terça-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2009
Não tendo que fazer Apolo um dia
Não tendo que fazer Apolo um dia
Às Musas disse: "Irmãs, é benefício
Vadios empregar, demos ofício
Aos sócios vãos da magra Academia!"
"O Caldas satisfaça à padaria;
O França d'enjoar tenha exercício,
E o autor do entremez do Rei Egípcio
O Pégaso veloz conduza à pia!"
"Vá na Ulisseia tasquinhar o ex-frade:
Da sala o Quintanilha acenda as velas,
Em se juntando alguma sociedade!"
"Bernardo nénias faça, e cague nelas;
E Belmiro, por ter habilidade,
Como d'antes trabalhe em bagatelas!"
Rapada, amarelenta, cabeleira,
Rapada, amarelenta, cabeleira,
Vesgos olhos, que o chá, e o doce engoda,
Boca, que à parte esquerda se acomoda,
(Uns afirmam que fede, outros que cheira):
Japona, que da ladra andou na feira;
Ferrugento faim, que já foi moda
No tempo em que Albuquerque fez a poda
Ao soberbo Hidalcão com mão guerreira:
Ruço calção, que esporra no joelho
Meia e sapato, com que ao lodo avança,
Vindo a encontrar-se c'o esburgalhado artelho:
Jarra, com apetites de criança;
Cara com semelhança de besbelho;
Eis o bedel do Pindo, o doutor França.
Pilha aqui, pilha ali, vozeia autores,
Pilha aqui, pilha ali, vozeia autores,
Montesquieu, Mirabeau, Voltaire, e vários;
Propõe sistemas, tira corolários,
E usurpa o tom d'enfáticos doutores:
Ciência de livreiros e impressores
Tem da vasta memória nos armários;
E tratando os cristãos de visionários,
Só rende culto a Vênus, e aos Amores:
A mulher, que a barriga lhe tem forra
Do jugo da vital necessidade,
Deixa em casa gemer como em masmorra:
Este biltre, labéu da humanidade,
É um tal bacharel Leitão de borra,
Lascivo como um burro, ou como um frade.
Não chores, cara esposa, que o Destino
Não chores, cara esposa, que o Destino
Manda que parta, à guerra me convida;
A honra prezo mais que a própria vida,
E se assim não fizera, fora indigno.
"Eu te acho, meu Conde, tão menino
Que receio..." — Ah! Não temas, não, querida;
A francesa nação será batida,
Este peito, que vês, é diamantino.
"Como é crível que sejas tão valente?..."
Eu herdei o valor de avós, e pais,
Que essa virtude tem a ilustre gente.
"Porém se as forças desiguais...?"
Irra, Condessa! És muito impertinente!
Tornarei a fugir, que queres mais?
Se quereis, bom Monarca, ter soldados
Se quereis, bom Monarca, ter soldados
Para compor lustrosos regimentos,
Mandai desentulhar esses conventos
Em favor da preguiça edificados:
Nos Bernardos lambões, e asselvajados
Achareis mil guerreiros corpulentos;
Nos Vicentes, nos Neris, e nos Bentos
Outros tantos, não menos esforçados:
Tudo extingui, senhor: fiquem somente
Os Franciscanos, Loios, e Torneiros,
Do Centimano aspérrima semente:
Existam estes lobos carniceiros,
Para não arruinar inteiramente
Putas, pívias, cações, e alcoviteiros.
Veio Muley — Achmet marroquino
Veio Muley — Achmet marroquino
Com duros trigos entulhar Lisboa;
Pagava bem, não houve moça boa
Que não provasse o casco adamantino:
Passou a um seminário feminino,
Dos que mais bem providos se apregoa,
Onde a um frade bem fornida ilhoa
Dava d'esmola cada dia um pino:
Tinha o mouro fodido largamente,
E já bazofiando com desdouro
Tratava a nação lusa d'impotente:
Entra o frade, e ao ouvi-lo, como um touro
Passou tudo a caralho novamente,
E o triunfo acabou no cu do mouro.
Inocêncio afirma que este soneto poderá ser da autoria do desembargador Domingos Monteiro d'Albuquerque e Amaral. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004
Uma noite o Scopezzi mui contente
Uma noite o Scopezzi mui contente
(Depois de borrifar a sacra espada
Que traz de rubra fita pendurada
Com cuspo, e vinho, que vomita quente):
Conversava co'a esposa em voz tremente
Sobre a grande ventura inesperada
De ser a sua Plácida adorada
Por um Marquês tão rico, e tão potente:
A velha lhe replica: Isso é verdade;
Enquanto moça for, nunca o dinheiro
Faltará nesta casa em quantidade.
"Mas tu sempre és o tafulão primeiro:
Pois tendo cabrão sido noutra idade,
És agora o maior alcoviteiro!"
Quando do grão Martinho a fatal Marca
Quando do grão Martinho a fatal Marca
O termo fez soar no seu chocalho,
Levou três dias a passar caralho
Do medonho Caronte a negra barca;
Eis no terceiro dia o padre embarca,
E o velho, que a ninguém faz agasalho,
Em prêmio quis só ter do seu trabalho
O gáudio de ver porra de tal marca:
Pegou-se ao cão trifauce a voz na goela
Ao ver de membro tal as dianteiras,
E Plutão a mulher pôs de cautela:
Porém Dido gritou às companheiras:
"Agora temos porra; a ela, a ela,
Que as horas de prazer voam ligeiras!"
Dizendo que a costura não dá nada,
Dizendo que a costura não dá nada,
Que não sabe servir quem foi senhora,
A impulsos da paixão fornicadora
Sobe d'alcoviteira a moça a escada.
Seus desejos lhe pinta a malfadada,
E a tabaquanta velha sedutora
Diz-lhe: "Veio menina, em bela hora,
Que essas, que aí tenho, já não ganham nada".
Matricula-se aqui a tal pateta,
Em punhetas e fodas se industria,
Enquanto a mestra lhe não rifa a greta:
Chega, por fim, o fornicário dia;
E em pouco a menina de muleta
Passeia do hospital na enfermaria.
Que fio de ouro, que cabelo ondado,
Que fio de ouro, que cabelo ondado,
piolhos não criou, lêndeas não teve?
Que raio de olhos blasonar se atreve,
que não foi de remelas mal tratado?
Que boca se acha ou que nariz prezado
aonde monco ou escarro nunca esteve?
E de que cristal ou branca neve
não se viu seu besbelho visitado?
Que papo de mais bela galhardia
que um dedo está do cu só dividido,
não mijou e regra tem todos os meses?
Pois se amor é tudo merda e porcaria,
e por este monturo andais perdido,
cago no amor e em vós trezentas vezes.
Soneto ausente na edição da Caixotim.
Se o grão serralho do Sophi potente,
Se o grão serralho do Sophi potente,
Ou do Sultão feroz, que rege a Trácia,
Mil Vênus de Geórgia, oh! da Circássia
Nuas prestasse ao meu desejo ardente:
Se negros brutos, que parecem gente,
Ministros fossem de lasciva audácia,
Inda assim do ciúme a pertinácia
No peito me nutria ardor pungente:
Erraste em produzir-me, oh! Natureza,
Num país onde todos fodem tudo,
Onde leis não conhece a porra tesa!
Cioso afecto, afecto carrancudo!
Zelar moças na Europa é árdua empresa,
Entre nós ser amante é ser cornudo.
Não te crimino a ti, plebe insensata,
Não te crimino a ti, plebe insensata,
A vã superstição não te crimino;
Foi natural, que o frade era ladino,
É esperta em macaquices a beata:
Só crimino esse herói de bola chata,
Que na escola de Marte inda é menino,
E ao falso pastor, pastor sem tino,
Que tão mal das ovelhas cura, e trata:
Ítem, crimino o respeitável Cunha,
Que a frias petas crédito não dera,
A ser filósofo, como supunha:
Coitado! Protestou com voz sincera
Fazer geral, contrita caramunha,
Porém ficou pior que d'antes era!
De c'roa virginal a fronte ornada,
De c'roa virginal a fronte ornada,
Em lúgubres mortalhas envolvida
A beata fatal jaz estendida,
De assistentes contritos rodeada:
Um se tem por já salvo em ter chegada
Ao lindo pé a boca comovida
Outro protesta reformar a vida:
Porém ela respira, e está corada!
Que é santa, e que morreu, com juramentos
Afirma audaz o façanhudo frade
E que prodígios são seus movimentos
O devoto auditório se persuade:
Renovam-se os protestos e os lamentos:
Triste religião! Pobre cidade!
Miguel Tibério Pedegache. Não é de Bocage. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004
Acredite, sentado aos quentes lares
Acredite, sentado aos quentes lares
Nas noites invernosas de Janeiro,
Lendo em Carlos Magno o sapateiro
As proezas cruéis dos doze Pares:
Creiam que vêm as bruxas pelos ares
A chupar as crianças no traseiro;
Comam quanto lhes diz o gazeteiro,
De casos, de sucessos singulares:
Porém, que uma beata amortalhada,
Com a cara vermelha e corpo mole,
E santa por um frade apregoada:
Que respire, que os braços desenrole,
E seja por defunta acreditada,
Isto somente em Évora se engole!
Miguel Tibério Pedegache. Não é de Bocage. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004
Tendo o terrível Bonaparte à vista
Tendo o terrível Bonaparte à vista,
Novo Aníbal, que esfalfa a voz da Fama,
"Oh capados heróis!" (aos seus exclama
Purpúreo fanfarrão, papal sacrista):
"O progresso estorvai da atroz conquista
Que da filosofia o mal derrama?..."
Disse, e em férvido tom saúda, e chama,
Santos surdos, varões por sacra lista:
Deles em vão rogando um pio arrojo,
Convulso o corpo, as faces amarelas,
Cede triste vitória, que faz nojo!
O rápido francês vai-lhe às canelas;
Dá, fere, mata: ficam-lhe em despojo
Relíquias, bulas, merdas, bagatelas.
Para iludir o suspirado encanto,
Para iludir o suspirado encanto,
Por quem debalde há longo tempo ardia,
"Um ninho achei, oh Lésbia (eu lhe dizia)
Como é dos pais delicioso o canto!"
Assim doloso me expressava, em quanto
Um alegre alvoroço em Lésbia eu via:
"Ah! onde o deparaste?" (ela inquiria)
"Vem (lhe torno) comigo ao pé do acanto":
Por um bosque me fui co'os meus amores,
Pergunta aos ramos pelo implume achado,
E respondendo só vão meus furores.
Conhece... quer fugir ao laço armado,
Na encosta a vergo, que afofavam flores,
Beijo-lhe as iras... fique o mais calado.
Soneto ausente na edição da Caixotim. Deverá ser de Pedro José Constâncio.
Fiado no fervor da mocidade,
Fiado no fervor da mocidade,
Que me acenava com tesões chibantes,
Consumia da vida os meus instantes
Fodendo como um bode, ou como um frade.
Quantas pediram, mas em vão, piedade
Encavadas por mim balbuciantes!
Ficando a gordos sessos alvejantes
Que hemorróidas não fiz nesta cidade!
À força de brigar fiquei mamado;
Vista ao caralho meu, que de gaiteiro
Está sobre os colhões apatetado:
Oh Numen tutelar do mijadeiro!
Levar-te-ei, se tornar ao teso estado,
Por oferenda espetado um parrameiro.
Soneto copiado por Inocêncio de um caderno que continha indistintamente composições de Pedro José Constâncio e de Bocage. Provavelmente do primeiro. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004
Eu foder putas?... Nunca mais, caralho!
Eu foder putas?... Nunca mais, caralho!
Hás de jurar-mo aqui, sobre estas Horas:
E vamos, vamos já!... Porém tu choras?
"Não senhor (me diz ele) eu não, não ralho":
Batendo sobre as Horas como um malho,
"Juro (diz ele) só foder senhoras,
Das que abrem por amor as tentadoras
Pernas àquilo, que arde mais que o alho".
Co'a força do jurar esfolheando
O sacro livro foi, e a ardente sede
O fez em mar de ranho ir soluçando...
Ah! que fizeste? O céu teus passos mede!
Anda, herético filho miserando,
Levanta o dedo a Deus, perdão lhe pede!
Soneto copiado por Inocêncio de um caderno que continha indistintamente composições de Pedro José Constâncio e de Bocage. Da autoria do primeiro. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004
"Ora deixe-me, então... faz-se criança?
"Ora deixe-me, então... faz-se criança?
Olhe que eu grito, pela mãe chamando!"
Pois grite (então lhe digo, amarrotando o
Saiote, que em baixá-lo irada cansa):
Na quente luta lhe desgrenho a trança
A anágua lhe levanto, e fumegando,
As estreitadas bimbas separando
Lhe arrimo o caralhão, que não se amansa:
Tanto a ser gíria, não gritava a bela:
Que a cada grito se escorvava a porra,
Fazendo-lhe do cu saltante pela!
— Há de pagar-me as mangações de borra,
Basta de cono, ponha o sesso à vela,
Que nele ir quero visitar Gomorra.
Soneto copiado por Inocêncio de um caderno que continha indistintamente composições de Pedro José Constâncio e de Bocage. Provavelmente do primeiro. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004
Pela rua da Rosa eu caminhava
Pela rua da Rosa eu caminhava
Eram sete da noite, e a porra tesa;
Eis puta, que indicava assaz pobreza,
Co'um lencinho à janela me acenava:
Quais conselhos? A porra fumegava;
"Hei de seguir a lei da natureza!"
Assim dizia e efeituou-se a empresa;
Prepúcio para trás a porta entrava:
Sem que saúde a moça prazenteira
Se arrima com furor não visto à crica,
E a bela a mole-mole o cu peneira:
Ninguém me gabe o rebolar d'Anica;
Esta puta em foder excede à Freira,
Excede o pensamento, assombra a pica!
"Apre! não metas todo... Eu mais não posso..."
"Apre! não metas todo... Eu mais não posso..."
Assim Márcia formosa me dizia;
— Não sou bárbaro (à moça eu respondia)
Brandamente verás como te coço:
"Ai! por Deus, não... não mais, que é grande! e grosso!"
Quem resistir ao seu falar podia
Meigamente o coninho lhe batia;
Ela diz "Ah meu bem! meu peito é vosso!"
O rebolar do cu (ah!) não te esqueça
Como és bela, meu bem! (então lhe digo)
Ela em suspiros mil a ardência expressa:
Por te unir fazer muito ao meu umbigo;
Assim, assim... menina, mais depressa!...
Eu me venho... ai Jesus!... vem-te comigo!
Soneto copiado por Inocêncio de um caderno que continha indistintamente composições de Pedro José Constâncio e de Bocage. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004
Vem cá, minha Marília, tão roliça,
Vem cá, minha Marília, tão roliça,
So'as bochechas da cor do meu caralho,
Que eu quero ver se os beiços embaralho
Co'esses teus, onde amor a ardência atiça:
Que abrimentos de boca! Tens preguiça?
Hospeda-me entre as pernas este malho,
Que eu te ponho já tesa como um alho;
Ora chega-te a mim, leva esta piça...
Ora mexe... que tal te sabe, amiga?
Então foges c'o sesso? É forte história!
Ele é bom de levar, não, não é viga.
"Eu grito!" (diz a moça merencória).
Pois grita, que espetada nesta espiga
Com porrais salvas cantarei vitória.
Soneto copiado por Inocêncio de um caderno que continha indistintamente composições de Pedro José Constâncio e de Bocage. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004
Dormia a sono solto a minha amada,
Dormia a sono solto a minha amada,
Quando eu pé ante pé no quarto entrava:
E ao ver a linda moça, que arreitava,
Sinto a porra de gosto alvoroçada:
Ora do rosto eu vejo a nevada
Pudibunda bochecha, que encantava;
Outrora nas maminhas demorava
Sôfrega, ardente vista embasbacada:
Porém vendo sair dentre o vestido
Um lascivo pezinho torneado,
Bispo-lhe as pernas e fiquei perdido:
Vai senão quando, o meu caralho amado
Bem como Enéias acordava Dido,
Salta-lhe ao pêlo, pra seguir seu fado.
Soneto copiado por Inocêncio de um caderno que continha indistintamente composições de Pedro José Constâncio e de Bocage. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004
Eram oito do dia; eis a criada
Eram oito do dia; eis a criada
Me corre ao quarto, e diz "Aí vem menina
Em busca sua; faces de bonina,
Olhos, que quem os viu não quer mais nada".
Eis me visto, eis me lavo, e esta engraçada
Fui ver incontinenti; oh céus! que mina!
Que breve pé! Que perna tão divina!
Que maminhas! que rosto! Oh, que é tão dada!
A porra nos calções me dava urros;
Eis a levo ao meu leito, e ela rubente
Não podia sofrer da porra os murros;
"Ai!... Ai!... (de quando em quando assim se sente)
Uma porra tamanha é dada aos burros,
Não é porra capaz de foder gente".
Soneto copiado por Inocêncio de um caderno que continha indistintamente composições de Pedro José Constâncio e de Bocage. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004
Pela escadinha de um courão subindo
Pela escadinha de um coirão subindo
Parei na sala onde não entra o pejo;
Chinelo aqui e ali suado vejo,
E o fato de cordel pendente, rindo;
Quando em miséria tanta reflectindo
Estava, me apareceu ninfa do Tejo,
Roendo um fatacaz de pão com queijo,
E para mim num ai vem rebolindo:
Dá-me um grito a razão: — "Eia, fujamos,
Minha porra infeliz, já deste inferno...
