Johnny took Joan by the arm
And led her unto the haycock;
And yet he did her no harm,
Although he felt under her smock.
........Although he did touse her,
........Although he did rouse her
Until she backwards did fall,
........She did not complain
........Nor his kindness refrain,
But prayed him to put it in all.
De Love’s Masterpiece, 1683
João e Maria
João pegou Maria pelo braço
E gentil levou-a atrás da moita
Mas não lhe tirou nenhum pedaço:
Sob a saia, a sua mão afoita
........Só a pôs em desalinho
........Com o fervor dos carinhos.
E qual ela se deitou, matreira,
........Não opôs, tenho a certeza
........Nenhum estorvo à gentileza:
Pediu-lhe, antes, que a enfiasse inteira.
A monarch I’ll be when I lie by thy side.
And thy pretty hand my sceptre shall guide.
De Wit’s Cabinet, aprox. 1700
Um monarca eu serei quando, estendido ao teu lado,
O meu ceptro for por tua linda mão guiado.
Cum monachus monacham premeret gemibunda, ‘Mihi’ inquit
........‘Væ miseræ hæc ludrica perdo animam.’'
Quam pius antistes verbis solatur amicis,
........Inguinaque inguinibus, osculaque ora tegens,
‘Hos aditus ego præcludam, tu, ne exeat’ inquit,
........‘Quicquam animæ porta posteriore, cave’.
...........................George Buchanan (1506 - 1582)
As a monk was lying on top of a nun, she groaned out: “Alas I’m losing my soul in this sporting!’ The pious priest consoles her with loving words, covering her loins with his loins, her mouth with his lips. ‘I’ll close off these exits,’ he said, ‘you make sure that no part of your soul gets out by the back door.’
Se tu fussi ‘na carcarazza
e eu fussi 'nu rusignolu,
aprarissi ssa hiangazza
mu ti ‘mbiscu stu pisciolu.
Folclore da Calábria
Se tu fosses uma pega
e se eu fosse um bacurau,
farias da tua greta
um ninho para o meu pau.