say that?
A. At the same time.
Q. What did he say?
A. He asked, he goes, “Are you on the pill?”
And I went, ‘No.”
And he goes, “When did you last have your period?”
And I said, “I don’t know. A week or two, I’m not sure”.
Q. And what did he say?
A. He goes, “Come on. You have to remember.”
And I told him I didn’t.
Q. Did he say anything after that?
A. Yes. He goes, “Would you want me to go in through your back?”
And I went, “No”.
Q. Did he say anything else?
A. No.
Q. How long did he have his penis in your vagina?
A. I can t remember how long, but not a very long time.
Q. Had you had sexual intercourse with anyone before March 10th?
A. Yes.
Q. Approximately how many times?
A. Twice.
Q. How did you know that he had his penis in your vagina?
A. I could tell. I could feel it.
Q. What happened after he says “Do you want me to – “was it go through the back?
A. Yes.
Q. What happened then?
A. I think he said something like right after I said I was not on the pill, right before he said, “Oh, I won’t come inside of you then”.
And I just went-- and he goes -- and then he put me – wait. Then he lifted up my legs farther and he went in through my anus.
Q. When you say he went in your anus, what do you mean by that?
A. He put his penis in my butt.
Q. Did he say anything at that time?
A. No.
Q. Did you resist at that time?
A. A little bit, but not really because --(pause)
Q. Because what?
A. Because I was afraid of him.
Q. At any time did you become aware that there was another person or persons in the residence?
A. Yes. Right after that a woman knocked on the door and she goes, “Roman, are you in there?”
And he went, “Yes. I just got out of the jacuzzi and I’m getting dressed».
Q. At that time what was happening?
A. He had walked up to the door and kind of opened it up a crack and talked to her. And I got up and put on my underwear and started walking towards the door.
Q. What happened then?
A. He sat me back down again.
Q. What happened then?
A. Then he started to have intercourse with me again and then he just stopped.
Q. Do you know what climax is?
A. Yes.
Q. Do you know whether he had a climax?
A. Yes.
Q. And how do you know that?
A. Because I could kind of feel it and it was in my underwear. It was in my underwear. It was on my butt and stuff.
Q. When you say that, you believe that he climaxed in your anus?
A. Yes.
Q. What does climax mean?
A. That his semen came out.
Q. Do you know what semen is?
A. Yes.
Q. Did you see some semen or feel some semen?
A. I felt it.
Q. Where did you feel it?
A. I felt it on the back of my behind and in my underwear when I put them on.
Q. When you were in the room and you heard the knock on the door, did you say anything at that time?
A. No. I just got up and got my underwear on
Q. Why didn’t you say something at that time?
A. I was still pretty much afraid of him. I didn’t – even though there was someone else there. I didn’t know what to say.
I had gotten up. I thought that I could just leave then and go home and say something, you know, because he was the only way I had to get home.
Q. At what point did you put on your panties after he had placed his penis in your anus?
A. That I put them back on?
Q. Yes.
A. As soon as he got up to answer the door.
Q. Then at what time what else did you do?
A. I just got up and started walking towards the door.
Q, Is that when he took you again?
A. Uh-huh.
Q. And what happened to the panties at that time?
A. Took them back off.
Q. Did you put them back on after he had sexual intercourse with you for the second time?
A. Yes.
Q. When he let you up, what did you do?
A. I walked into the bathroom and I put on my dress, and combed my hair and I walked -- I sort of was walking out and he said, “Now, wait for me, “but I didn’t. I went out. I got my clothes and there was -- that woman on the phone. And I said hello to her and I just went out and sat in the car.
Q. Looking at exhibit No. 2, a black-and-white photograph of a female, have you seen the person depicted in exhibit 2 before today?
A. That was the woman that was there.
Q. That is the woman that was on the phone when you walked out to leave?
A. Yes.
Q. What did you say to her?
A. She just --I was -- there’s a divider kind of in the living room. And she heard me make a noise and she goes, “Hello”.
And I stuck my head around there and I said, ”Hi” .
And she said ‘Are you the girl Roman is taking pictures of?”
And I said ‘Yes,’ and I just walked out to the car.
Q. When you said you were making noises, what type of noises were you making if any?
A. Just picking up my clothes and putting on my shoes and things.
Q. When you walked through that room, did you walk outside?
A. I walked -- I didn’t have to go outside to get into that room. I didn’t go outside until I went to get in the car.
Q. Was Mr. Polanski with you when you went to get in the car?
A. No.
Q. Did you get in the car when Mr. Polanski was not around?
A. Yes.
Q. What happened then?
A. I was sitting in the car and I was crying. And at about five minutes later he came out and he goes, “Well, I’ll be out in a couple of minutes. I want to talk to this woman.”
And I went, “Oh, okay.”
Q. Did he indicate to you her name?
A. No.
Q. Did he come out in a couple of minutes?
A. Yes, in about 10, I think.
Q. What did you do?
A. I just sat there. And he got in the car and we went home.
Q. Driving home, did he say anything to you?
A. He said something like -- I can’t remember when

sexta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2009

The piano teacher

(from: The Tropic of Capricorn, by Henry Miller)