Mas tu respingas? Tenho dito, vamos..."
Eis a porra assim diz: — "Com ódio eterno
Eu, e os sócios colhões em ti mijamos;
Para baixo do umbigo eu só governo".
Soneto copiado por Inocêncio de um caderno que continha indistintamente composições de Pedro José Constâncio e de Bocage. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004
Eram seis da manhã; eu acordava
Eram seis da manhã; eu acordava
Ao som de mão, que à porta me batia;
"Ora vejamos quem será"... dizia,
E assentado na cama me zangava.
Brando rugir da seda se escutava,
E sapato a ranger também se ouvia...
Salto fora da cama... Oh! que alegria
Não tive, olhando Armia, que arreitava!
Temendo venha alguém, a porta fecho:
Co'um chupão lhe saudei a rósea boca,
E na rompente mama alegre mexo:
O caralho estouvado o cono aboca;
Bate a gostosa greta o rubro queixo,
E a matinas de amor a porra toca.
Soneto copiado por Inocêncio de um caderno que continha indistintamente composições de Pedro José Constâncio e de Bocage. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004
"Mas se o pai acordar!..." (Márcia dizia
"Mas se o pai acordar!..." (Márcia dizia
A mim, que à meia-noite a trombicava)
"Hoje não..." (continua, mas deixava
Levantar o saiote, e não queria!)
Sempre em pé a dizer: "Então, avia..."
Sesso à parede, a porra me agüentava:
Uma coisa notei, que me arreitava,
Era o calçado pé, que então rangia:
Vim-me, e assentado num degrau da escada,
Dando alimpa ao caralho, e mais à greta
Nos preparamos para mais porrada:
Por variar, nas mãos meti-lhe a teta;
Tosse o pai, foge a filha... Oh vida errada!
Lá me ficou em meio uma punheta!
Soneto copiado por Inocêncio de um caderno que continha indistintamente composições de Pedro José Constâncio e de Bocage. Provavelmente do primeiro. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004
Quando no estado natural vivia
Quando no estado natural vivia
Metida pelo mato a espécie humana,
Ai da gentil menina desumana,
Que à força a greta virginal abria!
Entrou o estado social um dia;
Manda a lei que o irmão não foda a mana,
É crime até chuchar uma sacana,
E pesa a excomunhão na sodomia:
Quanto, lascivos cães, sois mais ditosos!
Se na igreja gostais de uma cachorra,
Lá mesmo, ante o altar, fodeis gostosos:
Enquanto a linda moça, feita zorra,
Voltando a custo os olhos voluptuosos,
Põe no altar a vista, a idéia em porra.
Soneto copiado por Inocêncio de um caderno que continha indistintamente composições de Pedro José Constâncio e de Bocage. Provavelmente do primeiro. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004
Uma empada de gálico à janela,
Uma empada de gálico à janela,
Fazendo meia, alinhavando trapos,
Enquanto a guerra faz tudo em farrapos,
Pondo o honrado a pedir, e a virgem bela!
Vai a trombuda, sórdida Michela
Fazendo guerra a marujais marsapos,
E sem que deste mil lhe façam papos,
C'o sesso também dá às porras trela:
Tudo em metal por dois canais ajunta;
Recrutas nunca teme, e do Castelo
Se ri, que aos beleguins as mãos lhes unta:
Nas públicas funções vai dar-se ao prelo:
Minh'alma agora, meu leitor, pergunta
Se o ser puta não é ofício belo?
Soneto copiado por Inocêncio de um caderno que continha indistintamente composições de Pedro José Constâncio e de Bocage. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004
Com que mágoa o não digo! Eu nem te vejo,
Com que mágoa o não digo! Eu nem te vejo,
Meu caralho infeliz! Tu, que algum dia
Na gaiteira amorosa filistria
Foste o regalo do meu pátrio Tejo!
Sem te importar o feminino pejo,
Traz a mimosa virgem, que fugia,
Ficando à terna, afadigada Armia,
Lhe pespegavas no coninho um beijo:
Hoje, canal de fétida remela,
O misantropo do país das bimbas,
Apenas olhas cândida donzela!
Deitado dos colhões sobre as tarimbas,
Só co'a memória em feminil canela
Às vezes pívia casual cachimbas.
Soneto copiado por Inocêncio de um caderno que continha indistintamente composições de Pedro José Constâncio e de Bocage. Provavelmente do primeiro. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004
Que eu não possa ajuntar como o Quintela
Que eu não possa ajuntar como o Quintela
É coisa que me aflige o pensamento;
Desinquieta a porra quer sustento,
E a pívia trata já de bagatela:
Se n'outro tempo houve alguma bela
Que o amor só desse o cono penugento,
Isso foi, já não é; que o mais sebento
Cagaçal quer durázia caravela:
Perdem saúde, bolsa, e economia;
Nunca mais me verão meu membro roto;
Está aí minha porral filosofia.
Putas, adeus! Não sou vosso devoto;
Co'um sesso enganarei a fantasia,
Numa escada enrabando um bom garoto.
Soneto copiado por Inocêncio de um caderno que continha indistintamente composições de Pedro José Constâncio e de Bocage. Da autoria do primeiro. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004
segunda-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2009
Biblioteca Nacional – Bicentenário da morte de Bocage
Num capote embrulhado, ao pé de Armia,
Num capote embrulhado, ao pé de Armia,
Que tinha perto a mãe o chá fazendo,
Na linda mão lhe foi (oh céus) metendo
O meu caralho, que de amor fervia:
Entre o susto, entre o pejo a moça ardia;
E eu solapado os beijos remordendo,
Pela fisga da saia a mão crescendo
A chamada sacana lhe fazia:
Entra a vir-se a menina... Ah! que vergonha!
"Que tens?" — lhe diz a mãe sobressaltada:
Não pode ela encobrir na mão langonha:
Sufocada ficou, a mãe corada:
Finda a partida, e mais do que medonha
A noite começou da bofetada.
Amar dentro do peito uma donzela
Amar dentro do peito uma donzela;
Jurar-lhe pelos céus a fé mais pura;
Falar-lhe, conseguindo alta ventura,
Depois da meia-noite na janela:
Fazê-la vir abaixo, e com cautela
Sentir abrir a porta, que murmura;
Entrar pé ante pé, e com ternura
Apertá-la nos braços casta e bela:
Beijar-lhe os vergonhosos, lindos olhos,
E a boca, com prazer o mais jucundo,
Apalpar-lhe de leve os dois pimpolhos:
Vê-la rendida enfim a Amor fecundo;
Ditoso levantar-lhe os brancos folhos;
É este o maior gosto que há no mundo.
Levanta Alzira os olhos pudibunda
Levanta Alzira os olhos pudibunda
Para ver onde a mão lhe conduzia;
Vendo que nela a porra lhe metia
Fez-se mais do que o nácar rubicunda:
Toco o pentelho seu, toco a rotunda
Lisa bimba, onde Amor seu trono erguia;
Entretanto em desejos ardia,
Brando licor o pássaro lhe inunda:
C'o dedo a greta sua lhe coçava;
Ela, maquinalmente a mão movendo,
Docemente o caralho embalava:
"mais depressa" – lhe digo então morrendo,
Enquanto ela sinais do mesmo dava;
Mística pívia assim fomos comendo.
Soneto copiado por Inocêncio de um caderno que continha indistintamente composições de Pedro José Constâncio e de Bocage. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004
Bojudo fradalhão de larga venta
Bojudo fradalhão de larga venta,
Abismo imundo de tabaco esturro,
Doutor na asneira, na ciência burro,
Com barba hirsuta, que no peito assenta:
No púlpito um domingo se apresenta;
Pregas nas grades espantoso murro;
E acalmado do povo o grão sussurro
O dique das asneiras arrebenta.
Quatro putas mofavam de seus brados,
Não querendo que gritasse contra as modas
Um pecador dos mais desaforados:
"Não (diz uma) tu padre não me engodas:
Sempre, me há-de lembrar por meus pecados
A noite, em que me deste nove fodas"!
Lá quando em mim perder a humanidade
Lá quando em mim perder a humanidade
Mais um daqueles, que não fazem falta,
Verbi-gratia – o teólogo, o peralta,
Algum duque, ou marquês, ou conde, ou frade:
Não quero funeral comunidade,
que engrole sub-venites em voz alta;
Pingados gatarrões, gente de malta,
Eu também vos dispenso a caridade:
Mas quando ferrugenta enxada idosa
Sepulcro me cavar em ermo outeiro,
Lavre-me este epitáfio mão piedosa:
"Aqui dorme Bocage, o putanheiro:
Passou a vida folgada, e milagrosa:
Comeu, bebeu, fodeu sem ter dinheiro."
Não lamentes, oh Nise, o teu estado;
Não lamentes, oh Nise, o teu estado;
Puta tem sido muita gente boa;
Putíssimas fidalgas tem Lisboa,
Milhões de vezes putas têm reinado:
Dido foi puta, e puta dum soldado;
Cleópatra por puta alcança a c'roa;
Tu, Lucrécia, com toda a tua proa,
O teu cono não passa por honrado:
Essa da Rússia imperatriz famosa,
Que inda há pouco morreu (diz a Gazeta)
Entre mil porras expirou vaidosa:
Todas no mundo dão a sua greta:
Não fiques, pois, oh Nise, duvidosa
Que isto de virgo e honra é tudo peta
Poema de Bocage. Inocêncio, porém, considera que foi composto por João Vicente Pimentel Maldonado. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004.
Não lamentes, Alcino, o teu estado,
Não lamentes, Alcino, o teu estado,
Corno tem sido muita gente boa;
Corníssimos fidalgos tem Lisboa,
Milhões de vezes cornos têm reinado.
Siqueu foi corno, e corno de um soldado:
Marco Antonio por corno perdeu a c'roa;
Anfitrião com toda a sua proa
Na Fábula não passa por honrado;
Um rei Fernando foi cabrão famoso
(Segundo a antiga letra da gazeta)
E entre mil cornos expirou vaidoso;
Tudo no mundo é sujeito à greta:
Não fiques mais, Alcino, duvidoso
Que isto de ser corno é tudo peta.
Paródia ao soneto anterior, aparentemente da autoria de José Anselmo Correia Henriques. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004.
É pau, e rei dos paus, não marmeleiro,
É pau, e rei dos paus, não marmeleiro,
Bem que duas gamboas lhe lobrigo;
Dá leite, sem ser árvore de figo,
Da glande o fruto tem, sem ser sobreiro:
Verga, e não quebra, como zambujeiro;
Oco, qual sabugueiro tem o umbigo;
Brando às vezes, qual vime, está consigo;
Outras vezes mais rijo que um pinheiro:
À roda da raiz produz carqueja:
Todo o resto do tronco é calvo e nu;
Nem cedro, nem pau-santo mais negreja!
Para carvalho ser falta-lhe um U;
Adivinhem agora que pau seja,
E quem adivinhar meta-o no cu.
Piolhos cria o cabelo mais dourado
Piolhos cria o cabelo mais dourado;
Branca remela o olho mais vistoso;
Pelo nariz do rosto mais formoso
O monco se divisa pendurado:
Pela boca do rosto mais corado
Hálito sai, às vezes bem ascoroso;
A mais nevada mão sempre é forçoso
Que de sua dona o cu tenha tocado:
Ao pé dele a melhor natura mora,
Que deitando no mês podre gordura,
Fétido mijo lança a qualquer hora.
Caga o cu mais alvo merda pura:
Pois se é isto o que tanto se namora,
Em ti, mijo, em ti cago, oh formosura!
Soneto atribuído, quer a Bocage, quer ao Abade de Jazente. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004
Esse disforme e rígido porraz
Esse disforme e rígido porraz
Do semblante me faz perder a cor;
E assombrado d'espanto e de terror
Dar mais de cinco passos para trás;
A espada do membrudo Ferrabraz
Decerto não metia mais horror:
Esse membro é capaz até de pôr
A amotinada Europa toda em paz.
Creio que nas fodais recreações
Não te hão-de a rija máquina sofrer
Os mais corridos, sórdidos cações:
De Vénus não desfrutas o prazer:
Que esse monstro, que alojas nos calções
É porra de mostrar, não de foder.
Arreitada donzela em fofo leito
Arreitada donzela em fofo leito
Deixando erguer a virginal camisa,
Sobre as roliças coxas se divisa
Entre sombras subtis pachocho estreito.
De louro pêlo um círculo imperfeito
Os papudos beicinhos lhe matiza;
E a branda crica nacarada e lisa,
Em pingos verte alvo licor desfeito.
A voraz porra, as guelras encrespando,
Arruma a focinheira, e entre gemidos
A moça treme, os olhos requebrando.
Como é inda boçal, perder os sentidos;
Porém vai com tal ânsia trabalhando,
Que os homens é que vêm a ser fodidos.
Se tu visses, Josino, a minha amada
Se tu visses, Josino, a minha amada,
Havias de louvar o meu bom gosto;
Pois seu nevado, rubicundo rosto,
Às mais formosas não inveja nada:
Na sua boca Vénus faz morada:
Nos olhos Cupido as setas posto;
Nas mamas faz Lascívia o seu encosto,
Nela enfim tudo encanta, tudo agrada:
Se a Ásia visse coisa tão bonita
Talvez lhe levantasse algum pagode
A gente, que na foda se exercita!
Beleza mais completa haver não pode:
Pois mesmo o cono seu, quando palpita,
Parece estar dizendo: "Fode, fode!"
Dizem que o rei cruel do Averno imundo
Dizem que o rei cruel do Averno imundo
Tem entre as pernas caralhaz lanceta,
Para meter do cu na aberta greta
A quem não foder bem cá neste mundo:
Tremei, humanos, deste mal profundo,
Deixai essas lições, sabida peta,
Foda-se a salvo, coma-se a punheta:
Este prazer da vida mais jucundo.
Se pois guardar devemos castidade,
Para que nos deu Deus porras leiteiras,
Senão para foder com liberdade?
Fodam-se, pois, casadas e solteiras,
E seja isto já; que é curta a idade,
E as horas do prazer voam ligeiras!
Cagando estava a dama mais formosa,
Cagando estava a dama mais formosa,
E nunca se viu cu de tanta alvura;
Porém o ver cagar a formosura
Mete nojo à vontade mais gulosa!
Ela a massa expulsou fedentinosa
Com algum custo, porque estava dura;
Uma carta d'amores de alimpadura
Serviu àquela parte malcheirosa:
Ora mandem à moça mais bonita
Um escrito d'amor que lisonjeiro
Afetos move, corações incita:
Para o ir ver servir de reposteiro
À porta, onde o fedor, e a trampa habita,
Do sombrio palácio do alcatreiro!
Soneto atribuído a Bocage; segundo Inocêncio, poderá ser da autoria do Abade de Jazente. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004
Vai cagar o mestiço e não vai só
Vai cagar o mestiço e não vai só;
Convida a algum, que esteja no Gará,
E com as longas calças na mão já
Pede ao cafre canudo e tambió:
Destapa o banco, atira o seu fuscó,
Depois que ao liso cu assento dá,
Diz ao outro: "Oh amigo, como está
A Rita? O que é feito da Nhonhó?"
"Vieste do palmar? Foste a Pangin?
Não me darás notícias da Rossu,
Que desde o outro dia inda a não vi?"
Assim prossegue, e farto já de gu,
O branco, e respeitável canarim
Deita fora o cachimbo, e lava o cu.
Cortando dez sermões a canivete
Cortando dez sermões a canivete,
E roubando uma inteira Livraria,
Acompanhando a corja que assobia,
E dando à mãe dois murros no topete;
De arrieiro na estrada andando ao frete,
E cosendo comédias à Maria,
Empregado vilmente como espia,
Entregando o doutor que em casa o mete;
Nos púlpitos fazendo alto berreiro,
Sem lei, com as leis metendo aos outros medo,
E à toa descompondo o mundo inteiro;
Eis como vive, num perpétuo enredo,
Para tudo o que é mau sempre em terreiro
O fofo ex-frade, que se diz Macedo.
Soneto da autoria de Bocage ou de Nuno Álvares de Pato Moniz. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004
Cante a guerra quem for arrenegado
Cante a guerra quem for arrenegado,
Que eu nem palavra gastarei com ele;
Minha Musa será sem par canela
Co'um felpudo coninho abraseado:
Aqui descreverei com arreitado
N'um mar de bimbas navegando à vela,
Cheguei, propício o vento, à doce, àquela
Enseada d'Amor, rei coroado:
Direi também os beijos sussurrantes,
Os intrincados nós das línguas ternas,
E o aturado fungar de dois amantes :
Estas glórias serão na fama eternas;
Às minhas cinzas me farão descantes
Fêmeos vindouros, alargando as pernas.
Soneto copiado por Inocêncio de um caderno que continha indistintamente composições de Pedro José Constâncio e de Bocage. Natália Correia afirma que é da autoria do primeiro. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004
Magro, de olhos azuis, carão moreno,
Magro, de olhos azuis, carão moreno,
Bem servido de pés, meão na altura,
Triste de facha, o mesmo de figura,
Nariz alto no meio, e não pequeno:
Incapaz de assistir num só terreno,
Mais propenso ao furor do que à ternura,
Bebendo em níveas mãos por taça escura
De zelos infernais letal veneno:
Devoto incensador de mil deidades,
(Digo de moças mil) num só momento
Inimigo de hipócritas, e frades:
Eis Bocage, em quem luz algum talento:
Saíram dele mesmo estas verdades
Num dia, em que se achou cagando ao vento.
Versão original. Na versão publicada em vida do poeta (1804), os versos 11 e 14 são: "E somente no altar amando os frades" e "Num dia em que se achou mais pachorrento".. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004
Morreu Bocage, sepultou-se em Goa!
Morreu Bocage, sepultou-se em Goa!
Chorai, moças venais, chorai, pedantes,
O insulso estragador dos consoantes,
Que tantos tempos aturdiu Lisboa!
Por aventuras mil obteve a c'roa
Que a fronte cinge dos heróis andantes;
Inda veio de climas tão distantes
À toa vegetar, versar à toa:
Este que vês, com olhos macerados,
Não é Bocage, não, rei dos brejeiros,
São apenas seus ossos descarnados:
Fugiu do cemitério aos companheiros:
Anda agora purgando seus pecados
Glosando aos cagaçais pelos outeiros.
É de Belchior Curvo Semedo. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004
No canto de um venal salão de dança,
No canto de um venal salão de dança,
Ao som de uma rebeca desgrudada,
Olhos em alvo, a porra arrebitada,
Bocage, o folgazão, rostia o França:
Este, com mogigangas de criança,
Com a mão pelos ovos encrespada,
Brandia sobre a roxa fronte alçada
Do assanhado porraz, que quer lambança:
Veterana se faz a mão bisonha;
Tanto a tempo meneia, e sua o bicho,
Que em Bocage o tesão vence a vergonha:
Quis vir-me por luxúria, ou por capricho;
Mas em vez de acudir-lhe alva langonha
Rebenta-lhe do cu merdoso esguicho.
Nada permite concluir que este soneto seja da autoria de Bocage. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004
Tu, oh demente velho descarado,
Tu, o demente velho descarado,
Escândalo do sexo masculino,
Que por alta justiça do Destino
Tens o impotente membro decepado:
Tu, que, em torpe furor incendiado
Sofres d'ímpia paixão ardor maligno,
E a consorte gentil, de que és indigno,
Entregas a infrutífero castrado:
Tu, que tendo bebido o méstruo imundo,
Esse amor indiscreto te não gasta
D'ímpia mulher o orgulho furibundo;
Em castigo do vício, que te arrasta,
Saiba a ínclita Lísia, e todo o mundo
Que és vil por génio, que és cabrão, e basta.
Esquentado frisão, brutal masmarro
Esquentado frisão, brutal masmarro
Girava em Santarém na pobre feira;
Eis que divisa ao longe em couva ceira
Seus bons irmãos seráficos de barro:
O bruto, que arremeda um boi de carro
Na carranca feroz, parte à carreira,
Os sagrados bonecos escaqueira,
E arranca de ufania um longo escarro:
N'alma o santo furor lhe arqueja, e berra;
Mas vós enchei-vos de íntimo alvoroço,
Povos, que do burel sofreis a guerra:
Que dos bonzos de barro o vil destroço
É presságio talvez de irem por terra
Membrudos fradalhões de carne e osso!
Nesta, cuja memória esquece à Fama,
Nesta, cuja memória esquece à Fama,
Feira, que de Santarém vem de ano em ano,
Jazia co'uma freira um franciscano;
Eram de barro os dois, de barro a cama:
Co'a mão, que à virgindade injúrias trama,
Pretendia o cabrão ferrar-lhe o pano;
Eis que um negro barrasco, um Frei Tutano
O espetáculo vê, que os rins lhe inflama:
"Irra! Vens me atiçar, gente danada!
Não basta a felpa dos buréis opacos,
Com que a carne rebelde anda ralada?"
"Fora, vis tentações, fora, velhacos!..."
Disse, e ao ríspido som de atroz patada
O escandaloso par converte em cacos.
Aquele semi-clérigo patife,
Aquele semi-clérigo patife,
Se eu no mundo fizera ainda apostas,
Apostara contigo que nas costas
O grande Pico tem de Tenerife:
Célebre traste! É justo que se rife;
Eu também pronto estou, se disso gostas;
Não haja mais perguntas, nem respostas;
Venha, antes que algum taful o bife:
Parece hermafrodita o corcovado;
Pela rachada parte (que apeteço)
Parece que emprenhou, pois anda opado!
Mas desta errada opinião me desço;
Pois que traz a criança no costado,
Deve ter emprenhado pelo sesso.
Porri-potente herói, que uma cadeira
Porri-potente herói, que uma cadeira
Susténs na ponta do caralho teso,
Pondo-lhe em riba mais por contrapeso
A capa de baetão da alcoviteira:
Teu casso é como o ramo da palmeira,
Que mais se eleva, quando tem mais peso;
Se o não conservas açaimado e preso,
É capaz de foder Lisboa inteira!
Que forças tens no hórrido marsapo,
Que assentando a disforme cachamorra
Deixa conos e cus feitos num trapo!
Quem ao ver-te o tesão há não discorra
Que tu não podes ser senão Priapo,
Ou que tens um guindaste em vez de porra?
Nojenta prole da rainha Ginga,
Nojenta prole da rainha Ginga,
Sabujo ladrador, cara de nico,
Loquaz saguim, burlesco Teodorico,
Osga torrada, estúpido rezinga;
E não te acuso de poeta pinga;
Tens lido o mestre Inácio, e o bom Supico;
De ocas idéias tens o casco rico,
Mas teus versos tresandam a catinga:
Se a tua musa nos outeiros campa,
Se ao Miranda fizeste ode demente,
E o mais, que ao mundo estólido se incampa:
É porque sendo, oh! Caldas, tão somente
Um cafre, um gozo, um néscio, um parvo, um trampa,
Queres meter nariz em cu de gente.
Enquanto a rude plebe alvoroçada
Enquanto a rude plebe alvoroçada
Do rouco vate escuta a voz de mouro,
Que do peito inflamado sai d'estouro
Por estreito bocal desentoada:
Não cessa a cantilena acigarrada
Do vil inseto, do mordaz besouro;
Que à larga se criou por entre o louro
De que a sábia Minerva está c'roada:
Enquanto o cego ateu, calvo da tinha,
Com parolas confunde alguns basbaques,
Salmeando a amatória ladainha:
Eu não me posso ter; cheio de achaques,
Cansado de lhe ouvir — "Bravo! Esta é minha!"
Cago sem me sentir, desando em traques.
Anónimo. Não é de Bocage. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004
Esqueleto animal, cara de fome,
Esqueleto animal, cara de fome,
De Timão, e chapéu à holandesa,
Olhos espantadiços, boca acesa,
D'onde o fumo, que sai, a todos some:
Milagre do Parnaso em fama e nome,
Em corpo galicado alma francesa,
Com voz medonha, língua portuguesa,
Que aos bocados a honra e brio come:
Toda a moça, que dele se confia,
É virgem no serralho do seu peito;
Janela, que se fecha, putaria!
Neste esboço o retrato tenho feito;
Eis o grande e fatal Manoel Maria,
Que até pintado perde o bom conceito.
Anónimo. Não é de Bocage. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004
Há junto do Parnaso um turvo lago,
Há junto do Parnaso um turvo lago,
Aonde em rãs existem transformados
Os trovistas de cascos esquentados,
Cérebro frouxo, ou de miolo vago:
Por mais infâmia sua, e mais estrago
Doou-lhe Febo os ânimos danados,
P'ra que exprimam em versos desasados
Os seus destinos vis, nos quais eu cago:
Aqui Bocage, vive, e d'aqui ralha,
E co'a tartárea língua pontiaguda
Bons e maus, maus e bons, tudo atassalha.
É vil inseto, e o gênio atroz não muda,
Bem como a escura cor não muda a gralha,
E o hediondo fedor não perde a arruda. (J. Franco)
Joaquim Franco. Não é de Bocage. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004
Turba esfaimada, multidão canina,
Turba esfaimada, multidão canina,
Corja, que tem por deus ou Momo, ou Baco,
Reina, e decreta nos covis de Caco
Ignorância daqui, dali rapina:
Colhe de alto sistema e lei divina
Imaginário jus, com que encha o saco;
Textos gagueja em vão Doutor macaco
Por ouro, que promete alma sovina:
Círculo umbroso de venais pedantes,
Com torpe astúcia de maligna zorra
Usurpa nome excelso, e graus flamantes:
Ora mijei na súcia, inda que eu morra
Corno, arrocho, bambu nos elefantes,
Cujo vulto é de anões, a tromba é porra!
Na cena em quadra trágico-invernosa
Na cena em quadra trágico-invernosa
Zaida se impingiu (fradesco drama!)
Apareceu depois, com sede à fama,
Tragédia mais igual, mais lastimosa:
O autor pranteia em frase aparatosa
Esfaqueado arrais, pimpão d'Alfama;
Corno o protagonista, e puta a dama,
O machão é Simeão, e a mula é Rosa:
Espicha o rabo (eu tremo ao proferi-lo)
Espicha o rabo ali o herói na rua,
Qual Muratão nos areais do Nilo!
Elmiro na tarefa contínua,
Já todos pela escolha, e pelo estilo
Rosnam que a nova peça é obra sua.
Aludindo à tragédia "Zaida" de José Agostinho de Macedo, pateada nas primeiras representações. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004
Num capote embrulhado, ao pé de Armia,
Num capote embrulhado, ao pé de Armia,
Que tinha perto a mãe o chá fazendo,
Na linda mão lhe foi (oh céus) metendo
O meu caralho, que de amor fervia:
Entre o susto, entre o pejo a moça ardia;
E eu solapado os beijos remordendo,
Pela fisga da saia a mão crescendo
A chamada sacana lhe fazia:
Entra a vir-se a menina... Ah! que vergonha!
"Que tens?" — lhe diz a mãe sobressaltada:
Não pode ela encobrir na mão langonha:
Sufocada ficou, a mãe corada:
Finda a partida, e mais do que medonha
A noite começou da bofetada.
Amar dentro do peito uma donzela
Amar dentro do peito uma donzela;
Jurar-lhe pelos céus a fé mais pura;
Falar-lhe, conseguindo alta ventura,
Depois da meia-noite na janela:
Fazê-la vir abaixo, e com cautela
Sentir abrir a porta, que murmura;
Entrar pé ante pé, e com ternura
Apertá-la nos braços casta e bela:
Beijar-lhe os vergonhosos, lindos olhos,
E a boca, com prazer o mais jucundo,
Apalpar-lhe de leve os dois pimpolhos:
Vê-la rendida enfim a Amor fecundo;
Ditoso levantar-lhe os brancos folhos;
É este o maior gosto que há no mundo.
Levanta Alzira os olhos pudibunda
Levanta Alzira os olhos pudibunda
Para ver onde a mão lhe conduzia;
Vendo que nela a porra lhe metia
Fez-se mais do que o nácar rubicunda:
Toco o pentelho seu, toco a rotunda
Lisa bimba, onde Amor seu trono erguia;
Entretanto em desejos ardia,
Brando licor o pássaro lhe inunda:
C'o dedo a greta sua lhe coçava;
Ela, maquinalmente a mão movendo,
Docemente o caralho embalava:
"mais depressa" – lhe digo então morrendo,
Enquanto ela sinais do mesmo dava;
Mística pívia assim fomos comendo.
Soneto copiado por Inocêncio de um caderno que continha indistintamente composições de Pedro José Constâncio e de Bocage. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004
Bojudo fradalhão de larga venta
Bojudo fradalhão de larga venta,
Abismo imundo de tabaco esturro,
Doutor na asneira, na ciência burro,
Com barba hirsuta, que no peito assenta:
No púlpito um domingo se apresenta;
Pregas nas grades espantoso murro;
E acalmado do povo o grão sussurro
O dique das asneiras arrebenta.
Quatro putas mofavam de seus brados,
Não querendo que gritasse contra as modas
Um pecador dos mais desaforados:
"Não (diz uma) tu padre não me engodas:
Sempre, me há-de lembrar por meus pecados
A noite, em que me deste nove fodas"!
Lá quando em mim perder a humanidade
Lá quando em mim perder a humanidade
Mais um daqueles, que não fazem falta,
Verbi-gratia – o teólogo, o peralta,
Algum duque, ou marquês, ou conde, ou frade:
Não quero funeral comunidade,
que engrole sub-venites em voz alta;
Pingados gatarrões, gente de malta,
Eu também vos dispenso a caridade:
Mas quando ferrugenta enxada idosa
Sepulcro me cavar em ermo outeiro,
Lavre-me este epitáfio mão piedosa:
"Aqui dorme Bocage, o putanheiro:
Passou a vida folgada, e milagrosa:
Comeu, bebeu, fodeu sem ter dinheiro."
Não lamentes, oh Nise, o teu estado;
Não lamentes, oh Nise, o teu estado;
Puta tem sido muita gente boa;
Putíssimas fidalgas tem Lisboa,
Milhões de vezes putas têm reinado:
Dido foi puta, e puta dum soldado;
Cleópatra por puta alcança a c'roa;
Tu, Lucrécia, com toda a tua proa,
O teu cono não passa por honrado:
Essa da Rússia imperatriz famosa,
Que inda há pouco morreu (diz a Gazeta)
Entre mil porras expirou vaidosa:
Todas no mundo dão a sua greta:
Não fiques, pois, oh Nise, duvidosa
Que isto de virgo e honra é tudo peta
Poema de Bocage. Inocêncio, porém, considera que foi composto por João Vicente Pimentel Maldonado. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004.
Não lamentes, Alcino, o teu estado,
Não lamentes, Alcino, o teu estado,
Corno tem sido muita gente boa;
Corníssimos fidalgos tem Lisboa,
Milhões de vezes cornos têm reinado.
Siqueu foi corno, e corno de um soldado:
Marco Antonio por corno perdeu a c'roa;
Anfitrião com toda a sua proa
Na Fábula não passa por honrado;
Um rei Fernando foi cabrão famoso
(Segundo a antiga letra da gazeta)
E entre mil cornos expirou vaidoso;
Tudo no mundo é sujeito à greta:
Não fiques mais, Alcino, duvidoso
Que isto de ser corno é tudo peta.
Paródia ao soneto anterior, aparentemente da autoria de José Anselmo Correia Henriques. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004.
É pau, e rei dos paus, não marmeleiro,
É pau, e rei dos paus, não marmeleiro,
Bem que duas gamboas lhe lobrigo;
Dá leite, sem ser árvore de figo,
Da glande o fruto tem, sem ser sobreiro:
Verga, e não quebra, como zambujeiro;
Oco, qual sabugueiro tem o umbigo;
Brando às vezes, qual vime, está consigo;
Outras vezes mais rijo que um pinheiro:
À roda da raiz produz carqueja:
Todo o resto do tronco é calvo e nu;
Nem cedro, nem pau-santo mais negreja!
Para carvalho ser falta-lhe um U;
Adivinhem agora que pau seja,
E quem adivinhar meta-o no cu.
Piolhos cria o cabelo mais dourado
Piolhos cria o cabelo mais dourado;
Branca remela o olho mais vistoso;
Pelo nariz do rosto mais formoso
O monco se divisa pendurado:
Pela boca do rosto mais corado
Hálito sai, às vezes bem ascoroso;
A mais nevada mão sempre é forçoso
Que de sua dona o cu tenha tocado:
Ao pé dele a melhor natura mora,
Que deitando no mês podre gordura,
Fétido mijo lança a qualquer hora.
Caga o cu mais alvo merda pura:
Pois se é isto o que tanto se namora,
Em ti, mijo, em ti cago, oh formosura!
Soneto atribuído, quer a Bocage, quer ao Abade de Jazente. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004
Esse disforme e rígido porraz
Esse disforme e rígido porraz
Do semblante me faz perder a cor;
E assombrado d'espanto e de terror
Dar mais de cinco passos para trás;
A espada do membrudo Ferrabraz
Decerto não metia mais horror:
Esse membro é capaz até de pôr
A amotinada Europa toda em paz.
Creio que nas fodais recreações
Não te hão-de a rija máquina sofrer
Os mais corridos, sórdidos cações:
De Vénus não desfrutas o prazer:
Que esse monstro, que alojas nos calções
É porra de mostrar, não de foder.
Arreitada donzela em fofo leito
Arreitada donzela em fofo leito
Deixando erguer a virginal camisa,
Sobre as roliças coxas se divisa
Entre sombras subtis pachocho estreito.
De louro pêlo um círculo imperfeito
Os papudos beicinhos lhe matiza;
E a branda crica nacarada e lisa,
Em pingos verte alvo licor desfeito.
A voraz porra, as guelras encrespando,
Arruma a focinheira, e entre gemidos
A moça treme, os olhos requebrando.
Como é inda boçal, perder os sentidos;
Porém vai com tal ânsia trabalhando,
Que os homens é que vêm a ser fodidos.