One of the reasons why I never got anywhere with the bloody music is that it was always mixed up with sex. As soon as I was able to play a song the cunts were around me like flies. To begin with, it was largely Lola's fault. Lola was my first piano teacher. Lola Niessen. It was a ridiculous name and typical of the neighbourhood we were living in then. It sounded like a stinking bloater, or a wormy cunt. To tell the truth, Lola was not exactly a beauty. She looked somewhat like a Kalmuck or a Chinook, with sallow complexion and bilious-looking eyes. She had a few warts and wens, not to speak of the moustache. What excited me, however, was her hairiness; she had wonderful long fine black hair which she arranged in ascending and descending buns on her Mongolian skull. At the nape of the neck she curled it up in a serpentine knot. She was always late in coming, being a conscientious idiot, and by the time she arrived I was always a bit enervated from masturbating. As soon as she took the stool beside me, however, I became excited again, what with the stinking perfume she soused her armpits with. In the summer she wore loose sleeves and I could see the tufts'of hair under her arms. The sight of it drove me wild. I imagined her as having hair all over, even in her navel. And what I wanted to do was to roll in it, bury my teeth in it. I could have eaten Lola's hair as a delicacy, if there had been a bit of flesh attached to it. Anyway she was hairy, that's what I want to say and being hairy as a gorilla she got my mind off the the music and on to her cunt. I was so damned eager to see that cunt of hers that finally one day I bribed her little brother to let me have a peep at her while she was in the bath. It was even more wonderful than I had imagined: she had a shag that reached from the navel to the crotch, an enormous thick tuft, a sporran, rich as a hand-woven rug. When she went over it with the powder puff I thought I would faint. The next time she came for the lesson I left a couple of buttons open on my fly. She didn't seem to notice anything amiss. The following time I left my whole fly open. This time she caught on. She said, "I think you've forgotten something. Henry." I looked at her, red as a beet, and I asked her blandly what ? She pretended to look away while pointing to it with her left hand. Her hand came so close that I couldn't resist grabbing it and pushing it in my fly. She got up. quickly, looking pale and frightened. By this time my prick was out of my fly and quivering with delight. I closed in on her and I reached up under her dress to get at that hand-woven rug I had seen through the keyhole. Suddenly I got a sound box on the ears, and then another and she took me by the ear and leading me to a comer of the room she turned my face to the wall and said, "Now button up your fly, you silly boy!" We went back to the piano in a few moments - back to Czerny and the velocity exercises. I couldn't see a sharp from a flat any more, but I continued to play because I was afraid she might tell my mother about the incident. Fortunately it was not an easy thing to tell one's mother. The incident, embarrassing as it was, marked a decided change in our relations. I thought that the next time she came she would be severe with me, but on the contrary; she seemed to have dolled herself up, to have sprinkled more perfume over herself, and she was even a bit gay, which was unusual for Lola because she was a morose, withdrawn type. I didn't dare to open my fly again, but I would get an erection and hold it throughout the lesson, which she must have enjoyed because she was always stealing sidelong glances in that direction. I was only fifteen at the time, and she was easily twenty-five or twenty-eight. It was difficult for me to know what to do, unless it was to deliberately knock her down one day while my mother was out. For a time I actually shadowed her at night, when she went out alone. She had a habit of going out for long walks alone in the evening. I used to dog her steps, hoping she would get to some deserted spot near the cemetery where I might try some rough tactics. I had a feeling sometimes that she knew I was following her and that she enjoyed it. I think she was waiting for me to waylay her - I think that was what she wanted. Anyway, one night I was lying in the grass near the railroad tracks; it was a sweltering summer's night and people were lying about anywhere and everywhere, like panting dogs. I wasn't thinking of Lola at all - I was just mooning there, too hot to think about anything. Suddenly I see a woman coming along the narrow cinderpath. I'm lying sprawled out on the embankment and nobody around that I can notice. The woman is coming along slowly, head down, as though she were dreaming. As she gets close I recognize her. "Lola!" I call. "Lola!" She seems to be really astonished to see me there. "Why, what are you doing here?" she says, and with that she sits down beside me on the embankment. I didn't bother to answer her, I didn't say a word -1 just crawled over her and flattened her. "Not here, please," she begged, but I paid no attention. I got my hand between her legs, all tangled up in that thick sporran others, and she was sopping wet, like a horse salivating. It was my first fuck, be Jesus, and it had to be that a train would come along and shower hot sparks over us. Lola was terrified. It was her first fuck too, I guess, and she probably needed it more than I, but when she felt the sparks she wanted to tear loose. It was like trying to hold down a wild mare. I couldn't keep her down, no matter how I wrestled with her. She got up, shook her clothes down, and adjusted the bun at the nape of her neck. "You must go home," she says. "I'm not going home," I said, and with that I took her by the arm and started walking. We walked along in dead silence for quite a distance. Neither of us seemed to be noticing where we were going. Finally we were out on the highway and up above us were the reservoirs and near the reservoirs was a pond. Instinctively I headed towards the pond. We had to pass under some low-hanging trees as we neared the pond. I was helping Lola to stoop down when suddenly she slipped, dragging me with her. She made no effort to get up; instead, she caught hold of me and pressed me to her, and to my complete amazement I also felt her slip her hand in my fly. She caressed me so wonderfully that in a jiffy I came in her hand. Then she took my hand and put it between her legs. She lay back completely relaxed and opened her legs wide. I bent over and kissed every hair on her cunt; I put my tongue in her navel and licked it clean. Then I lay with my head between her legs and lapped up the drool that was pouring from her. She was moaning now and clutching wildly with her hands; her hair had come completely undone and was lying over her bare abdomen. To make it short, I got it in again, and I held it a long time, for which she must have been damned grateful because she came I don't know how many times - it was like a pack of firecrackers going off, and with it all she sunk her teeth into me, bruised my lips, clawed me, ripped my shirt and what the hell not. I was branded like a steer when I got home and took a look at myself in the mirror.

It was wonderful while it lasted, but it didn't last long. A month later the Niessens moved to another city, and I never saw Lola again. But I hung her sporran over the bed and I prayed to it every night. And whenever I began the Czerny stuff I would get an erection, thinking of Lola lying in the grass, thinking of her long black hair, the bun at the nape of her neck, the groans she vented and the juice that poured out of her.

quarta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2009

The young and the old

(from: The Tropic of Cancer, by Henry Miller)

You can forgive a young cunt anything. A young cunt doesn't have to have any brains. They're better without brains. But an old cunt, even if she's brilliant, even if she's the most charming woman in the world, nothing makes any difference. A young cunt is an investment; an old cunt is a dead loss. All they can do for you is buy you things. But that doesn't put meat on their arms or juice between the legs. She isn't bad, Irene. In fact, I think you'd like her. With you it's different. You don't have to fuck her. You can afford to like her. Maybe you wouldn't like all those dresses and the bottles and what not, but you could be tolerant. She wouldn't bore you, that I can tell you. She's even interesting, I might say. But she's withered. Her breasts are all right yet -- but her arms! I told her I'd bring you around some day. I talked a lot about you ... I didn't know what to say to her. Maybe you'd like her, especially when she's dressed. I don't know ..."

"Listen, she's rich, you say? I'll like her! I don't care how old she is, so long as she's not a hag ..."

"She's not a hag! What are you talking about? She's charming, I tell you. She talks well. She looks well too ... only her arms ..."

"All right, if that's how it is, I'll fuck her -- if you don't want to. Tell her that. Be subtle about it, though. With a woman like that you've got to do things slowly. You bring me around and let things work out for themselves. Praise the shit out of me. Act jealous like ... Shit, maybe we'll fuck her together ... and we'll go places and we'll eat together ... and we'll drive and hunt and wear nice things. If she wants to go to Borneo let her take us along. I don't know how to shoot either, but that doesn't matter. She doesn't care about that either. She just wants to be fucked that's all. You're talking about her arms all the time. You don't have to look at her arms all the time, do you?

Look at this bedspread! Look at the mirror! Do you call this living? Do you want to go on being delicate and live like a louse all your life? You can't even pay your hotel bill ... and you've got a job too. This is no way to live. I don't care if she's seventy years old -- it's better than this ..."