Se tu visses, Josino, a minha amada
Se tu visses, Josino, a minha amada,
Havias de louvar o meu bom gosto;
Pois seu nevado, rubicundo rosto,
Às mais formosas não inveja nada:
Na sua boca Vénus faz morada:
Nos olhos Cupido as setas posto;
Nas mamas faz Lascívia o seu encosto,
Nela enfim tudo encanta, tudo agrada:
Se a Ásia visse coisa tão bonita
Talvez lhe levantasse algum pagode
A gente, que na foda se exercita!
Beleza mais completa haver não pode:
Pois mesmo o cono seu, quando palpita,
Parece estar dizendo: "Fode, fode!"
Dizem que o rei cruel do Averno imundo
Dizem que o rei cruel do Averno imundo
Tem entre as pernas caralhaz lanceta,
Para meter do cu na aberta greta
A quem não foder bem cá neste mundo:
Tremei, humanos, deste mal profundo,
Deixai essas lições, sabida peta,
Foda-se a salvo, coma-se a punheta:
Este prazer da vida mais jucundo.
Se pois guardar devemos castidade,
Para que nos deu Deus porras leiteiras,
Senão para foder com liberdade?
Fodam-se, pois, casadas e solteiras,
E seja isto já; que é curta a idade,
E as horas do prazer voam ligeiras!
Cagando estava a dama mais formosa,
Cagando estava a dama mais formosa,
E nunca se viu cu de tanta alvura;
Porém o ver cagar a formosura
Mete nojo à vontade mais gulosa!
Ela a massa expulsou fedentinosa
Com algum custo, porque estava dura;
Uma carta d'amores de alimpadura
Serviu àquela parte malcheirosa:
Ora mandem à moça mais bonita
Um escrito d'amor que lisonjeiro
Afetos move, corações incita:
Para o ir ver servir de reposteiro
À porta, onde o fedor, e a trampa habita,
Do sombrio palácio do alcatreiro!
Soneto atribuído a Bocage; segundo Inocêncio, poderá ser da autoria do Abade de Jazente. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004
Vai cagar o mestiço e não vai só
Vai cagar o mestiço e não vai só;
Convida a algum, que esteja no Gará,
E com as longas calças na mão já
Pede ao cafre canudo e tambió:
Destapa o banco, atira o seu fuscó,
Depois que ao liso cu assento dá,
Diz ao outro: "Oh amigo, como está
A Rita? O que é feito da Nhonhó?"
"Vieste do palmar? Foste a Pangin?
Não me darás notícias da Rossu,
Que desde o outro dia inda a não vi?"
Assim prossegue, e farto já de gu,
O branco, e respeitável canarim
Deita fora o cachimbo, e lava o cu.
Cortando dez sermões a canivete
Cortando dez sermões a canivete,
E roubando uma inteira Livraria,
Acompanhando a corja que assobia,
E dando à mãe dois murros no topete;
De arrieiro na estrada andando ao frete,
E cosendo comédias à Maria,
Empregado vilmente como espia,
Entregando o doutor que em casa o mete;
Nos púlpitos fazendo alto berreiro,
Sem lei, com as leis metendo aos outros medo,
E à toa descompondo o mundo inteiro;
Eis como vive, num perpétuo enredo,
Para tudo o que é mau sempre em terreiro
O fofo ex-frade, que se diz Macedo.
Soneto da autoria de Bocage ou de Nuno Álvares de Pato Moniz. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004
Cante a guerra quem for arrenegado
Cante a guerra quem for arrenegado,
Que eu nem palavra gastarei com ele;
Minha Musa será sem par canela
Co'um felpudo coninho abraseado:
Aqui descreverei com arreitado
N'um mar de bimbas navegando à vela,
Cheguei, propício o vento, à doce, àquela
Enseada d'Amor, rei coroado:
Direi também os beijos sussurrantes,
Os intrincados nós das línguas ternas,
E o aturado fungar de dois amantes :
Estas glórias serão na fama eternas;
Às minhas cinzas me farão descantes
Fêmeos vindouros, alargando as pernas.
Soneto copiado por Inocêncio de um caderno que continha indistintamente composições de Pedro José Constâncio e de Bocage. Natália Correia afirma que é da autoria do primeiro. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004
Magro, de olhos azuis, carão moreno,
Magro, de olhos azuis, carão moreno,
Bem servido de pés, meão na altura,
Triste de facha, o mesmo de figura,
Nariz alto no meio, e não pequeno:
Incapaz de assistir num só terreno,
Mais propenso ao furor do que à ternura,
Bebendo em níveas mãos por taça escura
De zelos infernais letal veneno:
Devoto incensador de mil deidades,
(Digo de moças mil) num só momento
Inimigo de hipócritas, e frades:
Eis Bocage, em quem luz algum talento:
Saíram dele mesmo estas verdades
Num dia, em que se achou cagando ao vento.
Versão original. Na versão publicada em vida do poeta (1804), os versos 11 e 14 são: "E somente no altar amando os frades" e "Num dia em que se achou mais pachorrento".. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004
Morreu Bocage, sepultou-se em Goa!
Morreu Bocage, sepultou-se em Goa!
Chorai, moças venais, chorai, pedantes,
O insulso estragador dos consoantes,
Que tantos tempos aturdiu Lisboa!
Por aventuras mil obteve a c'roa
Que a fronte cinge dos heróis andantes;
Inda veio de climas tão distantes
À toa vegetar, versar à toa:
Este que vês, com olhos macerados,
Não é Bocage, não, rei dos brejeiros,
São apenas seus ossos descarnados:
Fugiu do cemitério aos companheiros:
Anda agora purgando seus pecados
Glosando aos cagaçais pelos outeiros.
É de Belchior Curvo Semedo. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004
No canto de um venal salão de dança,
No canto de um venal salão de dança,
Ao som de uma rebeca desgrudada,
Olhos em alvo, a porra arrebitada,
Bocage, o folgazão, rostia o França:
Este, com mogigangas de criança,
Com a mão pelos ovos encrespada,
Brandia sobre a roxa fronte alçada
Do assanhado porraz, que quer lambança:
Veterana se faz a mão bisonha;
Tanto a tempo meneia, e sua o bicho,
Que em Bocage o tesão vence a vergonha:
Quis vir-me por luxúria, ou por capricho;
Mas em vez de acudir-lhe alva langonha
Rebenta-lhe do cu merdoso esguicho.
Nada permite concluir que este soneto seja da autoria de Bocage. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004
Tu, oh demente velho descarado,
Tu, o demente velho descarado,
Escândalo do sexo masculino,
Que por alta justiça do Destino
Tens o impotente membro decepado:
Tu, que, em torpe furor incendiado
Sofres d'ímpia paixão ardor maligno,
E a consorte gentil, de que és indigno,
Entregas a infrutífero castrado:
Tu, que tendo bebido o méstruo imundo,
Esse amor indiscreto te não gasta
D'ímpia mulher o orgulho furibundo;
Em castigo do vício, que te arrasta,
Saiba a ínclita Lísia, e todo o mundo
Que és vil por génio, que és cabrão, e basta.
Esquentado frisão, brutal masmarro
Esquentado frisão, brutal masmarro
Girava em Santarém na pobre feira;
Eis que divisa ao longe em couva ceira
Seus bons irmãos seráficos de barro:
O bruto, que arremeda um boi de carro
Na carranca feroz, parte à carreira,
Os sagrados bonecos escaqueira,
E arranca de ufania um longo escarro:
N'alma o santo furor lhe arqueja, e berra;
Mas vós enchei-vos de íntimo alvoroço,
Povos, que do burel sofreis a guerra:
Que dos bonzos de barro o vil destroço
É presságio talvez de irem por terra
Membrudos fradalhões de carne e osso!
Nesta, cuja memória esquece à Fama,
Nesta, cuja memória esquece à Fama,
Feira, que de Santarém vem de ano em ano,
Jazia co'uma freira um franciscano;
Eram de barro os dois, de barro a cama:
Co'a mão, que à virgindade injúrias trama,
Pretendia o cabrão ferrar-lhe o pano;
Eis que um negro barrasco, um Frei Tutano
O espetáculo vê, que os rins lhe inflama:
"Irra! Vens me atiçar, gente danada!
Não basta a felpa dos buréis opacos,
Com que a carne rebelde anda ralada?"
"Fora, vis tentações, fora, velhacos!..."
Disse, e ao ríspido som de atroz patada
O escandaloso par converte em cacos.
Aquele semi-clérigo patife,
Aquele semi-clérigo patife,
Se eu no mundo fizera ainda apostas,
Apostara contigo que nas costas
O grande Pico tem de Tenerife:
Célebre traste! É justo que se rife;
Eu também pronto estou, se disso gostas;
Não haja mais perguntas, nem respostas;
Venha, antes que algum taful o bife:
Parece hermafrodita o corcovado;
Pela rachada parte (que apeteço)
Parece que emprenhou, pois anda opado!
Mas desta errada opinião me desço;
Pois que traz a criança no costado,
Deve ter emprenhado pelo sesso.
Porri-potente herói, que uma cadeira
Porri-potente herói, que uma cadeira
Susténs na ponta do caralho teso,
Pondo-lhe em riba mais por contrapeso
A capa de baetão da alcoviteira:
Teu casso é como o ramo da palmeira,
Que mais se eleva, quando tem mais peso;
Se o não conservas açaimado e preso,
É capaz de foder Lisboa inteira!
Que forças tens no hórrido marsapo,
Que assentando a disforme cachamorra
Deixa conos e cus feitos num trapo!
Quem ao ver-te o tesão há não discorra
Que tu não podes ser senão Priapo,
Ou que tens um guindaste em vez de porra?
Nojenta prole da rainha Ginga,
Nojenta prole da rainha Ginga,
Sabujo ladrador, cara de nico,
Loquaz saguim, burlesco Teodorico,
Osga torrada, estúpido rezinga;
E não te acuso de poeta pinga;
Tens lido o mestre Inácio, e o bom Supico;
De ocas idéias tens o casco rico,
Mas teus versos tresandam a catinga:
Se a tua musa nos outeiros campa,
Se ao Miranda fizeste ode demente,
E o mais, que ao mundo estólido se incampa:
É porque sendo, oh! Caldas, tão somente
Um cafre, um gozo, um néscio, um parvo, um trampa,
Queres meter nariz em cu de gente.
Enquanto a rude plebe alvoroçada
Enquanto a rude plebe alvoroçada
Do rouco vate escuta a voz de mouro,
Que do peito inflamado sai d'estouro
Por estreito bocal desentoada:
Não cessa a cantilena acigarrada
Do vil inseto, do mordaz besouro;
Que à larga se criou por entre o louro
De que a sábia Minerva está c'roada:
Enquanto o cego ateu, calvo da tinha,
Com parolas confunde alguns basbaques,
Salmeando a amatória ladainha:
Eu não me posso ter; cheio de achaques,
Cansado de lhe ouvir — "Bravo! Esta é minha!"
Cago sem me sentir, desando em traques.
Anónimo. Não é de Bocage. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004
Esqueleto animal, cara de fome,
Esqueleto animal, cara de fome,
De Timão, e chapéu à holandesa,
Olhos espantadiços, boca acesa,
D'onde o fumo, que sai, a todos some:
Milagre do Parnaso em fama e nome,
Em corpo galicado alma francesa,
Com voz medonha, língua portuguesa,
Que aos bocados a honra e brio come:
Toda a moça, que dele se confia,
É virgem no serralho do seu peito;
Janela, que se fecha, putaria!
Neste esboço o retrato tenho feito;
Eis o grande e fatal Manoel Maria,
Que até pintado perde o bom conceito.
Anónimo. Não é de Bocage. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004
Há junto do Parnaso um turvo lago,
Há junto do Parnaso um turvo lago,
Aonde em rãs existem transformados
Os trovistas de cascos esquentados,
Cérebro frouxo, ou de miolo vago:
Por mais infâmia sua, e mais estrago
Doou-lhe Febo os ânimos danados,
P'ra que exprimam em versos desasados
Os seus destinos vis, nos quais eu cago:
Aqui Bocage, vive, e d'aqui ralha,
E co'a tartárea língua pontiaguda
Bons e maus, maus e bons, tudo atassalha.
É vil inseto, e o gênio atroz não muda,
Bem como a escura cor não muda a gralha,
E o hediondo fedor não perde a arruda. (J. Franco)
Joaquim Franco. Não é de Bocage. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004
Turba esfaimada, multidão canina,
Turba esfaimada, multidão canina,
Corja, que tem por deus ou Momo, ou Baco,
Reina, e decreta nos covis de Caco
Ignorância daqui, dali rapina:
Colhe de alto sistema e lei divina
Imaginário jus, com que encha o saco;
Textos gagueja em vão Doutor macaco
Por ouro, que promete alma sovina:
Círculo umbroso de venais pedantes,
Com torpe astúcia de maligna zorra
Usurpa nome excelso, e graus flamantes:
Ora mijei na súcia, inda que eu morra
Corno, arrocho, bambu nos elefantes,
Cujo vulto é de anões, a tromba é porra!
Na cena em quadra trágico-invernosa
Na cena em quadra trágico-invernosa
Zaida se impingiu (fradesco drama!)
Apareceu depois, com sede à fama,
Tragédia mais igual, mais lastimosa:
O autor pranteia em frase aparatosa
Esfaqueado arrais, pimpão d'Alfama;
Corno o protagonista, e puta a dama,
O machão é Simeão, e a mula é Rosa:
Espicha o rabo (eu tremo ao proferi-lo)
Espicha o rabo ali o herói na rua,
Qual Muratão nos areais do Nilo!
Elmiro na tarefa contínua,
Já todos pela escolha, e pelo estilo
Rosnam que a nova peça é obra sua.
Aludindo à tragédia "Zaida" de José Agostinho de Macedo, pateada nas primeiras representações. Daniel Pires. Edições Caixotim, 2004
sexta-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2009
Debra Beasley Lafave's saga - Epilogue
I,…………………… am the mother of the victim in the cases pending in Hillsborough County and Marion County against defendant Debra Beasley LaFave, who is charged with committing Lewd or Lascivious Acts with my son in both counties, and also committing a Lewd or Lascivious Act in the presence of my nephew in Marion County. I have previously indicated that I wanted Debra Beasley LaFave to be sentenced to Florida State Prison for these crimes, and authorized prosecutors to make an offer that included 3 years Florida State Prison.
These cases have received extensive media coverage and will continue to attract substantial and intense attention from the media. Because of the media coverage of these cases, I fear that proceeding to trial will negatively affect my son’s emotional and psychological well-being, and will have an immediate and long-term negative impact on him. My son has done his best to proceed with his life, and has made clear to me that he does not want to testify and wants to resume his life in as normal a manner as possible. It is also my desire that these cases be resolved so that my family can put this behind us and proceed with our lives.
It is my request and the request of my son that prosecutors in both Hillsborough and Marion County rescind their earlier position of requiring Florida State Prison as part of any plea negotiation. It is my request and the request of my son that prosecutors extend an offer allowing Debra Beasley LaFave to plead guilty and receive a sentence of 3 years community control followed by 7 years probation. This offer should require that LaFave serve at least 2 years of community control before she is allowed to request that all or any part of her 3rd year of community control be converted to probation. It is also my request that Debra Beasley LaFave acknowledge responsibility for her actions and the negative impact her actions have had on my son and my family.
Signed on this 22nd day of November, 2005, in Hillsborough County, Florida.
a) ……………………………
Sworn to and subscribed before me at Tampa, Florida, this 22nd day of November, 2005.
a) Valerie L. Milles
Signature of Notary Public – State of Florida
........................................... TBO.com
Lafave Signs Plea
Published: Nov 23, 2005
TAMPA - On Monday night, the teen's family said they'd had enough.
Over the past 17 months, details about his case were printed in magazines and newspapers and aired on television news shows and morning radio. This week he was scheduled for a deposition where a defense attorney would pepper him with questions in preparation for trial.
On Dec. 5 the teen's former teacher, 25-year-old Debra Lafave, was to present her case to a jury, using an insanity defense to fight two charges that she sexually battered him.
He would have to testify.
The family asked prosecutors to offer Lafave a deal.
They did not want the teen to sit through the deposition. They did not want him to testify at trial. They did not want to wait two years for the resolution of similar charges in Marion County.
In a deal that includes three years of house arrest and seven years of sex-offender probation - a deal that has people across the country questioning whether a man would have received similar treatment - Lafave pleaded guilty Tuesday morning to two charges of lewd and lascivious battery. The plea also resolves the Marion County charges.
"There comes a point when I really had to weigh out what my son was going through and how much longer it would continue," said the teen's mother, who is not being identified because her son is an underage sex-assault victim. "I think what we agreed upon is a fair punishment, and I believe that she is taking responsibility for her actions now, and I hope she gets the help that she needs so she can move on with her life."
Assistant State Attorney Mike Sinacore said Lafave's sentence is not necessarily light. Sex-offender probation is intensive and difficult to complete. A violation could send her to prison.
"If someone makes their way through sex-offender probation, they probably deserve a break," Sinacore said. "More often than not, they do not make it."