"Listen, Joe, you fuck her for me ... then everything'll be fine. Maybe I'll fuck her once in a while too ... on my night off. It's four days now since I've had a good shit. There's something sticking to me, like grapes ..."

"You've got the piles, that's what."

"My hair's falling out too ... and I ought to see the dentist. I feel as though I were falling apart. I told her what a good guy you are ... You'll do things for me, eh? You're not too delicate, eh? If we go to Borneo I won't have haemorrhoids any more. Maybe I'll develop something else ... something worse ... fever perhaps ... or cholera. Shit, it is better to die of a good disease like that than to piss your life away on a newspaper with grapes up your ass and buttons falling off your pants. I'd like to be rich, even if it were only for a week, and then go to a hospital with a good disease, a fatal one, and have flowers in the room and nurses dancing around and telegrams coming. They take good care of you if you're rich. They wash you with cotton batting and they comb your hair for you. Shit, I know all that. Maybe I'd be lucky and not die at all. Maybe I'd be a cripple all my life .. . maybe I'd be paralyzed and have to sit in a wheel-chair. But then I'd be taken care of just the same ... even if I had no more money. If you're an invalid -- a real one -- they don't let you starve. And you get a clean bed to lie in ... and they change the towels every day. This way nobody gives a fuck about you, especially if you have a job.

They think a man should be happy if he's got a job. What would you rather do - be a cripple all your life, or have a job ... or marry a rich cunt? You'd rather marry a rich cunt, I can see that. You only think about food. But supposing you married her and then you couldn't get a hard-on any more -- that happens sometimes -- what would you do then? You'd be at her mercy. You'd have to eat out of her hand, like a little poodle dog. You'd like that, would you? Or maybe you don't think of those things? I think of everything. I think of the suits I'd pick out and the places I'd like to go to, but I also think of the other thing.

That's the important thing. What good are the fancy ties and the fine suits if you can't get a hard-on any more? You couldn't even betray her -- because she'd be on your heels all the time. No, the best thing would be to marry her and then get a disease right away. Only not syphilis. Cholera, let's say, or yellow fever. So that if a miracle did happen and your life was spared you'd be a cripple for the rest of your days. Then you wouldn't have to worry about fucking her any more, and you wouldn't have to worry about the rent either.

She'd probably buy you a fine wheel-chair with rubber tires and all sorts of levers and what not. You might even be able to use your hands -- I mean enough to be able to write. Or you could have a secretary, for that matter.

That's it -- that's the best solution for a writer. What does a guy want with his arms and legs? He doesn't need arms and legs to write with. He needs security ... peace ... protection. All those heroes who parade in wheel-chairs -- it's too bad they're not writers. If you could only be sure, when you go off to war, that you'd have only your legs blown off ... if you could be sure of that I'd say let's have a war tomorrow. I wouldn't give a fuck about the medals -- they could keep the medals. All I'd want is a good wheel-chair and three meals a day. Then I'd give them something to read, those pricks!"

terça-feira, 17 de novembro de 2009

My Mother by Frieda Hughes (Sylvia Plath's daughter)

They are killing her again,
She said she did it
One Year in every ten,
But they do it annually, or weekly,
Some do it daily,
Carrying her death around in their heads,
And practising it. She saves them
The trouble of their own;
They can die through her
Without ever making
The decision. My buried mother
Is dug up for repeat performances

Now they want to make a film
For anyone lacking the ability
To imagine the body, head in oven,
Orphaning children. Then
It can be rewound
So they can watch her die
Right from the beginning again.

The peanut eaters, entertained
At my mother's death, will go home,
Each carrying their memory of her,
Lifeless — a souvenir.
Maybe they'll buy the video
Watching someone on TV
Means all they have to do
Is press 'pause'
If they want to boil a kettle,
While my mother holds her breath on screen
To finish dying after tea.

The filmmakers have collected
The body parts.
They want me to see.
But they require dressings to cover the joins
And disguise the prosthetics
In their remake of my mother.
They want to use her poetry
As stitching and sutures
To give it credibility.
They think i should love it-
Having her back again, they think
I should give them my mother’s words
to fill the mouth of their monster,
Their Sylvia Suicide Doll.
Who will walk and talk
And die at will,
And die, and die
And forever be dying.

February 4, 2003

segunda-feira, 16 de novembro de 2009

Um episódio da 3.a invasão francesa

Outubro - Novembro de 1810

Un sergent du 47e de ligne français, fatigué de la misère dans laquelle se trouvait l'armée, résolut de s'y soustraire pour vivre dans l'abondance. Pour cela, il débaucha une centaine de soldats des plus mauvais sujets, à la tête desquels il alla s'établir au loin, sur les derrières, dans un vaste couvent abandonné par les moines, mais encore bien pourvu de meubles et surtout de provisions de bouche, qu'il augmenta infiniment, en s'emparant de tout ce qui était à sa convenance dans les environs. Dans sa cuisine, les broches et les marmites bien garnies étaient constamment devant le feu; chacun y prenait à volonté; aussi, tant par dérision que pour exprimer d'un seul mot le genre de vie qu'on menait chez lui, il se faisait nommer le maréchal Chaudron!...

Ce misérable ayant fait enlever une grande quantité de femmes et de filles, l'attrait de la débauche, de la paresse et de l'ivrognerie conduisant bientôt vers lui les déserteurs anglais, portugais et français, il parvint à former de l'écume des trois armées une bande de près de 500 hommes, qui, oubliant leurs anciennes rancunes, vivaient tous en très bonne harmonie, au milieu d'orgies perpétuelles.

Ce brigandage durait depuis quelques mois, lorsqu'un détachement de nos troupes, chargé de réunir des vivres devenus plus rares chaque jour, s'étant égaré à la poursuite d'un troupeau jusqu'au couvent qui servait de repaire au prétendu maréchal Chaudron, nos soldats furent très étonnés de voir celui-ci venir à leur rencontre à la tête de ses bandits et leur prescrire de respecter ses terres et de rendre le troupeau qu'ils venaient d'y prendre!... Sur le refus de nos officiers d'obtempérer à cet ordre, le maréchal Chaudron ordonna de faire feu sur le détachement. La plupart des déserteurs français n'osèrent tirer sur leurs compatriotes et anciens frères d'armes; mais les bandits anglais et portugais ayant obéi, nos gens eurent plusieurs hommes tués ou blessés, et n'étant pas assez nombreux pour résister, ils furent contraints de se retirer, suivis par tous les déserteurs français qui se joignirent à eux et vinrent faire leur soumission.