Sinacore said a previous offer would have included three years in prison. Lafave and her attorney, John Fitzgibbons, turned it down, saying they were not interested in any offer that included prison. On Monday night, State Attorney Mark Ober visited the victim's family.
"He looked [the teen] in the eye and made sure this is what he wanted," Sinacore said. "They decided they did not want to go through this."
Her Day In Court
Tuesday morning was expected to begin with a routine hearing.
The first indication that the proceedings would be out of the ordinary was a behind-closed-doors meeting of Sinacore, Fitzgibbons and the judge. When they walked out, Fitzgibbons leaned down and whispered into Lafave's ear.
She responded with a bright grin.
Both sides, Fitzgibbons finally announced, had come to a resolution. A trial would be unnecessary. After Lafave signed the plea, she asked to speak. It was her first public comment since her arrest. "I apologize to the court, this young man and his family," she said. "I accept full responsibility for my actions, and I am very sorry for what has occurred."
In the next day or two, Lafave will work with the probation office to set up a schedule for her house arrest, Fitzgibbons said. She lives with her parents and hopes to get a job, which is allowed under house arrest.
Outside the courtroom, Lafave offered few words to describe her relief.
"I'm tired," she said.
According to court records, witnesses told investigators that Lafave's relationship with her student grew flirtatious as the 2003-04 school year came to an end. They kept in contact that summer via cell phones.
Prosecutors said Lafave had oral sex with the 14-year-old in her Riverview town house, then had intercourse with him in the portable classroom where she taught English at Greco Middle School.
During a trip to Ocala, they engaged in sex in the back of a sport utility vehicle, investigative records say. His aunt, who lives in Ocala, saw the pair standing in a parking lot and called his mother, who questioned her son.
At first the teen said a teacher drove him to Ocala, where she wanted to buy a present for her husband, the teen's mother said Tuesday. She said she was outraged that a teacher would drive a student to Ocala without parental permission.
"All I could think about was the breach of trust," she said.
When questioned further, the teen revealed the true story of their three-week relationship.
With the help of the Temple Terrace Police Department, the student made several tape-recorded calls to Lafave. On June 21, 2004, when the teen asked her to come to his house, she was arrested.
The teen's mother said she thanked God that the relationship did not last longer and that her son did not become more emotionally attached.
Her son, she said, now is excelling at sports while remaining an honor student. That is not unusual, she said. He always was a popular and well-grounded student.
The plea agreement also will help her son move on with his life. She said she did not want him to feel as though he helped put a woman in prison; if Lafave violates probation, prison will be her fault.
A Question Of Equity
At Greco Middle School on Tuesday, just before the final bell, parents queued along the curb to wait for their children.
"If I committed that kind of crime, I know good and well I'd be in jail," said Paul Smith, who was waiting for his grandson. "It ain't right. She should've served time."
Much media reaction was similar. Had she been a he, and had the young male student been a young female student, the case would have played out differently, said Joe Scarborough, of the MSNBC talk show "Scarborough Country."
Sinacore said gender played a role in the media attention - which helped push the victim's family toward a plea deal - but did not necessarily affect the sentence.
All too often, he said, victims of both genders do not feel they can go through a trial and testify. Prosecutors don't force sex victims to testify.
"Very often we've had to make decisions that do not include prison to spare the victim," he said. The local court system has a division devoted to sex crimes. Most of the cases involve children, Sinacore said. Every day, deals are reached that do not include prison time, he said.
Karen A. Duncan, a sex-assault therapist in Indianapolis who has studied women as sex offenders, said most of the population is unaware that sex offenders often receive light sentences. "The majority of sex offenders, even male sex offenders, do not go to prison," she said. "They go back to the community. That's why so many end up re-offending."
U.S. Department of Justice statistics show that up to 80 percent of sex offenders receive punishments other than prison, she said.
Sex offender treatment such as that dictated for Lafave is important, Duncan said. Treatment techniques, however, were tailored for male offenders, a problem because as many as 38 percent of sex offenders are women.
"Women have a different denial system," Duncan said.
It is harder for female sex offenders to admit they did something wrong. Society reinforces this with the stereotype that young boys are willing participants.
"Her being a beautiful woman also goes toward her denial," Duncan said. "She doesn't fit [the image of] the dirty old man on the street in a raincoat."
Reporter Ben Montgomery contributed to this report. Reporter Thomas W. Krause can be reached at (813) 259-7698.
Here is a sample of sentences given to Florida educators convicted of inappropriate behavior with students.
Tammy Huggins, a former Citrus County High School teacher's aide, was sentenced this year to three years in prison and 12 years of probation for having sex with two teenage boys.
Dang Van Dinh, a former Boone High School science teacher in Orange County, was sentenced this year to five years in prison and 10 years of probation for having a sexual relationship with a 16-year-old female student.
Terrance T. Sneed, a former physical education teacher and track coach at Port St. Lucie High School, was sentenced this year to seven years in prison for having sex with a 14-year-old female student.
Roscoe Brown, a former teacher at Sarasota Christian School, was sentenced this year to five years in prison for fondling a 14-year-old female student.
Dennis L. Morrissey, a West Hernando Middle School social studies teacher, was sentenced this year to weekends in jail and five years of probation for fondling a 13-year-old student.
James A. Jensen, a former Central High School coach, was sentenced in 2004 to three years of probation for asking a 16-year-old student to perform oral sex.
Here are some conditions of Lafave's sex-offender probation:
* Must be at home between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.
* Cannot live within 1,000 feet of a school, playground or other location where children gather.
* Can have no contact with the victim and no unsupervised contact with children.
* Must maintain a driving log and cannot drive alone.
* Must submit to an HIV test and give the results to the victim's family.
* Must wear an electronic monitoring device when the court deems necessary.
* Must forfeit her teaching certification for life.
* Cannot receive compensation, including book or movie deals, as a result of this case or through celebrity status.
No Jail Time
3 Years' House Arrest
7 Years' Probation
I,…………………… am the mother of the victim in the cases pending in Hillsborough County and Marion County against defendant Debra Beasley LaFave, who is charged with committing Lewd or Lascivious Acts with my son in both counties, and also committing a Lewd or Lascivious Act in the presence of my nephew in Marion County. I have previously indicated that I wanted Debra Beasley LaFave to be sentenced to Florida State Prison for these crimes, and authorized prosecutors to make an offer that included 3 years Florida State Prison.
These cases have received extensive media coverage and will continue to attract substantial and intense attention from the media. Because of the media coverage of these cases, I fear that proceeding to trial will negatively affect my son’s emotional and psychological well-being, and will have an immediate and long-term negative impact on him. My son has done his best to proceed with his life, and has made clear to me that he does not want to testify and wants to resume his life in as normal a manner as possible. It is also my desire that these cases be resolved so that my family can put this behind us and proceed with our lives.
It is my request and the request of my son that prosecutors in both Hillsborough and Marion County rescind their earlier position of requiring Florida State Prison as part of any plea negotiation. It is my request and the request of my son that prosecutors extend an offer allowing Debra Beasley LaFave to plead guilty and receive a sentence of 3 years community control followed by 7 years probation. This offer should require that LaFave serve at least 2 years of community control before she is allowed to request that all or any part of her 3rd year of community control be converted to probation. It is also my request that Debra Beasley LaFave acknowledge responsibility for her actions and the negative impact her actions have had on my son and my family.
Signed on this 22nd day of November, 2005, in Hillsborough County, Florida.
a) ……………………………
Sworn to and subscribed before me at Tampa, Florida, this 22nd day of November, 2005.
a) Valerie L. Milles
Signature of Notary Public – State of Florida
........................................... TBO.com
Lafave Signs Plea
Published: Nov 23, 2005
TAMPA - On Monday night, the teen's family said they'd had enough.
Over the past 17 months, details about his case were printed in magazines and newspapers and aired on television news shows and morning radio. This week he was scheduled for a deposition where a defense attorney would pepper him with questions in preparation for trial.
On Dec. 5 the teen's former teacher, 25-year-old Debra Lafave, was to present her case to a jury, using an insanity defense to fight two charges that she sexually battered him.
He would have to testify.
The family asked prosecutors to offer Lafave a deal.
They did not want the teen to sit through the deposition. They did not want him to testify at trial. They did not want to wait two years for the resolution of similar charges in Marion County.
In a deal that includes three years of house arrest and seven years of sex-offender probation - a deal that has people across the country questioning whether a man would have received similar treatment - Lafave pleaded guilty Tuesday morning to two charges of lewd and lascivious battery. The plea also resolves the Marion County charges.
"There comes a point when I really had to weigh out what my son was going through and how much longer it would continue," said the teen's mother, who is not being identified because her son is an underage sex-assault victim. "I think what we agreed upon is a fair punishment, and I believe that she is taking responsibility for her actions now, and I hope she gets the help that she needs so she can move on with her life."
Assistant State Attorney Mike Sinacore said Lafave's sentence is not necessarily light. Sex-offender probation is intensive and difficult to complete. A violation could send her to prison.
"If someone makes their way through sex-offender probation, they probably deserve a break," Sinacore said. "More often than not, they do not make it."
Sinacore said a previous offer would have included three years in prison. Lafave and her attorney, John Fitzgibbons, turned it down, saying they were not interested in any offer that included prison. On Monday night, State Attorney Mark Ober visited the victim's family.
"He looked [the teen] in the eye and made sure this is what he wanted," Sinacore said. "They decided they did not want to go through this."
Her Day In Court
Tuesday morning was expected to begin with a routine hearing.
The first indication that the proceedings would be out of the ordinary was a behind-closed-doors meeting of Sinacore, Fitzgibbons and the judge. When they walked out, Fitzgibbons leaned down and whispered into Lafave's ear.
She responded with a bright grin.
Both sides, Fitzgibbons finally announced, had come to a resolution. A trial would be unnecessary. After Lafave signed the plea, she asked to speak. It was her first public comment since her arrest. "I apologize to the court, this young man and his family," she said. "I accept full responsibility for my actions, and I am very sorry for what has occurred."
In the next day or two, Lafave will work with the probation office to set up a schedule for her house arrest, Fitzgibbons said. She lives with her parents and hopes to get a job, which is allowed under house arrest.
Outside the courtroom, Lafave offered few words to describe her relief.
"I'm tired," she said.
According to court records, witnesses told investigators that Lafave's relationship with her student grew flirtatious as the 2003-04 school year came to an end. They kept in contact that summer via cell phones.
Prosecutors said Lafave had oral sex with the 14-year-old in her Riverview town house, then had intercourse with him in the portable classroom where she taught English at Greco Middle School.
During a trip to Ocala, they engaged in sex in the back of a sport utility vehicle, investigative records say. His aunt, who lives in Ocala, saw the pair standing in a parking lot and called his mother, who questioned her son.
At first the teen said a teacher drove him to Ocala, where she wanted to buy a present for her husband, the teen's mother said Tuesday. She said she was outraged that a teacher would drive a student to Ocala without parental permission.
"All I could think about was the breach of trust," she said.
When questioned further, the teen revealed the true story of their three-week relationship.
With the help of the Temple Terrace Police Department, the student made several tape-recorded calls to Lafave. On June 21, 2004, when the teen asked her to come to his house, she was arrested.
The teen's mother said she thanked God that the relationship did not last longer and that her son did not become more emotionally attached.
Her son, she said, now is excelling at sports while remaining an honor student. That is not unusual, she said. He always was a popular and well-grounded student.
The plea agreement also will help her son move on with his life. She said she did not want him to feel as though he helped put a woman in prison; if Lafave violates probation, prison will be her fault.
A Question Of Equity
At Greco Middle School on Tuesday, just before the final bell, parents queued along the curb to wait for their children.
"If I committed that kind of crime, I know good and well I'd be in jail," said Paul Smith, who was waiting for his grandson. "It ain't right. She should've served time."
Much media reaction was similar. Had she been a he, and had the young male student been a young female student, the case would have played out differently, said Joe Scarborough, of the MSNBC talk show "Scarborough Country."
Sinacore said gender played a role in the media attention - which helped push the victim's family toward a plea deal - but did not necessarily affect the sentence.
All too often, he said, victims of both genders do not feel they can go through a trial and testify. Prosecutors don't force sex victims to testify.
"Very often we've had to make decisions that do not include prison to spare the victim," he said. The local court system has a division devoted to sex crimes. Most of the cases involve children, Sinacore said. Every day, deals are reached that do not include prison time, he said.
Karen A. Duncan, a sex-assault therapist in Indianapolis who has studied women as sex offenders, said most of the population is unaware that sex offenders often receive light sentences. "The majority of sex offenders, even male sex offenders, do not go to prison," she said. "They go back to the community. That's why so many end up re-offending."
U.S. Department of Justice statistics show that up to 80 percent of sex offenders receive punishments other than prison, she said.
Sex offender treatment such as that dictated for Lafave is important, Duncan said. Treatment techniques, however, were tailored for male offenders, a problem because as many as 38 percent of sex offenders are women.
"Women have a different denial system," Duncan said.
It is harder for female sex offenders to admit they did something wrong. Society reinforces this with the stereotype that young boys are willing participants.
"Her being a beautiful woman also goes toward her denial," Duncan said. "She doesn't fit [the image of] the dirty old man on the street in a raincoat."
Reporter Ben Montgomery contributed to this report. Reporter Thomas W. Krause can be reached at (813) 259-7698.
Here is a sample of sentences given to Florida educators convicted of inappropriate behavior with students.
Tammy Huggins, a former Citrus County High School teacher's aide, was sentenced this year to three years in prison and 12 years of probation for having sex with two teenage boys.
Dang Van Dinh, a former Boone High School science teacher in Orange County, was sentenced this year to five years in prison and 10 years of probation for having a sexual relationship with a 16-year-old female student.
Terrance T. Sneed, a former physical education teacher and track coach at Port St. Lucie High School, was sentenced this year to seven years in prison for having sex with a 14-year-old female student.
Roscoe Brown, a former teacher at Sarasota Christian School, was sentenced this year to five years in prison for fondling a 14-year-old female student.
Dennis L. Morrissey, a West Hernando Middle School social studies teacher, was sentenced this year to weekends in jail and five years of probation for fondling a 13-year-old student.
James A. Jensen, a former Central High School coach, was sentenced in 2004 to three years of probation for asking a 16-year-old student to perform oral sex.
Here are some conditions of Lafave's sex-offender probation:
* Must be at home between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.
* Cannot live within 1,000 feet of a school, playground or other location where children gather.
* Can have no contact with the victim and no unsupervised contact with children.
* Must maintain a driving log and cannot drive alone.
* Must submit to an HIV test and give the results to the victim's family.
* Must wear an electronic monitoring device when the court deems necessary.
* Must forfeit her teaching certification for life.
* Cannot receive compensation, including book or movie deals, as a result of this case or through celebrity status.
No Jail Time
3 Years' House Arrest
7 Years' Probation
quinta-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2009
Debra Beasley Lafave's saga
Tampa Police
Temple Terrace Police Department report of an interview with the victim (?)
With about a week left in school (Y. 2003/2004) she became affectionate. They began to kiss in her portable during school. Was telling him she had feelings for him and thought about him on weekends. After school ended they began calling each other on their cell phones. Began coming to his basketball games on 22nd St. during the week following school. Said he had first met her at a flag football game a few months before school let out. He and a friend named John Wood had introduced themselves.
On June 3, 2004, K. was in Ocala visiting his cousin W. At appx. 11-12 AM she arrived at W.’s house in her 2-dr Rodeo. K described the vehicle as a silver Isuzu Rodeo Sport 2-dr. The vehicle is described as having a dark grey cloth interior. The vehicle has a six-disc CD player and has two cup holders between the front seats and two cup holders on each side in the rear seat. There is a butterfly hanging on the rearview mirror. She drove them to her house at 6328 Osprey Lake Cir, Riverview. K. described the house to be a condo that was in a condo complex. He said the exterior was stucco. He said when you enter the residence there is a wall on the left and there is tile in the entrance. There is a staircase directly in front as you enter the door. He believes the carpet was white. There is a sofa to the right in the centre of the living room with a chair on each side. The sofa and chairs are facing the TV that sits on a stand with movies stored under it. There is a bar between the living room and kitchen. The kitchen is tiled and has a pantry and a sliding glass door to the small back yard. He said there is a concrete patio in the back along with a dirty pond, a dirty hammock and an air conditioning unit. The yard is not fenced. K. said the master bedroom is mostly white. He doesn’t remember many colors. He said as you enter the bedroom the bed is off to the right. It had a white bedspread and white sheets. He said there is a bathroom to the right of the doorway. The bed faces a bureau that has a television on top. He said the television does not work.
K. said she ordered a Hawaiian pizza (ham & pineapple) from Westshore Pizza and paid cash. She made the call from her home phone. He said they ate the pizza and she ordered the movie “Stuck on You” on pay-per-view. He said he and Debbie sat on one of the chairs together and W. sat on the couch. At the end of the movie he and Debbie went upstairs. K. sat on the bed and she sat next to him. The bedspread was pulled back. He said she started kissing and she stopped and said “Are you sure you want to do this?” He said yes and knew they were not going to have sex because she was having her period. He said she pulled down his shorts and gave him oral sex. He said he did not ejaculate. He said Debbie remained clothed during this encounter. He could not remember what she was wearing on this occasion. He said when they were done they went back downstairs and she drove them to K.’s basketball game at the rec center. He said W. and Debbie watched the game. He said Debbie let W. drive her vehicle as they started back to Ocala. He and Debbie sat in the back seat. He said they were kissing and about twenty-minutes into the ride she gave him another blow job. He ejaculated. He was sitting behind the driver seat. Lafave remained clothed. He said they pulled over at a Taco Bell and Debbie drove the rest of the way to Brian’s. They arrived there at appx. 23.00. Debbie dropped them off and departed.