Masséna leur pardonna, à condition qu'ils marcheraient en tête des trois bataillons destinés à aller attaquer le couvent. Ce repaire ayant été enlevé après une assez vive résistance, Masséna fit fusiller le maréchal Chaudron, ainsi que le petit nombre de Français restés auprès de lui. Beaucoup d'Anglais et de Portugais eurent le même sort, les autres furent envoyés à Wellington, qui en fit bonne et prompte justice

Mémoires du Général Baron de Marbot, Paris, 1891, 2.º vol. , pags. 418-419

Os mesmos factos narrados em Portugal

Este Exército sem transportes, sem armazéns, e por consequência, sem víveres, se alimentava do que ia roubando nos diferentes lugares por onde passava na marcha, e dos armazéns que achou em Condeixa e Leiria; porém ,logo que se tomou a posição acima dita (a), em dois dias foi todo o Exército reduzido a uma miséria sem igual, de modo que se comiam os cães e os burros, que os soldados traziam para lhes transportarem os roubos que iam fazendo por onde passavam. Estas privações ocasionaram uma forte deserção, não só para os Aliados, mas também para o interior do País, e como os desertores se encontrassem em muitas bandas, resolveram entre si organizar um Corpo que denominaram o 11.º Corpo.

Elegeram um General para os comandar, oficiais subalternos, etc. e começaram a devastar o País na zona de Nossa Senhora da Nazaré, Alcobaça, Vila da Costa, Caldas, etc. – e como o Exército estava reduzido à maior necessidade, e os chefes não ousavam deixar ir os soldados a roubar, para se não enfraquecerem na frente do inimigo, mandavam destacamentos procurar víveres para serem distribuídos pela tropa, os quais sendo encontrados pelo dito 11.º Corpo (que chegou a ser de mais de 1 600 homens) eram atacados por ele e obrigados a capitular, e a servir com ele, ou ficarem prisioneiros.

Chegou, passado algum tempo, esta insurreição à notícia de Massena, e não deixou de o inquietar, e portanto, mandou logo duas divisões à caça dos rebeldes, que em breve foram cercados, e depois de um disputado combate, sucumbiram à força e depuseram as armas. Os chefes foram logo arcabuzeados e os soldados remetidos aos seus corpos. Por este facto pode fazer-se uma ideia da disciplina daquele Exército.

2.º Corpo – Vila Franca de Xira, com o Grande Quartel-general em Alenquer
8.º Corpo em frente do Sobral
6.º Corpo em frente de Torres Vedras

(Relação de alguns acontecimentos notáveis da campanha de Massena em Portugal, escrita por hum official, que accompanhou o mesmo exército, em
O investigador portuguez em Inglaterra ou jornal literario politico, vol. VI, 1813, pags. 57-74 e 210-220 )

Por aquele mesmo tempo, o coronel Wilson, tendo estado em Leiria com o general Bacelar, progredira na sua marcha até Ourém, tornando-se por este modo senhor da estrada real de Leiria para Coimbra. Para as bandas de Óbidos e Ramalhal, a cavalaria britânica, com um batalhão de tropas ligeiras espanholas, assim como as tropas da guarnição de Peniche, persistiam em limitar por aquele lado quanto possível lhes era as correrias e devastações dos franceses. Faltos de transportes como estes estavam, não tendo por si armazéns, e portanto destituídos de víveres para a sua regular subsistência, apenas chegaram às linhas, viram-se logo reduzidos à mais extrema miséria, chegando até a comerem com o andar do tempo os cães, os burros e os cavalos, que os soldados traziam para lhes transportarem os roubos que tinham feito nas povoações assaltadas. Estas privações ocasionaram uma forte deserção, não só para os aliados, mas também para o interior do País; e como estes desertores se encontrassem em muitas partes, resolveram entre si organizarem-se em um corpo regular, com a denominação de undécimo corpo. Elegeram depois disto um general para os comandar, oficiais superiores e subalternos, etc. Constituídos por este modo, começaram depois a devastar o país da parte da Nazaré, Alcobaça, Caldas, etc., e como o exército em geral se visse reduzido à maior necessidade, e os chefes não ousassem permitir aos seus soldados a facilidade de irem isoladamente roubar, para se não enfraquecerem na frente do inimigo, tomaram o expediente de mandar destacamentos a procurar víveres para serem distribuídos pela tropa, destacamentos que, sendo encontrados pelo dito undécimo corpo, que chegou a ter mais de 1:600 homens, eram por ele atacados e obrigados a capitular, prestando-se a servir com eles, ou a ficarem prisioneiros, não querendo servir. Passado algum tempo, chegou esta insurreição à notícia de Massena, a quem não deixou de inquietar, de que resultou mandar logo duas divisões à caça dos rebelados, que em breve foram cercados, e depois de um disputado combate sucumbiram à força, tendo de depor as armas. Os denominados chefes foram logo arcabuzados, e os soldados remetidos aos seus corpos. Só por este facto se pode bem fazer ideia de qual deveria ser por então a disciplina do exército de Massena, e a desgraça do país que devastava.

(Simão José da Luz Soriano, História da Guerra Civil e do estabelecimento do Governo Parlamentar de Portugal, 2.ª Época, Tomo III, Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional, 1874, pags. 252/253)

Em 1898, os autores Henri Chivot, Jean Gascogne e Georges Rolle, escreveram uma opereta em três actos com o título Le Maréchal Chaudron, que foi musicada por Paul Lacôme d'Estalenx, e representada pela primeira vez a 27 de Abril no Théatre de la Gaité, em Paris. A essa opereta se referem estas duas notícias:

THÉATRE DE LA GAITÉ. — Le Maréchal Chaudron, opéra-comique en 3 actes et 6 tableaux de MM. Chivot, J. Gascogne, et G. Rafle, musique de M. P. Lacome.

Avec le Maréchal Chaudron, nous voici dans la pièce militaire à grand spectacle, époque du premier empire. Ce maréchal n’est qu’un vulgaire sergent, mais qui mérite certainement le grade suprême par son talent de débrouillard, en matière de victuailles. Pendant que son régiment tient campagne contre les Anglais en Portugal, le sergent Berthaut, aliàs Maréchal Chaudron, découvre un couvent abandonné, véritable grenier d’abondance, et y mène joyeuse vie. Cela ne l’empêche pas de servir sa patrie en jouant cent tours aux Anglais. L’aventure qui forme le fond de la pièce est l’enlèvement de la fiancée de son capitaine, que courtisait un major anglais; celle-ci, après de nombreuses péripéties où faillit sombrer sa vertu, finit par épouser le capitaine, et Jean Berthaut, qui vient de s’emparer des convois de l’intendance anglaise, revient couvert de gloire au quartier général.

Très mouvementée et très gaie, cette jolie pièce est jouée avec un entrain particulier par la troupe ordinaire de la Gaité, complétée d’un excellent baryton, M. Edwy. La partition est l’œuvre d’un musicien rompu aux finesses du métier. Les grands ensembles sont traités avec une sûreté de main que l’on rencontre rarement dans le genre de l’opérette. Un joli ballet réglé par Mme Mariquita exhibe en Portugaises d’intéressants minois.

La Plume, volume 9, 1898, pags. 314

Quarante lignes des Mémoires de Marbot donnèrent à MM. Jean Gascogne et Georges Rolle la première idée de leur pièce. Mais on reconnaîtrait difficilement dans l'épisode raconté par Marbot, le thème de l'ouvrage, et nos auteurs ont dû le modifier de si complète façon que, de la version primitive, il ne reste guère que le titre. Comment Jean Berthaut, aidé de la gentille Bayonnaise qui lui a donné son cœur et d'un Parisien dégourdi, répondant au nom de Pigeonnet — vous avez flairé Paul Fugère - délïvre-t-il des poursuites du major Watson l'aimable pupille de l'alcade d'Alcobaza, qui en lient vigoureusement pour son capitaine ; comment se trouve-t-il forcé, dans le but de calmer sa bande d’irréguliers, de faire mine d’épouser lui-même la jolie Perlita, et comment, fait prisonnier par les Anglais, leur échappe-t-il miraculeusement, rendant Perlita à son beau capitaine et rentrant au champ français juste à temps pour se voir hautement féliciter par le général ? C’est ce que nous content les auteurs du Maréchal Chaudron, en trois actes, amusants et variés, que d’aucuns eussent seulement voulu un tantinet plus clairs.

Les Annales du théâtre et de la musique, Volume 24‎ - 1899, Page 377

Há pouco tempo (alguns anos?) um informático francês, Olivier Fontana, anunciou aos amigos e também na Internet que ia escrever um romance sobre o Maréchal Chaudron e desenhou mesmo umas poucas de capas, com vista a escolher uma. Ignora-se o adiantamento da obra, embora ele diga algures que só lhe faltam umas 50 páginas.

quinta-feira, 12 de novembro de 2009

Henry, Maude and Elsie, from “SEXUS”, by Henry Miller

Melanie flutters about like a demented albatross. “Dry your things!” she wails. A grand undressing, with gasps and shrieks and objurgations. I get into Maude’s dressing sack, the one with the marabou feathers. Look like a fairy about to give an impersonation of Loulou Hurluburlu. All flub and foozle now. I’m getting a hard-on, “a personal hard-on”, if you know what I mean.

Maude is upstairs putting the child to bed. I walk around in my bare feet, the dressing sack wide open. A lovely feeling. Melanie peeks in, just to see if I’m all right. She’s walking around in her drawers with the parrot perched on her wrist. Afraid of the lightning she is. I’m talking to her with my hands folded over my prick. Could be a scene out of the “Wizard of Oz” by Memling. Time: dreiviertel takt. Now and then the lightning strikes afresh. It leaves the taste of burning rubber in the mouth.

I’m standing in front of the big mirror admiring my quivering cock when Maude trips in. Se’s as frisky as a hare and all decked out in tulle and mousseline. She seems not at all frightened by what she sees in the mirror. She comes over and stands beside me. “Open it up!” I urge. “Are you hungry?” she says, undoing herself leisurely. I turn her around and press her to me. She raises a leg to let me get it in. We look at each other in the mirror. She’s fascinated. I pull the wrap up over her ass so that she can have a better look. I lift her up and she twines her legs around me. “Yes, do it,” she begs. “Fuck me! Fuck me!” Suddenly she untwines her legs, unhitches. She grabs the big arm chair and turns it around, resting her hands on the back of it. Her ass is stuck out invitingly. She doesn’t wait for me to put it in – she grabs it and places it herself, watching all the time through the mirror. I push it back and forth slowly, holding my skirts up like a bedraggled hussy. She likes to see it coming out – how far will it come before it falls out. She reaches under with one hand and plays with my balls. She’s completely unleashed now, as brazen as a pot. I withdraw as far as I can without letting it slip out and she rolls her ass around, sinking down on it now and then and clutching it with a feathery beak. Finally she’s had enough of that. She wants to lie down on the floor and put her legs around my neck. “Get it in all the way, “ she begs. “Don’t be afraid of hurting me… I want it. I want you to do everything.” I got it in so deep it felt as though I were buried in a bed of mussels. She was quivering and slithering in every ream. I bent over and sucked her breasts; the nipples were taut as nails. Suddenly she pulled my head down and began to bite me wildly – lips, ears, cheeks, neck. “You want it, don’t you?” she hissed. “You want it, you want it…” Her lips twisted obscenely. “You want it… you want it!” And she fairly lifted herself off the floor in her abandon. Then a groan, a spasm, a wild, tortured look as if her face were under a mirror pounded by a hammer. “Don’t take it out yet.” she grunted. She lay there, her legs still slung around my neck, and the little flag inside her began twitching and fluttering. “God,” she said, “I can’t stop it!” My prick was still firm. I hung obedient on her wet lips, as though receiving the sacrament from a lascivious angel. She came again, like an accordion collapsing in a bag of milk. I got hornier and hornier. I pulled her legs down and lay them flat alongside my own. “Now don’t move, damn you,” I said. “I’m going to give it you straight.” Slowly and furiously I moved in and out. “Ah, ah… Oh!” she hissed, sucking her breath in. I kept it like a Juggernaut. Moloch fucking a piece of bombazine. Organza Friganza. The bolero in straight jabs. Her eyes were going wild: she looked like an elephant walking the ball. All she needed was a trunk to trumpet with. It was a fuck to a standstill. I fell on top of her and chewed her lips to a frazzle.

Then suddenly I thought of the douche. “Get up! Get up!” I said, nudging her roughly.
“I don’t need to,” she said weakly, giving me a knowing smile.

“You mean…?” I looked at her in astonishment.

“Yes, there’s no need to worry… Are you all right? Don’t you want to wash?”

In the bathroom, she confessed that she had been to the doctor – another doctor.

There would be nothing to fear any more.

“So that’s it?” I whistled.

She powdered my cock for me, stretched it like a glove-fitter, and then bent over and kissed it. “Oh God,” she said, flinging her arms around me, “if only…”

“If only what?”

“You know what I mean…”

I unglued myself and turning my head away, I said: “Yes, I guess I do. Anyway, you don’t hate me any more, do you?”

“I don’t hate any one,” she answered. “I’m sorry it’s turned out the way it has. Now I’ll have to share you… with her.”

“You must be hungry,” she added quickly. “Let me fix you something before you go.”