Sometime during the week of June 7, Debbie saw K. at the rec center and gave him a pewter key chain pendant with a butterfly on one side and “Hope” on the other. He said she told him she had one just like it and wanted to give it to him.
On Sunday June 13 in the afternoon Debbie called and asked if he would help him clean out her portable. They arranged for her to pick him up at the rec center.
On Monday June 14 K.’s mom drove him to the rec center. Debbie picked him up there and drove him to her portable. She picked him outside around noon. He said they cleaned up the portable for about an hour. He said she was wearing a pair of short black terry cloth shorts and an unknown color tank top. He said they started kissing on the couch in the portable. He said there are two couches in the portable. This one is light blue and has wooden arms.
He was sitting on the middle of three cushions. She asked him “Are you ready?”. He said he knew what she meant (sex) and he said yes. He said she had told him she was on birth control. He said she took off her shorts. She was wearing a black thong with roses on them. He said he pulled down his shorts and underwear. He said she straddled him and they continued kissing. He said she pulled her panties to the side and reached down, grabbed his penis and inserted it into her vagina. He said they had sex for about ten minutes and he ejaculated inside of her. He said he did not wear a condom because she had told him she was on birth control. He said she went to the bathroom in the portable and cleaned up. When she came back out she asked him if he was OK. He told her yes and they carried some boxes to the car. She took him back to the rec center. They talked on their cell phones that night between 20.00-21.00 and planed a trip to Ocala. He called W. at appx. 21.00-22.00 and told him he was coming.
On Tuesday June 15 at appx. 10.00, K.’s mom dropped him off at the rec center. Debbie picked him up outside at noon. They drove straight to Ocala and to W. house. Picked up W. outside of his house and drove to Smoothie King. W. went into Smoothie King and got a smoothie. He said he and Dobbie got into the back seat. He was sitting behind the driver seat. When W. came out he got into the driver seat and drove. He said as W. drove around, they were kissing. He said she was wearing a short yellow sundress and unknown color thong underwear. He said she pulled his penis out of his shorts and gave him oral sex. He said he did not ejaculate. He said she lay back on the seat and took off her underwear. He said he pulled his shorts down and got on top of her. He said she put his penis in her vagina and they had sex until he ejaculated inside of her. Again wearing no condom. He said W. just got driving and did not participate. He said both got dressed and Debbie got into the front passenger seat. They went to a Walgreens so Debbie could go to the bathroom. She is the only one who went inside. He said when she came back out she drove, he was in the passenger seat and W. was in the back. He said they went to the Paddock Mall (appx. 13.00-14.00). He said they walked around but did not buy anything. They left and dropped W. off at his house at appx. 15.00. They drove back to Tampa and dropped K. off for his basketball game at 22nd Street (17.00). She did not stay for the game. His coach drove him home. They did not talk again on Tuesday night.
Wednesday June 16 appx. 12.00-13.00 Debbie called K. on his cell phone. He told her he was going on the rec center for the day. She told him it was pretty obvious he could not say anything to anyone. He said she had also told W. not to say anything. Talked to her again on cell at appx. 18.00-19.00. Planned going to Ocala again on Thursday and mentioned going to an antique shop to get something for her husband.
On Thursday June 17 at appx. 09.00 Debbie picked up K. at the intersection of Woodland Ridge and River Ridge which is adjacent to his house. They drove to Ocala and K. slept on the way. He said they stopped in an Antique shop close to W.’s house but did not buy anything. He said he called W. and let him know they were almost there. He said they picked up W., who was waiting outside (10.00-10.30). He said they drove to Porters and pulled over so W. could drive. He and Debbie got into the back seat. He was behind the driver seat. He said Debbie was wearing a pair of purple and pink Capri pants with a matching top that tied at the neck. He said she was wearing no bra or panties. He said they drove to Brick City Park and parked the vehicle. He said W. got out and talked on his cell phone. He said Debbie folded the rear seat down and lay down. He said he leaned over her and kissed her. He said as he was in the sitting position Debbie pulled his shorts down and gave him a blow job. He said he did not ejaculate. He said Debbie lay down again and took pants off. He said he got on top of her and she she put his penis in her vagina. He said they had sex until he ejaculated in her vagina. He said they both get dressed and Debbie got into the driver seat, K. in front passenger seat and W. in the back seat. They drove and picked up next door neighbor Steven Kissane (15.30). They drove to the Paddock Malland. Debbie bought him two pair of basketball shorts at Champs. She paid cash. She bought a red pair and a black pair. W. and Steve went to Chic-Fill-A. They left the mall and dropped W. and Steven off at Stevens. They drove back to Tampa and she dropped him off at the rec center (18.00). During the ride home, W. called and said his mom was calling K.’s mom and telling her K. was in Ocala with his teacher. K. called his mom before she could call him and told her he went to Ocala with Miss. Lafave to get a present for her husband at an antique shop.
K. Described Debra Lafave’s identifiable body features:
Tattoos: Chinese and Japonese writing on small of lower back (centre). Said it was her sister’s name. Possibly “Jean”. He said there are two butterflies on one side of her low back, not sure which side, there are about 2 “ x 2 “ and are possibly bluish purple in color.
Birth marks: Birth mark on each inner-ankle near the shin. They are light brown like freckles, oval shaped with rough edges. About nickel in size.
Tan line: Prominent tan lines. String bikini line on sides. V in crotch area. Covered most of rear end.
Belly button rings: Has a couple different butterfly belly button rings and a pink heart belly button ring.
Vagina: Light brown hair shaved on both sides. Thin rectangular shape. Believes fairly clean shaven around vagina.
JANET SPENCE: Said Lafave had keys to her portable and the teachers were allowed to go in them to clean them up. She said everyone is supposed to sign in at the office when on campus. She said she was unable to locate the log, however, none of the staff remembers her signing in on that date. SPENCE also related a lock had been put on the gate that blocks the access road to portables, however, was installed after the date in question.
RAYMOND ANDERSON: Raymond Anderson who is a shift leader for the maintenance personnel stated he discovered the air conditioning unit running in Lafave’s portable, # 44, on 21-6-2004. He said all of the air conditioner units had been turned off around Monday the previous week. He said he went in and turned it off. He said it is possible they may have missed that one when they turned them off. That was the only one that was still on.
KENNETH JENSEN: Kenneth Jensen is an employee at the Temple Terrace Recreation Center and said appx. Five month ago K. showed him Debbie Lafave and told him she was one of his teachers. Jensen said he saw K. and Lafave sitting together on two occasions watching basketball games. Appx. three months ago he saw her in Gym 3 watching a basketball game in which K. was playing.
WINFIELD JENSEN: Winfield Jensen is an employee at the Temple Terrace Recreation Center and said appx. 3-4 weeks ago he saw Debbie Lafave sitting with K. and Megan Fitzpatrick qt a men’s league game. That is the only time he saw them together.
Temple Terrace Police Department report of an interview with the victim (?)
With about a week left in school (Y. 2003/2004) she became affectionate. They began to kiss in her portable during school. Was telling him she had feelings for him and thought about him on weekends. After school ended they began calling each other on their cell phones. Began coming to his basketball games on 22nd St. during the week following school. Said he had first met her at a flag football game a few months before school let out. He and a friend named John Wood had introduced themselves.
On June 3, 2004, K. was in Ocala visiting his cousin W. At appx. 11-12 AM she arrived at W.’s house in her 2-dr Rodeo. K described the vehicle as a silver Isuzu Rodeo Sport 2-dr. The vehicle is described as having a dark grey cloth interior. The vehicle has a six-disc CD player and has two cup holders between the front seats and two cup holders on each side in the rear seat. There is a butterfly hanging on the rearview mirror. She drove them to her house at 6328 Osprey Lake Cir, Riverview. K. described the house to be a condo that was in a condo complex. He said the exterior was stucco. He said when you enter the residence there is a wall on the left and there is tile in the entrance. There is a staircase directly in front as you enter the door. He believes the carpet was white. There is a sofa to the right in the centre of the living room with a chair on each side. The sofa and chairs are facing the TV that sits on a stand with movies stored under it. There is a bar between the living room and kitchen. The kitchen is tiled and has a pantry and a sliding glass door to the small back yard. He said there is a concrete patio in the back along with a dirty pond, a dirty hammock and an air conditioning unit. The yard is not fenced. K. said the master bedroom is mostly white. He doesn’t remember many colors. He said as you enter the bedroom the bed is off to the right. It had a white bedspread and white sheets. He said there is a bathroom to the right of the doorway. The bed faces a bureau that has a television on top. He said the television does not work.
K. said she ordered a Hawaiian pizza (ham & pineapple) from Westshore Pizza and paid cash. She made the call from her home phone. He said they ate the pizza and she ordered the movie “Stuck on You” on pay-per-view. He said he and Debbie sat on one of the chairs together and W. sat on the couch. At the end of the movie he and Debbie went upstairs. K. sat on the bed and she sat next to him. The bedspread was pulled back. He said she started kissing and she stopped and said “Are you sure you want to do this?” He said yes and knew they were not going to have sex because she was having her period. He said she pulled down his shorts and gave him oral sex. He said he did not ejaculate. He said Debbie remained clothed during this encounter. He could not remember what she was wearing on this occasion. He said when they were done they went back downstairs and she drove them to K.’s basketball game at the rec center. He said W. and Debbie watched the game. He said Debbie let W. drive her vehicle as they started back to Ocala. He and Debbie sat in the back seat. He said they were kissing and about twenty-minutes into the ride she gave him another blow job. He ejaculated. He was sitting behind the driver seat. Lafave remained clothed. He said they pulled over at a Taco Bell and Debbie drove the rest of the way to Brian’s. They arrived there at appx. 23.00. Debbie dropped them off and departed.
Sometime during the week of June 7, Debbie saw K. at the rec center and gave him a pewter key chain pendant with a butterfly on one side and “Hope” on the other. He said she told him she had one just like it and wanted to give it to him.
On Sunday June 13 in the afternoon Debbie called and asked if he would help him clean out her portable. They arranged for her to pick him up at the rec center.
On Monday June 14 K.’s mom drove him to the rec center. Debbie picked him up there and drove him to her portable. She picked him outside around noon. He said they cleaned up the portable for about an hour. He said she was wearing a pair of short black terry cloth shorts and an unknown color tank top. He said they started kissing on the couch in the portable. He said there are two couches in the portable. This one is light blue and has wooden arms.
He was sitting on the middle of three cushions. She asked him “Are you ready?”. He said he knew what she meant (sex) and he said yes. He said she had told him she was on birth control. He said she took off her shorts. She was wearing a black thong with roses on them. He said he pulled down his shorts and underwear. He said she straddled him and they continued kissing. He said she pulled her panties to the side and reached down, grabbed his penis and inserted it into her vagina. He said they had sex for about ten minutes and he ejaculated inside of her. He said he did not wear a condom because she had told him she was on birth control. He said she went to the bathroom in the portable and cleaned up. When she came back out she asked him if he was OK. He told her yes and they carried some boxes to the car. She took him back to the rec center. They talked on their cell phones that night between 20.00-21.00 and planed a trip to Ocala. He called W. at appx. 21.00-22.00 and told him he was coming.
On Tuesday June 15 at appx. 10.00, K.’s mom dropped him off at the rec center. Debbie picked him up outside at noon. They drove straight to Ocala and to W. house. Picked up W. outside of his house and drove to Smoothie King. W. went into Smoothie King and got a smoothie. He said he and Dobbie got into the back seat. He was sitting behind the driver seat. When W. came out he got into the driver seat and drove. He said as W. drove around, they were kissing. He said she was wearing a short yellow sundress and unknown color thong underwear. He said she pulled his penis out of his shorts and gave him oral sex. He said he did not ejaculate. He said she lay back on the seat and took off her underwear. He said he pulled his shorts down and got on top of her. He said she put his penis in her vagina and they had sex until he ejaculated inside of her. Again wearing no condom. He said W. just got driving and did not participate. He said both got dressed and Debbie got into the front passenger seat. They went to a Walgreens so Debbie could go to the bathroom. She is the only one who went inside. He said when she came back out she drove, he was in the passenger seat and W. was in the back. He said they went to the Paddock Mall (appx. 13.00-14.00). He said they walked around but did not buy anything. They left and dropped W. off at his house at appx. 15.00. They drove back to Tampa and dropped K. off for his basketball game at 22nd Street (17.00). She did not stay for the game. His coach drove him home. They did not talk again on Tuesday night.
Wednesday June 16 appx. 12.00-13.00 Debbie called K. on his cell phone. He told her he was going on the rec center for the day. She told him it was pretty obvious he could not say anything to anyone. He said she had also told W. not to say anything. Talked to her again on cell at appx. 18.00-19.00. Planned going to Ocala again on Thursday and mentioned going to an antique shop to get something for her husband.
On Thursday June 17 at appx. 09.00 Debbie picked up K. at the intersection of Woodland Ridge and River Ridge which is adjacent to his house. They drove to Ocala and K. slept on the way. He said they stopped in an Antique shop close to W.’s house but did not buy anything. He said he called W. and let him know they were almost there. He said they picked up W., who was waiting outside (10.00-10.30). He said they drove to Porters and pulled over so W. could drive. He and Debbie got into the back seat. He was behind the driver seat. He said Debbie was wearing a pair of purple and pink Capri pants with a matching top that tied at the neck. He said she was wearing no bra or panties. He said they drove to Brick City Park and parked the vehicle. He said W. got out and talked on his cell phone. He said Debbie folded the rear seat down and lay down. He said he leaned over her and kissed her. He said as he was in the sitting position Debbie pulled his shorts down and gave him a blow job. He said he did not ejaculate. He said Debbie lay down again and took pants off. He said he got on top of her and she she put his penis in her vagina. He said they had sex until he ejaculated in her vagina. He said they both get dressed and Debbie got into the driver seat, K. in front passenger seat and W. in the back seat. They drove and picked up next door neighbor Steven Kissane (15.30). They drove to the Paddock Malland. Debbie bought him two pair of basketball shorts at Champs. She paid cash. She bought a red pair and a black pair. W. and Steve went to Chic-Fill-A. They left the mall and dropped W. and Steven off at Stevens. They drove back to Tampa and she dropped him off at the rec center (18.00). During the ride home, W. called and said his mom was calling K.’s mom and telling her K. was in Ocala with his teacher. K. called his mom before she could call him and told her he went to Ocala with Miss. Lafave to get a present for her husband at an antique shop.
K. Described Debra Lafave’s identifiable body features:
Tattoos: Chinese and Japonese writing on small of lower back (centre). Said it was her sister’s name. Possibly “Jean”. He said there are two butterflies on one side of her low back, not sure which side, there are about 2 “ x 2 “ and are possibly bluish purple in color.
Birth marks: Birth mark on each inner-ankle near the shin. They are light brown like freckles, oval shaped with rough edges. About nickel in size.
Tan line: Prominent tan lines. String bikini line on sides. V in crotch area. Covered most of rear end.
Belly button rings: Has a couple different butterfly belly button rings and a pink heart belly button ring.
Vagina: Light brown hair shaved on both sides. Thin rectangular shape. Believes fairly clean shaven around vagina.
JANET SPENCE: Said Lafave had keys to her portable and the teachers were allowed to go in them to clean them up. She said everyone is supposed to sign in at the office when on campus. She said she was unable to locate the log, however, none of the staff remembers her signing in on that date. SPENCE also related a lock had been put on the gate that blocks the access road to portables, however, was installed after the date in question.
RAYMOND ANDERSON: Raymond Anderson who is a shift leader for the maintenance personnel stated he discovered the air conditioning unit running in Lafave’s portable, # 44, on 21-6-2004. He said all of the air conditioner units had been turned off around Monday the previous week. He said he went in and turned it off. He said it is possible they may have missed that one when they turned them off. That was the only one that was still on.
KENNETH JENSEN: Kenneth Jensen is an employee at the Temple Terrace Recreation Center and said appx. Five month ago K. showed him Debbie Lafave and told him she was one of his teachers. Jensen said he saw K. and Lafave sitting together on two occasions watching basketball games. Appx. three months ago he saw her in Gym 3 watching a basketball game in which K. was playing.
WINFIELD JENSEN: Winfield Jensen is an employee at the Temple Terrace Recreation Center and said appx. 3-4 weeks ago he saw Debbie Lafave sitting with K. and Megan Fitzpatrick qt a men’s league game. That is the only time he saw them together.