She powdered her face carefully first. rouged her lips, and did her hair up negligently but attractively. Her wraps was open from the waist up. She looked a thousand times better than I ever seen her look. She was like a bright voracious animal.

I walked around in the kitchen with my prick hanging out and helped her fix a cold snack. To my surprise she unearthed a bottle of home made wine – elderberry wine that a neighbour had given her. We closed the doors and kept the gas burning to keep warm. Jesus, it was quite wonderful. It was like getting to know one another all over abain. Now and then I got up and put my arms around her, kissed her passionately while my hand slid into her crack. She wasn’t at all shy or balky. On the contrary. When I pulled away, she held my hand, and then with a quick dive she fastened her mouth over my prick and sucked it in.

“You don’t have to go immediately, do you?” she asked, as I sat down and resumed eating.

“Not if you don’t want me to,” I said, in the most amiable state of acquiescence.

“Was it my fault,” she said, “that this never happened before? Was I such a squeamish creature?” She looked at me with such frankness and sincerity I hardly recognized the woman I had lived with all these years.

“I guess we were both to blame,” I said, drowning another glass of elderberry wine.
She went to the ice-box to ferret out some delicacy.

“You know what I fell like doing?” she said, coming to the table with arms laden. “I’d like to bring the gramophone down and dance. I have some very soft needles… Would you like that?”

“Sure,” I said, “it sounds fine.”

“And let’s get a bit drunk… would you mind? I feel so wonderful. I want to celebrate.”

“What about the wine?” I said. “Is that all you have?”

“I can get some from the girl upstairs,” she said. “Or maybe some cognac – would you like that?”
“I’ll drink something… if it will make you happy.”

She started to go at once. I jumped up and caught her by the waist. I raised her wrap and kissed her ass.

“Let me go.” she murmured. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

As she came back I heard her whispering to the girl from upstairs. She tapped lightly on the glass panel. “Put something on.” she cooed, “I’ve got Elsie with me.”

I went into the bathroom and wrapped a towel around my loins. Elsie went into a fit of laughter when she saw me. We hadn’t met since the day she found me lying in bed with Mona. She seemed in excellent good humor and not at all embarrassed by the turn of events. They had brought down another bottle, of wine and some cognac. And the gramophone and the records.

Elsie was in just the mood to share our little celebration. I had expected Maude to offer her a drink and then get rid of her more or less politely. But no, nothing of the kind. She wasn’t at all disturbed by Elsie’s presence. She did excuse herself for being half-naked, but with a good-natured laugh, as though it were just one of those things. We put a record on and I danced with Maude. The towel slipped off but neither of us made any attempt to pick it up. When we ungrappled I stood there with my prick standing out like a flag-pole and calmly reached for my glass. Elsie gave one startled look and then turned her head away. Maude handed me the towel, or rather slung it over my prick. “You don’t mind, do you, Elsie?” she said. Elsie was terribly quiet – you could hear her temples hammering. Presently she went over to the machine and turned the record over. Then she reached for her glass without looking at us and gulped it down.

“Why don’t you dance with her?” said Maude. “I won’t stop you. Go ahead, Elsie, dance with him.”

I went up to Elsie with the towel hanging from my prick. As she turned her back to Maude she pulled the towel off and grabbed it with a feverish hand. I felt her whole body quiver, as though a chill had come over her.

“I’m going to get some candles.” Said Maude. “It’s too bright in here.” She disappeared into the next room. Immediately Elsie stopped dancing, put her lips to mine and thrust her tong down my throat. I put my hand on her cunt and squeezed it. She was still holding my cock. The record stopped. Neither of us pulled away to shut the machine off. I heard Maude coming back. Still I remained locked in Elsie’s arms.
This is where the trouble starts, I thought to myself. But Maude seemed to pay no attention.

She lit the candles and then turned the electric light off. I was pulling away from Elsie when I felt her standing beside us. “It’s all right,” she said. “I don’t mind. Let me join in.” And with that she put her arms around the two of us and we all three began kissing one another.

“Whew! it’s hot!” said Elsie, breaking away at last.

“Take your dress off, if you like, “said Maude. “I’m taking this off,” and suiting action to word she slipped out of the wrap and stood naked before us.

The next moment we were all stark naked.

I sat down with Maude on my lap. Her cunt was wet again. Elsie stood beside us with her arm around Maude’s neck. She was a little taller than Maude and well built. I rubbed my hand over her belly and twined my fingers in the bush that was almost on a level with my mouth. Maude looked on with a pleasant smile of satisfaction. I leaned forward and kissed Elsie’s cunt.

“It’s wonderful not to be jealous any more,” said Maude very simply.

Elsie’s face was scarlet. She didn’t quite know what her role was, how far she dared go. She studied Maude intently, as though non altogether of her sincerity. Now I was kissing Maude passionately, my fingers in Elsie’s cunt the while. I felt Elsie pressing closer, moving herself. The juice was pouring over my fingers. At the same time Maude raised herself and, shifting her bottom, adroitly managed to sink down again with my prick neatly fitted inside her. She was facing forward now, her face pressed against Elsie’s breasts. She raised her head and tool the nipple in her mouth. Elsie gave a shudder and her cunt began to quiver with silken spasms. Now Maude’s hand, which has been resting on Elsie’s waist, slid down and caressed the smooth cheeks. In another moment it had slipped farther down and encountered mine. I drew my hand away instinctively. Elsie shifted a little and then Maude leaned forward and placed her mouth on Elsie’s cunt. At the same time Elsie bent forward, over Maude, and put her lips to mine. The three of us were now quivering as if we had the ague.

As I felt Maude coming I held myself in, determined to save it for Elsie. My prick still taut. I gently raised Maude from my lap and reached for Elsie. She straddled me face forward and with uncontrollable passion she flung her arms around me, glued her lips to mine, and fucked away for dear life. Maude had discreetly gone to the bathroom. When she returned Else was sitting in my lap, her arm around my neck, her face on fire. Then Elsie got up and went to the bathroom. I went to the sink and washed myself there.

“I’ve never been so happy,” said Maude, going to the machine and putting another record. “Give me your glass,” she said, and as she filled it, she murmured: “What will you say when you get home?” I said nothing. Then she added under her breath: “You could say one of us was taken ill.”

“It doesn’t matter,” I said. “I’ll think of something.”

“You won’t be angry with me?”

“Angry? What for?”

“For keeping you so long.”

“Nonsense.” I said.

She put her arms around me and kissed me tenderly. And with arms around each other’s waist we reached for the glasses and gulped down a silent toast. At this moment Elsie returned. We stood there, naked as hat racks, our arms entwined, and drank to one another.

We began to dance again, with the candles guttering. In knew that in a few moments they would be extinguished and no one would make a move to get fresh ones. We changed off at rapid intervals, to avoid giving one another the embarrassment of standing apart and watching. Sometimes Maude and Elsie danced together, rubbing their cunts together obscenely, then pulling apart laughingly, and one or the other making a grab for me. There was such a feeling of freedom and intimacy that any gesture, any act, became permissible. We began to laugh and joke more and more. When finally the candles guttered out, first one, then the other, and only a pale shaft of moonlight streamed through the windows, all pretence at restraint or decency vanished.

It was Maude who had the idea of clearing the table. Elsie assisted uncomprehendingly, like some one who had been mesmerized. Quickly the things were whisked to the tubs. There was a quick dash to the next room for a soft blanket which was stretched over the table. Even a pillow. Elsie was beginning to get the drift. She looked on goggle-eyed.

Before getting down to actualities, however, Maude had another inspiration – to make eggnogs. We had to switch the light on for that. The two of them worked swiftly, almost frantically. They poured a liberal dose of cognac into the concoction. As I felt it slipping down my gullet I felt if going straight into my pecker, into my balls. As I was drinking, my head thrown back, Elsie cupped her hand around my balls. “One of them’s bigger than the other,” she said laughingly. Then. after a slight hesitation: “Couldn’t we all do something together?” She looked at Maude. Maude grinned, as if to say – why not? “Let’s put the top light out,” said Elsie, “we don’t need that any more, do we?” She sat down on the chair beside the table. “I want to watch you,” she said, patting the blanket with her hand. She got hold of Maude and lifted her up and on to the table. “This is a new one to me.” she said. “Wait a minute?” She took my hand and drew me to her. Then, looking at Maude… “May I?” And without waiting for an answer she bent forward and reaching for my cock, placed it in her mouth. After a few moments she withdrew her mouth. “Now… let me watch!” She gave me a little push, as if to hurry me on. Maude stretched out like a cat, her ass hanging over the edge of the table, the pillow under her head. She twined her legs around my waist. Then, suddenly, she untwined them and slung them over my shoulders. Elsie was standing beside me, her head down, watching with breathless absorption. “Put it out a little,” she said in a horse whisper, “I want to see it go in again.” Then swiftly she ran to the window and raised the shades. “Do it!” she said. “Go on, fuck her!” As I plunged it in I felt Elsie slipping down beside me. The next moment I felt her tongue on my balls, lapping them vigorously.

Suddenly, utterly astounded, I heard Maude say: “Don’t come yet. Wait… Give Elsie a chance.”

I pulled out, pushing my ass in Elsie’s face in doing so, and tumbling her backwards on the floor. She gave a squeal of delight and quickly sprang to her feet. Maude climbed down from the table and Elsie nimbly placed herself in position. “Couldn’t you do something to?” she said to Maude, sitting bolt upright. “I have an idea… “ and she sprang off the table and threw the blanket on the floor and the pillow after it. It didn’t take long to figure out an interesting configuration.

Maude was stretched out on her back, Elsie squatting over her on bent knees, her head facing Maude’s feet but her mouth glued to Maude’s crack. I was on my knees, giving it to Elsie from behind. Maude was playing with my balls, a light delicate manipulation with the finger-tips. I could feel Maude squirming around as Elsie licked her furiously and avidly. There was a weird pale light playing over the room and the taste of cunt in my mouth. I had one of those final erections which threaten never to break. Now and then I took it out and, pushing Elsie forward, I sank down farther and offered it to Maude’s nimble tongue. Then I would sink it in again and Elsie would squirm like mad and bury her nozzle in Maude’s crotch shaking her head like a terrier. Finally I pulled out and pushing Elsie aside I fell on Maude and buried it in her with a vengeance. “Do it, do it!” she begged, as if she were waiting for the axe. Again I felt Elsie’s tongue on my balls. Then Maude came, like a star bursting, with a volley of half-finished words and phrases rippling off her tongue. I pulled away. still stiff as a poker, fearful now that I would never come again, and groped for Elsie. She was terribly gooey, and her mouth was just like a cunt now. “Do you want it?” I said, shoving it around inside her like a drunken friend. “Go on, fuck, fuck!” she cried slinging her legs up over my shoulders and dragging her bottom closer. “Give it to me, give it to me, you bugger!” She was almost yelling now. “Yes, I’ll fuck you… I’ll fuck you!” and she squirmed and writhed and twisted and bit and clawed me.

“Oh, oh! Don’t. Please don’t. It hurts!” she yelled.

“Shut up, you bitch you!” I said. “It hurts, does it? You wanted it, didn’t you?” I held her tightly, raised myself a little higher to get it in to the hilt, and pushed until I thought her womb would give away. Then I came – right into that snail-like mouth which was wide open. She went into a convulsion, delirious with joy and pain.

Then her legs slid off my shoulders and fell to the floor with a thud. She lay there like a dead one, completely fucked up.

“Jesus,” I said, standing astraddle over her, and the sperm still coming out, dropping on her breast, her face, her hair, “Jesus Christ, I’m exhausted. I’m fucked out, do you know that?” I addressed myself to the room.

Maude was lighting a candle. “It’s getting late,” she said.

“I’m not going home,” I said. “I’m going to sleep here.”

“You are?” said Maude, and irrepressible thrill creeping into her voice.

“Yes, I can’t go back in this condition, can I? Jesus, I’m groggy and boozy and woozy.” I flopped on to a chair. “Give me a drop of that cognac, will you, I need a bracer.”

She poured out a good stiff one and held it to my lips, as if she were given me a medicine. Elsie had risen to her feet, a bit wobbly and lurchy. “Give me one too”, she begged “What a night! We ought to do this again some time.”

“Yeah, to-morrow,” I said.

“It was a wonderful performance,” she said, stroking my dome. “I never thought you were like that… You almost killed me, do you know it?”

“You’d better take a douche” – said Maude.

“I guess so,” Elsie sighed. “I don’t seem to give a damn. If I’m caught I’m caught.”

“Go on in there, Elsie,” I said. “Don’t be a damned fool.”

“I’m too tired,” said Elsie.

Wait a minute, “said I. “I want to have a look at you before you go in there.” I made her climb up on the table and open her legs wide. With the glass in one hand I pried her cunt open with the thumb and forefinger of my other hand. The sperm was still oozing out.

“It’s a beautiful cunt, Elsie.”

Maude took a good look at it too. “Kiss it,” I said, gently pushing her nose into Elsie’s bush.