Ocala Police
Marion County Sheriff’s Office
W’s mother (P.) advised me that I could take the boys to conduct the necessary interviews, and further stated that she was somewhat aware that this had taken place and was a potential witness. She stated that on 14-6-2004, at approximately 13.00 hours, she observed a white sport utility vehicle, a slightly larger sport utility vehicle, parked at Porter’s with her son standing outside of it. She told me that she called her son on the telephone to find out what he was doing. She observed him answer his telephone to speak to her. W. told her that “they”, he and his cousin, K., were with N., K’s sister from the University of Florida, and they were going to Orlando to buy N’s father, a father’s day present. P. stated that later that night, they returned late and she overheard her son bragging about K. having sex with a “hot” teacher from his school. P. then contacted R. (K.’s mother) and advised her about her suspicions. Subsequent to her phone call, it was learned through interviews with K., by the Tampa Police Department that he had been having sex with Debra Lafave, and that her son, W., had driven them around Ocala on two occasions while K and Debra Lafave had sex in the vehicle.
At 11.55 hours, I transported K. and W. to the two locations where K. had sex with Debra Lafave in her silver Isuzu Rodeo Sport.
At 12.10, W. directed me to Brick City Park at 11.21 SE 22nd Road and identified the area just inside the fenced entrance of the Park as the area where he had parked the vehicle and gotten out of the vehicle, while K. remained in the vehicle with Debra Lafave and they had sex. W. stated this was the second incident of sex in Ocala. He stated they parked near the dumpster and I photographed the area he identified with my Polaroid camera.
At 12.25, W. directed me to drive west on HWY 200, west of SW 22th Avenue, and then identified SW 22nd Avenue as the starting point for the first sex act which took place in Ocala. He told me that “they” (Debra Lafave, K. and he) had left Smoothy King at SW 27th Avenue and HWY 200, and travelled west to his location, at which time he observed Ms Lafave put the rear seat down in the vehicle and K. began having sex with hear in the back seat. He stated thy had sex until they reached the overpass at I-75 and they finished a short distance after I-75.
After W. pointed out the locations where K. had sex with Debra Lafave, and K. who was with us confirmed these locations, we drove to Central for the formal interviews. At 12.55 hours, I conducted a videotaped interview with W. I confirmed with him on video that he had confirmed the various locations in Ocala where he knew Debra Lafave and K. had sex. I then asked him to tell me about knowledge of K.’s relationship with Debra Lafave.
W. stated that he and K. are very close friends and talk frequently. One day at the end of May after school was finished, K. called him and told him about a “hot teacher” who liked him. W. told me that he did not believe K. and K. told him that he would prove it. W. stated that K. called him several more times and talked about the “hot teacher” Ms. Lafave. At one point K. told W. that during the last few days of school, Debra Lafave drove him home and she kissed him at a four way stop. K. also told him that she would drive him to the recreational center where he played basketball. W. stated that up to that point, he never told him about any sexual contact with Debra Lafave. W. told me that in an unknown date after school let out, K. stayed with his family at his residence in Ocala for one week, and it was during that time that she came to Ocala to visit K. They discussed Ms. Lafave’s affection for K. and he told W. that he would prove to him that she liked him. One evening, K. called her cellular telephone and spoke to her in the presence of W. who overheard the conversation. W. told me that he heard her say that she missed K..
W. then described the first time that Debra Lafave came to visit K. while he was here in Ocala. W. stated that they made arrangements to meet her at Porters and at 13.00 hours on an unknown date (according to the Tampa Police report, 15-6-2004). At approximately 13.00 hours, she arrived in what W. later described as a silver Isuzu Rodeo Sport, they planned to drive around Ocala and ultimately go to Smoothy King. She immediately drove them to the B.P. station at Baseline near HWY 40. Debra Lafave asked W. if he would drive if she got into the back seat with K.. W. stated that it appeared to him that she did this so she could be close to K. and stated she was leaning on him in the back seat. He drove past Wildwaters and ended up at the McDonald’s on South Pine Avenue. K. and Debra Lafave bought food at the McDonald’s and he drove to Smoothy King at 27th and HWY 200. W. stated he bought a smoothy and then drove west on HWY 200. At SW 22nd Avenue, which he had confirmed in the earlier car ride with me, they both stood up in the back seat and she laid the seat out to form a large flat surface in the back of the vehicle. W. stated that Debra Lafave laid down on the back with her head towards the rear of the vehicle. He observed K. take his pants off. He believed Dabra took her pants off, which he described as pink Capri pants, and placed them on the passenger’s seat. K. left his shirt on but he could see K. moving up and down as they were having sex and he could observe her legs, as well as his bare buttocks. He stated there was no talking. She moaned a couple of times, then laughed at something.
W. stated that at time they finished having sex, he was just past I-75 overpass on HWY 200. She sat up, asked for her pants. W. stated he handed them to her, she stood up to put the pants on, he observed that she was naked from the waist down but sill wearing a pink tank type top. W. then described her lower anatomy. He stated that she shaved her public area in a pattern. Once she had her pants on, she asked to stop to clean up. W. stated he stopped at an Eckerd. K. and Debra Lafave used the rest room. K. came back and told W. “it was awesome”. Once they all got back in the vehicle, they drove to the mall. W. stated they went to Radio Schack so she could buy and eye-pod for her husband with a credit card, that she bragged that her husband had given her. W. stated he believed this happened at 14.30 to 15.00 hours. He could not describe the credit card but stated it had her name on it. She drove from Best Buy back to his house and dropped them off.
At this point in the interview, W. told me that he did remember that K. was calling her from his cell phone and believed he remembered the first six digits of the phone number XXXXXX. W. stated that K. called Ms. Lafave before the second incident in Ocala. He stated he believed K. called her on 16-6-2004. W. also stated that he thought he remembered K. going back to Tampa on 16-6-2004.
W. then described the second incident. W. stated K. made contact with him by telephone on 17-6-2004 at approximately 09.00 hours and told him he and Ms. Lafave were on their way to pick him up. W. told his mother he was going out and K’s sister and K. were going to pick him up, so they could shop for a father’s day gift.
At approximately 12.00 hours, W. walked to Poter’s on Baseline Road and K. arrived with Ms. Lafave, in her silver Isuzu Rodeo Sport. W. stated Ms. Lafave requested he drive. She got into the back seat with K. She told W. to find a spot where they could park. W. told me they drove to Brick City Park and parked the vehicle, just inside the gate in the main entrance at approximately 12.31 hours. W. stated he got out of the vehicle to leave K. and Ms. Lafave alone, because he figured they wanted to have sex, based on their previous activities. He made a couple of telephone calls with his cellular phone. After a few minutes, K. motioned for him to come back to the vehicle. W. stated he drove around with the couple and eventually picked up his friend S.K. at S.K.’s residence. W. stated they drove to Smoothy King, at 27th Avenue and HWY 200. After getting a smoothy, W.’s mother called W. on his cellular phone. He described her as furious and stated she knew about K.’s teacher driving them around Ocala, Florida. W. stated Ms. Lafave was concerned about being seen in Ocala, Florida with them, so she left W. and K. at Jervy Gantt, a park on S 36th Avenue. W. stated he called his friend Z. and Z. drove them home.
W. told me when he got home, his mother interrogated him and he tried to lie, but was caught.
W. swore his testimony was truthful, and stated he had nothing further to add.
At approximately 12.30 hours, I began K.’s interview. He was sworn and promised to tell the truth. I asked K. to chronicle for me his relationship with Debra Lafave. He stated that she was a teacher at his school. At first they had a “High/Bye” relationship. He then stated on grad night one week before school got out on a Friday evening the graduation class went on a trip to seaworld. On the trip back from seaworld he sat next to her and they talked. He said that the conversation was nothing exciting it was just them getting to know each other.
terça-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2009
Polanski's temptation III
.........................MIRROR.CO.UK..........................................................

25 July 2005
From Ryan Parry, US Correspondent On Kauai Island, Hawaii
DRUGS, champagne, a hot tub and an evening of depraved sex. Nothing out of the ordinary for Hollywood's enfant terrible Roman Polanski.
Except that on this particular evening, the movie director's victim was just 13 years old.
She was Samantha Geimer, an aspiring model Polanski had earlier photographed topless before drugging, raping and sodomising her in a case that shocked America.
Which explains why Samantha is bewildered that the director has just won £50,000 in a High Court libel action against Vanity Fair after the magazine claimed he made sexual advances to a woman on the day of his murdered wife Sharon Tate's funeral.
"Polanski is a very arrogant, self-important, creepy old man," says Samantha, now a married mum-of-three who lives with husband David.
Speaking exclusively to the Mirror at her home in Hawaii, the 39-year-old continues: "The libel case makes no sense. I really couldn't understand why he took out the lawsuit in the first place.
Surely a man like this hasn't got a reputation to tarnish?
"He took sex from me and my innocence. I don't think it occurred to him that someone wouldn't want sex with him."
Polanski, who was 43 at the time, violated the youngster eight years after losing pregnant Sharon in the brutal 1969 slaying by the Charles Manson "family".
SAMANTHA'S ordeal began after Polanski met her mother at an LA restaurant and showed a professional interest in the girl. Mother and daughter were thrilled.
It was a fine February day in 1977 when Polanski drove up to their California home in his rented Mercedes. Samantha's mother showed him into the living room.
Then 13-year-old Sam walked in with her pet bird and her dog. Polanski suggested they walk into the hills for a few photos.
"It was just him and me. He took some standard pictures but when I changed clothes he continued to take photos," Samantha says. "He took top-less pictures of me but it all seemed very professional and I did as I was told."
Two weeks later Polanski turned up at the house again. He told Samantha he was taking her to see a friend and they drove to his friend Jack Nicholson's house. "It was exciting," says Samantha. "My girlfriend was supposed to come along as my chaperone but at the last minute Polanski said it would be better if she didn't come. She went home and Mom didn't realise I was on the shoot alone."
At the mansion Polanski got to work. The teenager was impressed by house in its fabulous position overlooking the city, although Nicholson was away skiing.
Samantha was thirsty so Polanski found a bottle of champagne and opened it by the pool.
She remembers: "He took shots of me everywhere. He was taking pictures and topping up my glass constantly." After four or five glasses Samantha was tipsy. Soon he was photo-graphing her nude in a whirlpool bath. Then Polanski stripped off and joined her.
"That was when it turned," says Samantha. "He said 'come here', put his arm around me and touched me on the shoulders.
"I realised I had put myself in a bad situation. I got scared and said I had asthma and couldn't breathe. I said I had to get out of the tub.
"As quick as I could get out of that Jacuzzi I got out. He was older and I didn't think it right we should be hanging out in the tub."
Polanski tried to comfort her. He told her to take half a tablet of the drug Quaalude - a powerful sedative - claiming it would help her asthma, before suggesting she move into the bedroom to sit down.
"We sat on the sofa and that's when it happened," says Samantha. "He started kissing me, I protested but then just submitted. I'd been drinking and was too frightened to push him off - he was a famous guy, he was intimidating. We were alone and it was pitch-black. I was scared. I knew what he was gonna do - and I didn't want him to do it.
"All I could think was let's get through this and I can get home. I just froze up." Polanski had intercourse with Samantha, performed oral sex and sodomised her. He then drove her home saying: "Don't tell your mum or your boyfriend, this is our little secret."
Back at her house, Samantha ran to her room while Polanski charmed her mum. It was not until much later she found out what really happened. Samantha's mother overheard a telephone conversation in which her daughter told her boyfriend about the rape.
Polanski, who won an Oscar for The Pianist in 2003, was arrested and spent 45 days behind bars.
His six charges including unlawful sex with a minor and forcible rape and in a bizarre twist the trial was set for August 9, the eighth anniversary of Sharon Tate's death. In fact, it was never held.
A friend of Polanski's overheard the judge vow to put him away for "100 years" and the director fled the US never to return.
Last week he testified in the Vanity Fair case by video link from a studio at the five-star Crillon Hotel in Paris. Polanski dare not set foot on British soil in case he is extradited back to the States.
For Samantha's husband David the whole affair is very simple: "Every time Polanski comes up in conversation I get angry inside, that man makes my skin crawl."
From Ryan Parry, US Correspondent On Kauai Island, Hawaii
DRUGS, champagne, a hot tub and an evening of depraved sex. Nothing out of the ordinary for Hollywood's enfant terrible Roman Polanski.
Except that on this particular evening, the movie director's victim was just 13 years old.
She was Samantha Geimer, an aspiring model Polanski had earlier photographed topless before drugging, raping and sodomising her in a case that shocked America.
Which explains why Samantha is bewildered that the director has just won £50,000 in a High Court libel action against Vanity Fair after the magazine claimed he made sexual advances to a woman on the day of his murdered wife Sharon Tate's funeral.
"Polanski is a very arrogant, self-important, creepy old man," says Samantha, now a married mum-of-three who lives with husband David.
Speaking exclusively to the Mirror at her home in Hawaii, the 39-year-old continues: "The libel case makes no sense. I really couldn't understand why he took out the lawsuit in the first place.
Surely a man like this hasn't got a reputation to tarnish?
"He took sex from me and my innocence. I don't think it occurred to him that someone wouldn't want sex with him."
Polanski, who was 43 at the time, violated the youngster eight years after losing pregnant Sharon in the brutal 1969 slaying by the Charles Manson "family".
SAMANTHA'S ordeal began after Polanski met her mother at an LA restaurant and showed a professional interest in the girl. Mother and daughter were thrilled.
It was a fine February day in 1977 when Polanski drove up to their California home in his rented Mercedes. Samantha's mother showed him into the living room.
Then 13-year-old Sam walked in with her pet bird and her dog. Polanski suggested they walk into the hills for a few photos.
"It was just him and me. He took some standard pictures but when I changed clothes he continued to take photos," Samantha says. "He took top-less pictures of me but it all seemed very professional and I did as I was told."
Two weeks later Polanski turned up at the house again. He told Samantha he was taking her to see a friend and they drove to his friend Jack Nicholson's house. "It was exciting," says Samantha. "My girlfriend was supposed to come along as my chaperone but at the last minute Polanski said it would be better if she didn't come. She went home and Mom didn't realise I was on the shoot alone."
At the mansion Polanski got to work. The teenager was impressed by house in its fabulous position overlooking the city, although Nicholson was away skiing.
Samantha was thirsty so Polanski found a bottle of champagne and opened it by the pool.
She remembers: "He took shots of me everywhere. He was taking pictures and topping up my glass constantly." After four or five glasses Samantha was tipsy. Soon he was photo-graphing her nude in a whirlpool bath. Then Polanski stripped off and joined her.
"That was when it turned," says Samantha. "He said 'come here', put his arm around me and touched me on the shoulders.
"I realised I had put myself in a bad situation. I got scared and said I had asthma and couldn't breathe. I said I had to get out of the tub.
"As quick as I could get out of that Jacuzzi I got out. He was older and I didn't think it right we should be hanging out in the tub."
Polanski tried to comfort her. He told her to take half a tablet of the drug Quaalude - a powerful sedative - claiming it would help her asthma, before suggesting she move into the bedroom to sit down.
"We sat on the sofa and that's when it happened," says Samantha. "He started kissing me, I protested but then just submitted. I'd been drinking and was too frightened to push him off - he was a famous guy, he was intimidating. We were alone and it was pitch-black. I was scared. I knew what he was gonna do - and I didn't want him to do it.
"All I could think was let's get through this and I can get home. I just froze up." Polanski had intercourse with Samantha, performed oral sex and sodomised her. He then drove her home saying: "Don't tell your mum or your boyfriend, this is our little secret."
Back at her house, Samantha ran to her room while Polanski charmed her mum. It was not until much later she found out what really happened. Samantha's mother overheard a telephone conversation in which her daughter told her boyfriend about the rape.
Polanski, who won an Oscar for The Pianist in 2003, was arrested and spent 45 days behind bars.
His six charges including unlawful sex with a minor and forcible rape and in a bizarre twist the trial was set for August 9, the eighth anniversary of Sharon Tate's death. In fact, it was never held.
A friend of Polanski's overheard the judge vow to put him away for "100 years" and the director fled the US never to return.
Last week he testified in the Vanity Fair case by video link from a studio at the five-star Crillon Hotel in Paris. Polanski dare not set foot on British soil in case he is extradited back to the States.
For Samantha's husband David the whole affair is very simple: "Every time Polanski comes up in conversation I get angry inside, that man makes my skin crawl."
sábado, 28 de novembro de 2009
Polanski's temptation II

Director Roman Polanski Arrested in Switzerland
September 27, 2009 -- 9:16 AM PDT by Jefferson Reid
Accepting a lifetime achievement award may have just become the blunder of a lifetime for director Roman Polanski. Or at least one of the blunders of his lifetime.
September 27, 2009 -- 9:16 AM PDT by Jefferson Reid
Accepting a lifetime achievement award may have just become the blunder of a lifetime for director Roman Polanski. Or at least one of the blunders of his lifetime.
Upon arriving in Switzerland on his way to receive a film award at the Zurich Film Festival, the 76-year-old director was taken into custody by Swiss authorities on a U.S. warrant related to his statutory rape conviction more 30 years ago. According to People online and other reports, Swiss police are holding Polanski for extradition to the U.S.
Swiss authorities say they will not release Polanski, a French citizen, until the extradition process is complete, including a possible appeal by Polanski in Swiss courts. The director of films such as Chinatown and Rosemary's Baby (and a 2003 Oscar winner for The Pianist), Polanski fled the U.S. in 1978 before his sentencing was complete for the crime of having sex with a 13-year-old girl in California.