I sat there, watching Maude nibble away at Elsie’s cunt. “It feels good,” Elsie was saying. “Awfully good.” She moved like a belly dancer tied to the floor. Maude’s ass was sticking out temptingly. In spite of the fatigue my prick began to swell again.
It stiffened like a blood-pudding. I got behind Maude and slipped it in. She spun her ass around and around, with just the tip of it in. Elsie was now contorting herself with pleasure; she had her finger in her mouth, and was biting the knuckle. We went on like this for several minutes, until Elsie had an orgasm. Then we disengaged ourselves and looked at one another as though we had never seen each other before. We were dazed.

“I’m going to bed,” I said, determined to make an end of it. I started for the next room, thinking to lie on the couch.

“You can stay with me,” said Maude, holding me by the arm. “Why not?” she said, seeing the surprised look in my eyes.

“Yes,” said Elsie, “why not? Maybe I’ll go to bed with you too. Would you let me?” she asked Maude point blank. “I won’t bother you, she added. “I just hate to leave you now.”

“But what will your folks say?” said Maude.

“They won’t know that Henry stayed, will they?”

“No, of course not!” said Maude, a little frightened at the thought.

“And Melanie?”, I said.

“Oh, she leaves early in the morning. She has a job now.”

Suddenly I wondered what the devil I would say to Mona. I was almost panic-stricken.

“I think I ought to phone home,” I said.

“Oh, not now,” said Elsie coaxingly. “It’s so late.. Wait.”

We hid the bottles away, piled the dishes up in the sink, and took the phonograph upstairs with us. It was just as well that Melanie shouldn’t suspect too much. We tip-toed through the hall and up the stairs, our arms loaded.

I lay between the two of them, a hand on either cunt. They lay quietly for a long while, sound asleep I thought. I was too tired to sleep. I lay with eyes wide open, staring up into the darkness. Finally I turned over on my side. Towards Maude.

Instantly she turned towards me, putting her arms around me and glueing her lips to mine. Then she removed them and placed them to my ear. “I love you,” she whispered faintly. I made no answer. “Did you hear?” she whispered. “I love you!” I pressed her close and put my hand between her legs. Just then I felt Elsie turning round, cuddling up to me spoon fashion. I felt her hand crawling between my legs, squeezing my balls. She had her lips against my neck and was kissing me softly, warmly, with wet, cool lips.

After a time I turned back to a prone position. Elsie did the same. I closed my eyes, tried to summon sleep. It was impossible. The bed felt deliciously soft, the bodies beside me were soft and clinging, and the odor of hair and sex was in my nostrils. From the garden came the heavy fragrance of rain-soaked earth. It was strange, soothingly strange, to be back in this big bed, the marital bed, with a third person beside us, and the three of us enveloped in frank, sensual lust. It was too good to be true. I expected the door to be flung open any moment and an accusing voice scream: “Get out of there, you brazen creatures!” But there was only the silence of the night, the blackness, the heavy, sensual odors of earth and sex.
When I shifted again it was towards Elsie. She was waiting for me, eager to press her cunt against me, slip her thick, taut tong down my throat.

“Is she asleep?” she whispered. “do it once more,” she begged.

I lay motionless, my cock limp, my arm drooping over her waist.

“Not now,” I whispered. “In the morning maybe.”

“No, now! she begged. My prick was curled up in her hand like a dead snail. “Please, please,” she whispered, “I want it. Just one more fuck, Henry.”

“Let him sleep,” said Maude, snuggling up. Her voice sounded as if she were drugged.

“All right” said Elsie, patting Maude’s arm. Then, after a few moments of silence, her lips pressed against my ear, she whispered slowly, allowing a pause between each word: “When she falls asleep, yes?” I nodded. Suddenly I felt that I was dropping off. “Thank god,” I said to myself.

There was a blank, a long blank, it seemed to me, during which I was completely out.

I awakened gradually, dimly conscious that my prick was in Elsie’s mouth. I ran my hand over her head and stroked her back. She put her hand up and placed her fingers over my mouth, as if to warn me not to protest. A useless warning because, curiously enough, I has awakened with a full knowledge of what was coming. My prick was already responding to Elsie’s labial caresses. It was a new prick: it seemed thinner, longer, pointed – a dog-like prick. And it had life in it, as though it had refreshed itself independently, as though it had taken a nap all by itself.

Gently, slowly, stealthily – why had we become furtive now? I wondered – I pulled Elsie up and over me. Her cunt was different than Maude’s longer, narrower, like the finger of a glove slipping over my prick. I made comparisons as I cautiously jogged her up and down. I ran my fingers along the edge and grabbed her bush and tugged it gently. Not a whisper passed our lips. Her teeth were fastened in to the dump of my shoulder. She was arched so that only the tip of it was in her and around that she was slowly, skilfully, torturingly twirling her cunt. Now and then she sank down on it and dug away like an animal.

“God, I love it!” she finally whispered. “I’d like to fuck you every night.”
We rolled over on our sides and lay there glued together, making no movement, no sound. With extraordinary muscular contractions her cunt played with my prick as if it had a life and will of its own.

“Where do you live?” she whispered. “Where can I see you… alone? Write me to-morrow… tell me where to meet you. I want a fuck every day… do you hear? Don’t come yet, please. I want it to last forever.”

Silence. Just the beating of her pulse between the legs. I never felt such a tight fit, such a long, smooth, silky, clean, fresh tight fit. She couldn’t have been fucked more than a dozen times. And the roots of her hair, so strong and fragrant. And her breasts, firm and smooth, almost like apples. The fingers too, strong, supple, greedy. always wandering, clutching, caressing, tickling. How she loved to grab my balls, to cup them, weigh them, then ring the scrotum with two fingers, as of she were going to milk me. And her tongue always active, her teeth biting, pinching, nipping…

She’s very quiet now, not a muscle stirring. Whispers again.

“Am I doing all right? You’ll teach me, won’t you? I’m rooty. I could fuck forever…

You’re not tired any more, are you? Just leave it like that… don’t move. If I come don’t take it out… you won’t, will you? God, this is heaven…”

Quiet again. I have the feeling I could lie this way indefinitely. I want to hear more.

“I’ve got a friend,” she whispers. “We could meet there… she wouldn’t say anything. Jesus, Henry, I never thought it could be like this. Can you fuck like this every night?”

I smiled in the dark.

“What’s the matter?” she whispered.

“Not every night,” I whispered, almost breaking into a giggle.

“Henry, fuck! Quick, fuck me… I’m coming.”

We came off simultaneously, a prolonged orgasm which made me wonder where the damned juice came from.

“You did it!” she whispered. Then: “It’s all right… it was marvellous.”
Maude turned over heavily in her sleep.

“Good-night,” I whispered. “I’m going to sleep – I’m dead.”

“Write me to-morrow,” she whispered, kissing my cheek. “Or phone me… promises I grunted. She cuddled up to me, her arm around my waist. We fell into a trance.