Polanski pled guilty to one of six counts and had served the 42-day sentence that prosecutors had agreed to for the crime, but the director, apparently believing the judge was about to renege on the plea bargain agreement and throw him back in jail, fled the country.
In recent years Polanksi had requested that the old case be dismissed, but the U.S. judge hearing the appeal insisted Polanksi appear in person to make his case. The director declined, reportedly fearing arrest.
19 September, 2005
Graydon Carter
How I spent my summer vacation in London being sued by Roman Polanski — and what I learned about "solicitors," pub food, and the British chattering class
Why should Dominick have all the fun? On a London morning in mid-July, a week and a half after the transit bombings, I found myself in Courtroom No. 13 of the Royal Courts of Justice as Vanity Fair defended itself in a libel action brought by the film director Roman Polanski, a fugitive from American justice who has been living in France for the past 27 years. That an American magazine could be brought to trial in an English court by a man who resides in France is one of the many vagaries of the British legal system. But more of that later.
Sadly, there are lots of things I can't say in this column without upsetting the courts. I will say this about the British courts: in rig and finery, they do not disappoint. Court No. 13 was a beautiful Victorian paneled room, decorated to the hilt with wigs, flowing robes, barristers, solicitors, and lots of "If it pleases m'Lord" this and "Yes, m'Lord" that. Very Witness for the Prosecution, except, blessedly, with air-conditioning.
In the British court system, you have two kinds of lawyers for each side: the solicitor, who gathers the facts of the case, and the barrister, who delivers the argument. During the actual trial, the solicitors sit in the front row, and the barristers sit behind them, standing when addressing the judge or the jury. Unlike American courts, where many statements are interrupted with an "Objection," followed by an "Objection sustained" or an "Objection overruled" from the judge, English courts, or at least the one I attended, are much more mannered. Barristers for both sides delivered their cases and completed their cross-examinations calmly and virtually without interruption from the other camp. It probably does not play out as well on television, but up close it's more relaxed. Unless you are the plaintiff. Or the defendant.
Where British libel law differs from American law is in the area of burden of proof. In the U.S. it lies with the plaintiff; in the U.K., with the defendant. American law requires that the plaintiff prove not only that written statements are incorrect but also, in the case of a public figure, that the publication knew this when it printed them and thus did so with malice. British law requires the defendant to prove that what was printed was correct.
Our case hinged on a few sentences buried within a 17-page story on Elaine's, the famed New York literary restaurant which celebrated its 40th anniversary two years ago. The story, which appeared in our July 2002 issue, was written by A. E. Hotchner, the distinguished journalist and author who had been Ernest Hemingway's pal and had written a memoir of their friendship.
Deep into the V.F. article was an anecdote told by Lewis Lapham, the editor of Harper's magazine and an Elaine's regular. He said that the only time he remembered the place being hushed was when Roman Polanski had walked in not long after the brutal murder of his wife, the actress Sharon Tate, in August 1969. According to Lapham, the director had stopped in New York while on his way from London to Los Angeles, where his wife's funeral was to be held. Lapham went on to relate how Polanski joined his table and seated himself between Lapham and a Scandinavian model who was there with Lapham's friend Edward Perlberg. Lapham claimed that he saw Polanski make a pass at the model, invoking the name of his wife as he did so. Polanski denied that the incident ever took place, and sued the magazine in England for libel for the edition published there.
I first met Polanski a dozen or so years ago in Paris and have certainly admired his work as a director. We have friends in common, such as Robert Evans, who produced Polanski's film Chinatown and was head of production at Paramount when Polanski made Rosemary's Baby for the studio. At dinner one night in Los Angeles, a year or so after the suit was filed, Warren Beatty, another of Polanski's chums, urged me to consider settling the case, arguing forcefully that Polanski truly believed the magazine had wronged him. And a year and a half ago, at a dinner for Diane von Furstenberg in Paris, I talked with Polanski at length about the suit. We were still in the process of gathering our information, and I thought there might be a way of resolving it outside of court. There are some cases that are important to fight, but I didn't really think this was one of them. Except for the fact that, once our evidence had been collected, I believed that the gist of our story was true, and I wasn't going to say otherwise.
I was buoyed by the fact that our chief witness would be Lapham himself, a patrician throwback to old-school editing values of intellect, curiosity, smoking, and drinking. He is a man of the utmost integrity.
Which brought us all to Courtroom No. 13, presided over that week by the Honorable Mr. Justice Eady, resplendent in his wig and silk robe with a sash and magnificent mauve cuffs. Our team comprised our solicitor, David Hooper, whom I have worked with for more than a decade, and our barrister, Tom Shields, Q.C.—or Queen's Counsel. Shields is the son of the former managing director of Associated Newspapers, owners of the Daily Mail. He has a posh accent, and I was told that he owns his own cricket pitch—in American terms, his own baseball diamond.
Polanski was represented by John Kelsey-Fry, also a Q.C. He is a barrister with a background in criminal law who once prosecuted one of the Kray brothers. I liked that. I also liked the fact that he smoked. He looked a bit like Anthony Newley. And he looked like a man who wanted to win.
The jury selection produced what would be one of many disappointments for us. British courts don't feature the sort of jury-interview process we have in America. Rather, the names of potential jurors are put on pieces of paper. They are then crudely shuffled by the court clerk, and the first 12 names are called out. Hoping for a female majority, we got instead three women and nine men. Most of the men were young.
Prior to the trial, Polanski had gotten around a major obstacle. If he sued in the U.S. and showed up in person, he would likely be arrested for a crime committed more than a quarter of a century before. If he sued in the U.K. and showed up in person, he would run the risk of extradition back to the United States. Polanski's lawyers argued that for him to get a fair hearing he should be allowed to fight his case in the U.K. from the safety of France. The House of Lords, in a landmark decision, by a majority of three to two, overruled the Court of Appeal, which had unanimously ruled against Polanski's being allowed to give his evidence from France.
A video link between Paris and London, by which Polanski could both be interviewed and watch the proceedings, was set up. For my part, I felt this put us at a disadvantage, in that the jury could not see him except when he was testifying. They could not watch his face, or his mannerisms, as the case unfolded.
Polanski, still handsome and animated at 71, was a superb witness. During his first day of testimony, he stood for a while and then politely asked the court's permission to sit down. Ever the director, by the second day he was already seated when the testimony began, and the camera had seemingly been moved in closer, so that he appeared larger on the screen. On the witness stand, Polanski denied that he had tried to seduce the Scandinavian model, calling the anecdote "an abominable lie" which showed "callous indifference" to his wife's murder. He admitted under cross-examination, however, that a month after his wife's murder he had begun having sex again, on a casual basis. He also admitted that he had been in Elaine's "around that period," in August 1969, but said that the only time he had gone there he had been with Mia Farrow.
Farrow came to give testimony on his behalf, and her arrival caused a commotion both outside the courthouse and within Court No. 13. She is still child-like at 60 and came across as slightly dazed and waifish. Farrow, who in 1968 had starred in Rosemary's Baby, recalled meeting Polanski at Elaine's after Tate's death. She testified that he was a wreck when she saw him.
Asked if she had remained with him the whole night, Farrow said that she wasn't sure, but that she thought her then boyfriend, the conductor André Previn, had picked them up. According to her original statement, she thought they might have dropped Polanski off at his hotel, the Essex House, on Central Park South, before driving to the airport for a flight to Martha's Vineyard. As most New Yorkers know, going from Elaine's, on Second Avenue and 88th Street, to Central Park South and then out to La Guardia in time for a dusk flight to the Vineyard would have meant that her dinner with Polanski would probably have had to end in the early evening. (Note to midwestern readers: This would seem unlikely, as Elaine's doesn't start hopping until 9 or 10.)
I felt that both Lapham and Perlberg proved to be solid, thoughtful witnesses. Lapham recounted the evening at Elaine's in terms similar to those which had appeared in the article. Confronted with the fact that Polanski had flown directly from London to Los Angeles after hearing of his wife's murder, Lapham admitted that it was impossible for the incident to have occurred before the burial of Sharon Tate, that it must have happened on Polanski's way back to London. Perlberg, a friend of Lapham's, is now a retired Wall Street executive. The London tabloids referred to him as a "financier." He recalled the evening as well. He testified that he did not see or hear Polanski's reported advances on his date. But Perlberg said that he did recall Polanski's sitting beside her and that she stood up suddenly and asked to leave.
I felt that both Lapham and Perlberg proved to be solid, thoughtful witnesses. Lapham recounted the evening at Elaine's in terms similar to those which had appeared in the article. Confronted with the fact that Polanski had flown directly from London to Los Angeles after hearing of his wife's murder, Lapham admitted that it was impossible for the incident to have occurred before the burial of Sharon Tate, that it must have happened on Polanski's way back to London. Perlberg, a friend of Lapham's, is now a retired Wall Street executive. The London tabloids referred to him as a "financier." He recalled the evening as well. He testified that he did not see or hear Polanski's reported advances on his date. But Perlberg said that he did recall Polanski's sitting beside her and that she stood up suddenly and asked to leave.
Polanski said that he could barely recall a thing about his time in New York during that period. (Indeed, in his earlier letters of complaint, he said he had no memory of having been in New York at the time.) He was dependent on Farrow's recollections. Our two witnesses spoke with confidence about what they saw and heard that night, but they were rigorously cross-examined on the details of the evening.
Now is as good a time as any to review why the man whose good name we were accused of besmirching and on whose reputation the jury had to place a value could not be in the courtroom that week. In early 1977, Polanski, then 43, had been hired to photograph some girls for a French fashion magazine. He was directed to one young girl, whom he met with her mother at their home in Woodland Hills, in Los Angeles. The girl was 13. She had a dog and a pet bird. "I was rather disappointed," Polanski wrote in his autobiography. "[She] was about my own height, slim and quite graceful, with an unexpectedly husky voice for her age—a good-looking girl, but nothing sensational."
A week after that first encounter, Polanski drove back to the girl's house in his rented Mercedes, and the pair went for a walk in the hills so that he could take some photographs. According to the girl's subsequent grand-jury testimony, he told her to take off her top, and he shot her breasts.
A few weeks later Polanski turned up at the house in Woodland Hills again and said that he was going to take her to see a friend and that he wanted to shoot some more pictures, but that they had to hurry because the afternoon light was fading. The girl wanted to bring along a friend as a chaperone, she recalled in a recent interview, but Polanski talked her out of it. Her mother was unaware that she was alone with Polanski.
He drove her to his friend's house and began photographing her. Polanski poured her a glass of Cristal champagne from a bottle he had found in the fridge and refilled her glass from time to time. Polanski then led her outside to take pictures of her in a Jacuzzi. He produced a yellow vial, and they each took a part of a Quaalude. She said he urged her to remove more and more of her clothes until she was completely naked. According to the girl, Polanski began taking nude photos of her in the hot tub. And then he took his clothes off and joined her. When he attempted to grope her, she said, she rushed out and went inside to dry off. Polanski followed her into a bedroom, kissed her, and began to perform oral sex on her. She said she asked him to stop several times, whereupon he began to have intercourse with her. When he discovered that she was not on the pill, Polanski, ever the gentleman, withdrew, and then proceeded to sodomize the 13-year-old. Afterward, as he drove her home, the girl recalled, Polanski said: "Don't tell your mother about this, and don't tell your boyfriend, either. This is our secret."
The case absolutely floored the American public, even in the sexually libertine days of the late 1970s. Polanski was indicted on six counts—including sodomy and rape by use of drugs. After negotiations, he was allowed to plead guilty to one count of unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor, and the other charges were dropped. He spent a total of 42 days in jail undergoing psychiatric tests before fleeing the country in fear of a stiff prison sentence.
Under English law, the jury in London was permitted to hear only the outline of the formal conviction and not the background to the offense as testified to by the girl in front of the grand jury. The details I've mentioned could not be published in the U.K. during Polanski's suit against Vanity Fair; after the verdict, the reporting restrictions were lifted.
Thursday was the day for the barristers to wrap up their arguments. Polanski's case essentially boiled down to his insistence that he could not have been so unfeeling as to use his late wife's name in the manner described by Lapham. And that the director had been at Elaine's, but that he had gone to the restaurant after Sharon Tate's funeral and not before it, as our story had said.
His lawyers further stated that the incident had not occurred at all and that the defense witnesses should not be believed. Our side agreed that we had gotten the timing on the story wrong, but maintained that the incident happened substantially as stated. Furthermore, Shields argued, Polanski did not have the sort of personal reputation that is capable of being sullied. He elaborated on this by pointing out that, since Polanski was suing in a British court, any damage to his reputation was limited to those readers living in England and Wales, countries Polanski had not visited for 27 years.
When the jury retired to deliberate, both sides repaired to the hallway outside the court, where they gathered in two groups. That morning, a mystery woman had appeared in court. Polanski had been represented by Debra Tate, Sharon's sister, who sat in court for most of the trial, and later by his third wife, the actress Emmanuelle Seigner. But this woman was new. She had hair to her shoulders and bangs. She looked to be in her 40s or 50s and had an ample chest. But she was dressed like a little girl, in a shirt with a Peter Pan collar, buttoned up to the top, and a long skirt. We were interested in finding out who she was.
By that point, I was not feeling particularly encouraged. But as we headed to lunch, I had a moment's uplift. A nice-looking older fellow who was part of the city's maintenance crew was walking toward us, moving at a brisk pace and talking on a cell phone. Barely looking at me, he said "Love your magazine" as he passed. I turned around and said "Thanks!" He didn't stop or even slow down.
The jury deliberations went into Friday. By lunchtime, we still didn't have a verdict, and so my wife and I slipped out a back entrance and ducked into a pub across the street for a quick bite. The place was called the Seven Stars, named not for its food but for the seven provinces of Denmark. It had been named four centuries ago, long before the courts were built, when a river ran through the area. We walked in and were confronted by the publican, a sturdy, cheerful woman with claret-colored hair.
"Well, if it isn't Mr. Graydon Carter himself," she said, clearly a businesswoman who keeps abreast of the goings-on across the street. "Welcome to the Elaine's of London!"
Her name was Roxy Beaujolais, and she cast her arm out in a gesture meant for me to take in the room. "And over here," she said, "is our literary table." She motioned in the direction of a small, circular table where two female office workers were polishing off lunch.
"Now, a gentleman such as yourself will, I expect, be wanting a table."
I indicated that this was indeed the case.
"Fine, then, let me show you to one of our terrace tables." We walked out onto the street, where on the narrowest of sidewalks was the narrowest of tables. We sat down. The table wobbled. As Roxy was running through the specials, a cab pulled up, and through the window I could see the passenger. It was the mystery woman from the day before. She got out and Roxy rushed over to give her a hug and a kiss. She introduced us.
"Mr. and Mrs. Graydon Carter, I'd like you to meet Marilyn Lownes." We all said hello, and the mystery lady, now dressed much more provocatively than the day before, went into the pub. "You know who she is, don't you?" Roxy asked. "No," I replied. She said Marilyn was the wife of Victor Lownes, part owner and manager way back when of the London Playboy Club, and a friend and consort of Polanski's. Victor Lownes was ill and could not attend the trial in support of his old chum, and so his wife came in his stead.
Roxy indicated that Mrs. Lownes was a public figure in her own right. "You know why, don't you?" I said I didn't. "Why, she's the first Playboy Playmate to go full-frontal. You know, the tits, the bush, the whole thing!" Roxy is a woman of rare candor and social observation.
The verdict was less entertaining than lunch. The jury found for Polanski and asked for damages of around $100,000—a quarter of the maximum the judge said was possible to award for very serious cases. The trial over, Lapham, Perlberg, and I left the Royal Courts of Justice. Ahead of us was the wall of reporters and photographers who had been there all week. Other days I had tried to walk straight ahead and not look too dopey. This time, I had to stop and give a comment. I said this: "I find it amazing that a man who lives in France can sue a magazine that is published in America in a British courtroom. As a father of four children—one of whom is a 12-year-old daughter—I find it equally outrageous that this story is considered defamatory, given the fact that Mr. Polanski can't be here because he slept with a 13-year-old girl a quarter of a century ago. Nevertheless, it is interesting to see how the wheels of British justice move. I wish Mr. Polanski well. Now, if you'll excuse me, we have a magazine to put out."
The final word on the case belonged to Samantha Geimer, the woman who said Polanski had raped and sodomized her those many years ago. Now a married mother of three and living in Hawaii, she had her own opinion of the verdict. "The libel case makes no sense," she told The Mirror. "Surely a man like this hasn't got a reputation to tarnish?"
I was stirred but not shaken by the verdict. Richard Ingram, founder of Private Eye, eventually relinquished the reins to Ian Hislop, a younger man, not because he was tired of editing the magazine, he told me once, but because he was tired of the libel suits. The landmark decision to allow plaintiffs to sue in England from the comfort of their homes elsewhere will turn the country's court system into a souk for those shopping their libel cases. I pray I never wind up in a British libel trial again. If I do, look out, Dominick!
Graydon Carter is the editor of Vanity Fair. His books include What We've Lost (Farrar, Straus and Giroux), a critique of the Bush administration, and Oscar Night: 75 Years of Hollywood Parties (Knopf).
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